
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 15, 2013

BN’s ‘stupid moves’

Looks like the Malaysian political climate (as well as the weather) is getting to be erratic although the 13th General Election has been concluded more than a month ago.
Shortly after the 2004 general election, the BN government leaders used to say to the opposition: “Opposition, shut up and follow the majority.” This was said due to BN’s thumping win at the March 2004 polls.
Four years later, in 2008 that insult was also hurled at the opposition but on a less frequent basis.
Now in year 2013, they would still be using that insult against the opposition as they have won 133 Parliamentary seats but as their popular vote is less than the opposition, they would be stupid to use that insult.
However in a show of unlimited stupidity, BN’s cybertroopers argue that BN has got more popular votes than either DAP, PKR or PAS based on an individual party basis. Their contention is that the opposition’s popular votes have to be pegged to the individual parties and not Pakatan Rakyat as a whole because Pakatan is not a registered entity with the Registrar Of Societies (ROS). Of course Pakatan is not a registered entity. We do not need to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce who is the one blocking Pakatan from getting registered as a single coalition.
In the realm of social media especially in Facebook, those who are pro-Pakatan have shot down the arguments of the BN cybertroopers with comments such as “Have you taken your daily dose of medicine?” or “Janganlah bergaya sangat nak tunjukkan kebodohan awak tu.”
Although BN has won more seats than Pakatan, the fact that they have lost the popular vote must be gnawing at their gut. And this makes them come up with nonsensical and irrational arguments beyond the realm of logic.
Simply put, BN won due to the votes of ignorant voters and due to seat-shenanigans (rural areas having less voters but given more seats). Therefore they are now trying to “recapture” the popular vote via some spin in order to regain some sort of credibility. Nonetheless it is a futile attempt.
Why fear the rallies?
The second incident of stupidity in the Malaysian political scenario involves the KL Black 505 Rally. As Pakatan has already postponed it from June 15 to June 22, it should be allowed to go on unhindered.
Why is KL City Hall coming up with one excuse after another that the venue (Padang Merbok) has something on not only on June 15 but also on June 22? If the rally is further postponed to June 29, you can bet your bottom dollar that on that day too there will also be something on.
No one can blame the ordinary public for thinking that there is too much of a coincidence in this.
To hinder Pakatan from holding these rallies will only show that the government is afraid of Pakatan. If BN won the general election in a clean and fair manner as what they have always claimed, what are they afraid of? Just let the rallies go on, after a while Pakatan will get tired.
The third stupid move of BN if it comes to pass pertains to sidelining the Chinese in terms of boycotting Chinese companies/products and blocking the allocation to Chinese schools. Those who propose these ideas are definitely stupid and crazy because this move is a disservice to the nation in terms of national unity.
If the Chinese are sidelined, the whole world will know that the government is practising unhealthy race-based policies and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak will thus lose respect in the eyes of other world leaders. Surely he will not want that as he has always harped on “moderation” on the world stage.
No sane and rational person can comprehend the vindictiveness of these crazy people towards the Chinese after the 13th General Election. After all, BN still formed the federal government although they failed to regain the 2/3 Parliamentary majority. Those who urge that action be taken to sideline the Chinese have obviously forgotten that BN also lost the 2/3 majority in 2008.
“Their obsession with the 2/3 figure has clouded their judgement and fueled their vendetta against the Chinese. They must realise that if not for the Malays who voted for Pakatan, Selangor would be in BN’s grasp today. This means that BN won the vote of the rural Malays but not so much of the urban Malays,” said PAS Shah Alam MP, Khalid Samad, commenting on the crazy idea put forward to the prime minister.
Khalid’s PAS colleague Nizar Jamaluddin, opined that “Najib’s 1Malaysia is thus shown as a gimmick to secure the non-Malay vote and therefore now that the polls are over, this slogan can be thrown into the dustbin.”
Najib definitely must not listen to poisonous suggestions put forward to him as he wants to be the PM for all Malaysians.
Looks like the Malaysian political climate (as well as the weather) is getting to be erratic although the 13th General Election has been concluded more than a month ago. Hopefully both sides of the political divide will strive to be calm and rational at all times for the sake of peace, harmony and stability.

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