
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 13, 2013

Wait for the next GE, Pakatan

This BN government is not reticent in using everything it has in its arsenal and at its disposal to ‘manage’ any threat to our national security - perceived or otherwise.
The huge crowd at the Pakatan rallies, especially in Kelana Jaya, would have given Najib Tun Razak food for thought.
The oratory on display would certainly have fuelled the adoring assembly into raptures of reverence and expectations of another tsunami, hopefully this time around to sweep Pakatan Rakyat into government.
‘Hari ni PR menang. Esok BN form Government’, ‘Tumbang, Tumbang! Tumbang BN’, ‘Tolak, Tolak! Tolak BN’, ‘BN curi keputusan pilihan raya!’, ‘SPR Tipu! SPR Bohong!’, ‘Mari ketawakan SPR. Ha Ha Ha!’, ‘Tolak Tangan Persahabatan BN’, ‘Kami anak Malaysia’, ‘Kami Pahlawan Rakyat!’.
And of course the ringing, familiar heart rendering calls of “RE…FOR…MASI!”
And then the diminutive much loved figure of Pejuang Sastera Pak Samad greeted us with a “Salam Ubah” and proceeded to recite his “Ibu Segala Tipu” – written just three hours before the meet in Kelana Jaya.
The crowd was primed for Anwar – the people’s prime minister chosen by 52% of Malaysians. Anwar tells us that he “naik kereta, naik motor, jalan kaki dan berlari” to get to be with the them, and they were ready for anything Anwar had to say, and will do what he would ask them to do.
Anwar Ibrahim declared that he will begin a fight to the finish between a peaceful Pakatan Rakyat against a corrupt and arrogant Barisan Nasional. And he will not rest until justice is done, democracy is restored and the 13th general election win illegally taken from Pakatan Rakyat by BN is given back to Pakatan.
‘Kita akan lawan sampai menang’
In two weeks, Anwar promised, the Bersih Tribunal will provide proof that 30 parliamentary seats were illegally won by BN.
And Anwar promised that it will not end there. Every corner of the country will be visited, Sabah and Sarawak included, to tell the people that Pakatan Rakyat have had the general election stolen from them by BN.
And it will not end until this Suara Rakyat from Pakatan Rakyat, this Suara Keramat has been heeded by the BN government. After all it was BN that “curi keputusan pilihan raya, bukan Pakatan’.
If Anwar wanted to bolster his flagging image after Pakatan Rakyat’s results in the 13th GE – he succeeded.
If Anwar wanted to prime his supporters for the second coming of refomasi as we know if after his ouster as DPM – he succeeded.
What he did not succeed in doing was to pursue in a calm and collected manner, his misgivings for the voting irregularities in the 13th GE.
What he did not succeed in doing was to defuse the already inflamed and volatile passion within so many diehard supporters of Pakatan who are ready to go out and create havoc and mayhem in our community because they are told that BN has stolen the GE from Pakatan.
If we are to descend into the hellfire of May 13-type of chaos that will consume our nation as Pakatan fight a battle it cannot win against the police and the army, this is the best way to do it.
If Pakatan is to give BN an opportunity to rule by decree because our country’s national security is at risk – this is the best way to do it.
There must surely be another way forward for Pakatan Rakyat. Many have voiced their misgivings about a Pakatan-led by Anwar, a leader who could, would and did inflame the masses during his reformasi days.
Wait for the next GE
This is the same Anwar who announced the Sept 16 takeover of the BN government, the leader who took refuge in the Turkish embassy, the same Anwar who presided over his party’s questionable elections and that same Anwar that has, from time to time, emerged to make us question who the real Anwar is – and if so, could we trust that Anwar?
On Saturday night in Penang, and the previous Thursday in Kelana Jaya, the question again arose when he whipped those in the venue into a frenzy.
It sent chills down the spine of those who see the results of the 13th general election as a positive outcome for our nation because by that result, we can now lay claim to having a two party system that can effectively police each other for the benefit of everyone.
In the 12th general election BN lost its two third majority but still won positively. In this 13th general election, BN can only claim victory on a simple majority.
Following the upswing for Pakatan, it should build on these gains, consolidate its strengths and start the final push towards the 14th general election where victory, much deserved and overdue, may finally be achieved.
Instead we have this – a gathering that could rival that held during Hitler’s time where the masses were moved into a frenzy by the oratory of Hitler and the mass hypnotic spell of Nazi Germany.
We have no need of this in Malaysia. If you think we do, then you need to understand that this BN government is not reticent in using everything it has in its arsenal and at its disposal to ‘manage’ any threat to our national security – perceived or otherwise.
If this BN government considers any attempts to publicise the contents of its IPP agreements as a threat to national security, imagine what it would do to you if you attempt to do what Pakatan now wants you to do.
You have seen what the police have done to “peaceful” demonstration undertaken by Bersih. We have seen what the police have done to reformasi activists in the days of old.
Let us not go back to those days. We have a strong opposition supported by 52% of the people. We now have the ability to know what handbag Rosmah is wearing on any given day, what Dr Mahathir did under project IC, what an ex-chief justice once did during his randy days, who Khir Toyo took to Disneyland using the rakyat’s money and more, much more.
Surely Pakatan is now in a position to do more in parliament with an increase in its ranks and with 52% of the people backing it.
Get on with the business of being in opposition and doing government in the states still with you. You owe that much to the millions that have cast their votes Pakatan’s way – no more, no less.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist

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