
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, May 5, 2013

Voting day is finally here: God bless a NEW MALAYSIA

Voting day is finally here: God bless a NEW MALAYSIA
Yes. The time has come. This is the day. This is the hour. This is our moment. Let us do it. Just do it. Vote for justice. Vote for a clear future. Vote to rid this nation of its cancerous and blood sucking corrupt ways that have left Malaysians in need of RM1.39 a day aid.
Yes. March with unity in our hearts. Unite to see a true single nation for a single people – Malaysians. We must break free from the chains of race, religion and region divides that have crippled us into enemies amongst ourselves.
Yes. We are doing this not just for ourselves. We are voting for change for all those children in our cares and the millions more who will be born on this land that they will call home.
Yes. Let us not fall victims along the way. We will not fall into the temptress of BN. No money, no threats, no manipulations can rob us of the very values that our respective faiths teaches us.
Yes. We will not be cowed by any kind of threats. No Mat Rempits. No gangsters. No thuggish politicians. No bully can take that freedom from our hearts.
Yes. We are all Malaysians. We will define our future for us and for all Malaysians yet to be born.
Yes. Yes. Yes. We march onwards without losing that hope. We march without losing that courage.
Yes. Despite all the many odds stacked against us. Yes, despite all the hurdles thrown into our ways. Yes, despite all the beatings, brutality and frustrations we will deliver what the nation needs.
Yes. It is we the rakyat who will determine what we want and how we want and when we want for Malaysia and for all Malaysians.
Yes. Let us make the 5th of May what everyone is hoping for - The New, refreshing Malaysia. A nation that stands tall in the region; a nation that can be the ultimate example to the world out there.
Yes. God bless our vote. May the heavens have mercy and keep evil hearts imprisoned. Yes a New Malaysia and nothing less no matter how much the forces that be will hammer us from various angles.

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