
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

‘We want development, not dams’

A protest by about 300 people against the contruction of dams in Sarawak was held outside the venue where the International Hydropower Association is holding its biennial congress.
PETALING JAYA: About 300 indigenous people and a NGO, Save Sarawak’s Rivers Network (Save Rivers), protested against dam constructions in Sarawak this morning.
The 300 people are community members from Bengoh, Murum and Bakun and also community members from the proposed dam sites at Baram and Limbang who are directly affected by the dam constructions in their respective areas.
The protest was held outside Borneo Convention Centre in Kuching, which was the venue for the International Hydropower Association’s (IHA) biennial congress.
The group of people were dressed in blue, and stating ‘No More Damns’, protested for about an hour since 10.30am today. They also carried banners that read ‘Respect Native Rights’, ‘Stop Baram Dam’, and ‘IHA Stop Collaborating With Corrupt Regime’.
“Indigenous communities are voicing their opposition to the dams being built on our land. We were not given a voice inside the IHA congress so we are using our voices here in the form of a protest,” Mark Bujang who is Save Rivers’ secretary general said in a press statement today.
Members of the community affected by the dam constructions also spoke up at the protest.
“We all came to Kuching today to show IHA, Sarawak Energy and the Sarawak government that despite what they say, we disagree with the dams.
“I live in a dam affected area so it is too late for us but I do not want see others suffer as we have,” said Ngajang Midin from Long Ayah, a community affected by the Bakun Dam.
Johannes from Long San, Baram, said that people in Baram are up in arms against the proposed Baram Dam.
“We know the government plans on building a dam in the Baram area. Our ancestral lands will be flooded, and we will loose our land and livelihoods.
“We have learned from Bakun and Murum Dams. The government only thinks about how to make money with the dams but they don’t care about us. We want development but not dams.
During the one hour protest, the executive director of the IHA heard out Bujang’s objection and spoke briefly to Bujang.
Alternative meeting
In relation to this protest, Save Rivers announced that they would hold an alternative conference at the Riverside Majestic Hotel tomorrow.
This alternative conference will feature ex-Australian senator and environmentalist Bob Brown.
When contacted, Save Rivers media liaison officer Brihannala Morgan told FMT that they are currently facing some hiccups in securing the hotel as their venue for the alternative conference.
“They are a bit worried after finding out that we organised a protest this morning. We are in the midst of convincing them to allow us use their venue. We are also looking at other options,” said Morgan.
[photos courtesy of Bruno Manser Fonds]

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