
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Uthayakumar : 'Traitor' Waythamoorthy diverted by personal agenda

Do read my comments at the end. 
  • The schism in Hindraf shows no signs of healing. 

  • Newly appointed deputy minister in the Prime Minister's department, P. Waytha Moorthy was slammed by his estranged brother Uthayakumar for his position in the just-formed Barisan Nasional cabinet.

  • In a text message, Uthayakumar said Waytha's appointment to Najib's team has nothing to do with the Indian rights group.

  • He said Waytha was sacked from Hindraf on April 25 for being 'a traitor' to the movement's 18-point demand cause and for joining BN.

  • "Waytha got diverted by his personal agenda and is a political opportunist," Uthayakumar said, adding that his own human rights and Indian activism spaces 'a consistent 24 long years'.

  • "Waytha joined Hindraf  only in 2007, ran away to London & took charge of Hindraf only on the day Uthayakumar was jailed 514 days under the Internal Security Act," Uthayakumar said. 

  • He also said Waytha was 'never a Hindraf'.

  • "Congratulations to Waytha as the latest Indian mandore! @ new Samy Vellu," Uthayakumar said, adding that Waytha made 'empty promises' and had 'zero delivery' 

  • He also pledged to continue leading Hindraf's 'anti BN crusade' .

  • Hindraf has been torn apart by internal strife ever since Waytha decided to accept PM Najib Razak's overtures to throw his support behind the BN coalition. Waytha's decision to make peace with BN - the same coalition Hindraf held street protests against in 2007 - did not go down well with other Hindraf leaders, most notably, his brother Uthayakumar. 

  • Less than three weeks before the polls, Waythamoorthy signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the BN government that was also headed by Najib then, purportedly to improve the Indian community’s economic position after negotiations with the federal opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) failed.

  • Just days after the signing of the document, his brother and Hindraf co-founder P. Uthayakumar said that Waythamoorthy was sacked as the movement’s chairman.

  • In 2007, Hindraf’s massive protest against the BN government under then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was crucial to the community’s rejection of BN in the 2008 general election, which led to the group being banned.

  • However, earlier this year in a strategically-timed move, the Najib administration agreed to lift the ban on the group in anticipation of the 13th general election.

  • The Indian community make up just about 950,000 of the country’s 13.3 million registered voters and is a significant minority in 60 of the 222 federal seats.
My comments :  There are a few more people who are celebrating Waythamoorthy's elevation to the Cabinet - maybe quietly.  

When the Hindraf ran wild in the streets in 2007, Indian friends advised me about a strong Hindu-extremist hand behind the scenes. (Hence the name : Hindraf.)  They said the links go back to India where elements of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) have influence among Hindus in Malaysia  - to take up the cudgel of Hindu rights vis a vis Muslims. 

(If you have time do click on the link I have provided above and educate yourselves about the RSS in India. Masalah orang kita ni depa tak suka baca. Kalau tak baca tak tahu apa benda lah.) 

In India the Hindu-Muslim divide is more pronounced  and far right groups like the RSS play a big part in keeping things stirred up.   

However the real objective of the RSS in India is to project Brahmin political dominance.   It is not without coincidence that Waythamoorthy the leader of the Hindraf in Malaysia (before his brother Uthayakumar kicked him out) is also a Brahmin.  Hence Waythamoorthy's elevation into the Malaysian Cabinet should be a casue of some celebration among his Brahmin network.  It is an achievement indeed.

With the Hindraf now in Cabinet, where does that place the MIC? Recall that in 2007 the Hindraf severely criticised the MIC for abandoning the Indians (Hindus).  The Hindraf projected itself as the champion of the Hindus in Malaysia. Their No. 1 enemy (among other No. 1 enemies) was Samy Vellu. 

(Despite everything that has been said about Samy Vellu, history will be totally stupid if it does not recognise Samy Vellu's huge contribution to the Indian community in Malaysia)

So now in Cabinet, how will Waythamoorthy deal with the MIC (Palanivel, Subramaniam, Saravanan and Kamalanathan?)  Or rather how will the PM deal with MIC and Waythamoorthy? It is not likely that they will see eye to eye.

Vis a vis the Indians, what will be Waythamoorthy's platform in Cabinet  compared to the MIC? Will Waytha object to MIC's programs and plans and vice versa?  Jangan pula Waytha tak mahu senyum kat MIC dan MIC tak mahu kawan dengan Waytha. Or will they be able to work together to benefit Malaysian Indians (and all other Malaysians as well)? 

I can sympathise with the MIC if they feel that their trust and loyalty of over five decades with the BN has now been intruded upon by Hindraf - whose platform is that they have a bigger claim on representing the Indians.  

However I see one huge fundamental difference which will make things even more difficult for the MIC versus Hindraf in Cabinet (and MCA versus DAP as well).

Both the MIC and the MCA accept the Federal Constitution including Article 153 on Malay special rights (or privileges or whatever other "special" you argue).   The DAP does not accept Article 153 and neither does the HIndraf.

(The PAS and the PKR cleverly remain silent on Article 153. Even those Melayu who say they oppose the NEP remain silent on Article 153. Kalau depa ni betul berani nak batalkan affirmative action (NEP) then request that Article 153 should be repealed. Berani tak? Kalau tak berani, then just keep quiet. Buat apa bising nak lawan NEP? Nampak bodoh aje.

The way forward for the MIC is not to fall into the trap set by the DAP or their cohort. Moving the Indians and the nation forward does not mean opposing Article 153. I think that is stupid. Work for efficiency, delivery, transparency and real commitment to helping all people. That will win greater support among all people.

Back to Waytha and the MIC - I hope the PM can handle them well. And here is some advice to Waytha - 'Dont play politics with the Malays'.  You can discuss this at the 'shakha'. 

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