
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 16, 2013

UMNO ANGRY at losing popular vote: Najib to blame not PR - Guan Eng

UMNO ANGRY at losing popular vote: Najib to blame not PR - Guan Eng
By continuing to blame the Chinese community and 51% Malaysians that rejected BN and supported PR, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants to be a minority Prime Minister for only 47% of Malaysians. Malaysians are shocked by race-baiting that can only be described as hate crimes by UMNO leaders, Utusan Malaysia, an ex-judge and even a pro-Chancellor of a public university.
Such disgraceful conduct by so-called intellectuals reminds us of how Hitler suborned some sections of the educated elite in Germany to support his racist supremacy theories. Now UMNO supporters are proposing a boycott of some Chinese businesses. Is this the national reconciliation that Najib is talking about? UMNO has to decide whether it wants to adopt 1 Malaysia or continue down this dangerous path of no return.
UMNO is angry and in denial mode over losing the popular vote in the 13th general elections and PR becoming the first opposition coalition to win the popular vote in Malaysian history. Has UMNO analysed their mistakes why not only the Chinese, but also Indians, urban Malays, Kadazans and Ibans voters abandoned BN despite BN’s widespread abuse of money politics and threats to voters?
Rubbish candidates
How can UMNO expect not only non-Malay voters but also Malay voters, to support BN when it puts up racist candidates like Perkasa’s Zulkifli Noordin and Ibrahim Ali? How can UMNO expect not just Malay voters but also non-Malay voters, to support BN when UMNO proudly hugs MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek as its partner in power? Do not expect Malaysian voters regardless of race and religion to blindly support BN when its candidates symbolises everything that is wrong in BN by being either immoral, racist or corrupt.
If UMNO is angry at losing the popular vote to PR, PR is even more upset that we are not in power in Putrajaya despite winning a clear and unequivocal mandate in the general elections with 51% of the popular vote. PR and the 51% Malaysian voters who supported PR feel strongly that they have been cheated of victory.
PR have conducted peaceful rallies to press for polls reforms, a clean and neutral Election Commission and establishing a fair election process by respecting the “one-person, one-vote,one-value” principle. The overwhelming support for polls reforms in the nation-wide rallies organised by PKR demonstrates the people’s hunger for a fair election.
A Day Will Come…
BN and UMNO should realise that the paradigm shift in this general elections clearly shows that Malaysians do not want to live in the past of fear and hatred. Malaysians want to live in the future filled with hope where Malaysia is free from ignorance, free from poverty, free from repression of basic human rights and free from corruption.
To put the past behind us, we must demand good governance and performance from our ministers.  If we want to benefit from equal opportunities and realize our human potential, we must stop extremists from continually degrading others as inferiors so as to uplift ourselves.
We can only be prosperous together. The time has come to focus on the economy, in employment, education and business opportunities as the conditions for prosperity. We must build human talent and be performance-based.
A day will come when racial unity of one race will be replaced by national unity of all Malaysians regardless of race or religion. Where the May 13 tragedy will no longer haunt the nation but be replaced by May 5 as a celebration of how love and hope can overcome hatred and fear.
A day will come where the young, the old, men and women all of different colours will hold hands together to say “No” to race politics and religious extremism. Where those in power can not enjoy their corrupt ways by continuing to divide the nation.
A day will come where the power of the people will be more powerful than those people in power. Where change is inevitable, change is progress. As Victor Hugo said, “No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come”.

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