
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 17, 2013

TI-M members question president's integrity

Some members of Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) are questioning the integrity of their president Paul Low, a newly appointed minister in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's cabinet line-up.

Koris Atan, a TI-M member, said members were unhappy that Low had signed the 'Integrity Pledge' with Najib without getting the approval of the organisation's state executive committee.

He added that some questions were raised over Low's conduct at the organisation's annual general meeting in April. 

fomca vice president k koris atan 120611 02"Just because it involves the prime minister, he cannot take the upper hand and do things as he wishes, now that he has been appointed a minister, questions arise if this was part of the plan," Koris (right) toldMalaysiakini.

"Of course, we are happy for him, and applaud him for being appointed a minister but where is his integrity?" Koris asked.

He should have resigned before accepting the post, he added.

"TI-M is a watchdog for corrupt practices, with his integrity now in question, we wonder whether he can do a good job as a minister," he stressed.

"And we would certainly be watching him, too".
Low's background dragged in
Koris said Low had in 1998 been appointed to the National Economic Action Council by virtue of being an MCA member.

He questioned if now Low is picked for a role in the cabinet to represent the Chinese community, saying "I wonder what MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek has to say to that?"

Najib sprang a surprise yesterday when he announced three non-politicians, including Low, as senators and ministers with five others in his overcrowded department.

The other two non-politicians are P Waythamoorthy, who leads a Hindraf faction and former Maybank president and chief executive officer Abdul Wahid Omar.

NONEIn February, Najib and the BN component party leaders had signed the Integrity Pledge to show their seriousness in promoting clean elections in the face of mounting allegations of vote buying and money politics leading up to the May 5 polls.
Scorpene sub surfaces again 

Meanwhile, human rights lawyer Charles Hector expressed hope that Low would not turn a blind eye to but "would act to expose and eliminate" corruption in Najib's administration.

He advised Low not to assist in cover ups and get rid of all the bad apples within the cabinet and the government who are involved in corruption.
NONE"Perhaps one of the things Low should do is ensure Najib's full cooperation in the Scorpene (submarine) affair," he said, referring to the alleged RM7.3 billion scandal involving the purchase of two submarines from France in 2002 when Najib was defence minister.

Hector (left) suggested that Low should probably be "defacto anti-corruption minister" and with his presence, Malaysia may fare better in this year's Transparency International Corruption Perception Index.

In 2012, Malaysia's score was merely 49, with a country ranking of 54 together with the Czech Republic, Latvia and Turkey.

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