
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 2, 2013


Does HE know that since 2000 there has been 218 deaths in police custody?
Does HE know that there has been 3 deaths in police custody within the last 11 days?
Does HE know why MACC has not been held accountable for the death of Teoh Beng Hock and Sarbaini while they were in their custody?
Does HE know why Mindef agreed to pay Razak Baginda RM500 million for services rendered to the Malaysian Government in the purchase of the Scorpene submarines?
Did HE know that Royal titles are being sold like in 2006 Mohd Ali Baharom (a Malay Army Veteran Association head) had paid a whopping RM250,000 in order to be called a 'Datuk'.
Was HE made aware that according to a report by influential London-based daily The Guardian, a Tax Justice Network's researcher  estimated that US$283 billion (RM892 billion) has been transferred to tax havens from 1970 to 2010 an amount that is three and a half times more than Malaysia's foreign debt of RM257.2 billion in 2011 and is second to Nigeria (US$306 billion or RM964 billion?
Was HE told that the TOL companies have thus far collected more than RM20 billion and the government is still giving them license to plunder and pillage the rakyat?
Is HE made aware that despite 1Malaysia 100 big companies set up, owned and managed by Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by Malays since 1970s, e.g. UTC, UMBC, MISC, Southern Bank as happened to rice millers in Kedah and Chinese owned bus transport companies?
Was  HE informed  that the daughter of the recently-retired chief secretary to the government, Mohd Sidek Hassan, despite any proven track record in the energy field has the “lion’s share” in the newly introduced renewable alternative energy scheme (FiT)?
Was it ever revealed to HIM the wastages generated by:
The BMF scandal………     … RM3.2 billion                                     
The Maminco scandal..……… RM 1.6 billion
The Forex losses scandal…… RM30 billion
The Perwaja steel scandal……RM 2.56 billion
The submarines commission...RM500 million
Bank Islam losses and bailout..RM700 million                                  
The PKFZ scandal....................RM 12 billion                                    
Sime Darby losses....................RM964 million
Terengganu Stadium collapse.. RM292 million
NFC CowGate scandal………  RM250 milion
Bailout of MAS (twice)…………RM7.9 billion
Defence Ministry paying RM1,146 for a RM160 technical pen
Youth and Sports Ministry buying a RM50 carjack for RM1,664
Paying RM 2.57 million to deceased pensioners                             
 MARA Training Centre paying RM25,500 for 150 kg of sugar                                                                                                                                                            Tourism Ministry overpaying almost RM270  million for advertisements
Marine Parks Dept paying RM56,350 for night binoculars valued at RM1,940
TNB spending RM770,000 to supply power to a single house
Was HE told this truth that while the federal debt on paper inches closer to the 55 percent of GDP threshold, the “true debt” as of December 2011 was RM573 billion, or a whopping 67 percent of the GDP which included contingent liabilities such as government guarantees and “off balance sheet” borrowings. In 2009, these hidden debts totalled RM84 billion, which increased to RM117 billion in 2011. Five years ago, our government borrowings stood at RM250 bil but now it has reached RM520 billion. If we include the borrowings of GLCs such as MAS, TNB and others, total borrowings would hit almost RM700 bil.
Was HE informed that Malaysia (USD350 billion) is #5 in the top 10 list of countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2000 and 2009?
Was HE made aware that the MACC is a declawed, debarked, toothless and tethered watchdog?
Was HE duly informed the 3 Ministers in the new Cabinet was sworn in without being appointed Senators?
Was HE told why Sharizat and her Family are still not been held accountable for the debacle in NFC?
Was HE told that people who have never registered to vote is on the electoral roll?
Did HE know that foreigners were given Malaysian IC and citizenship to vote in GE13?
Was HE told that among the 92 percent valid addresses, 74 percent of the voters can be recognised, but only 31 percent out of the recognisable voters resided at their listed addresses?
Was HE told that the Fatwa approved indelible ink was diluted to dissolve some haram elements in the ink?
HE was definitely not told that an audit on the electoral roll has revealed a shockingly large number of dubious voter records, a total of about 200,000.

If HE, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong was adequately and timely informed of the above would HE have urged the rakyat to accept the results of GE13 and to support efforts by PM to restore national understanding?

To ensure that in future the Agong is truthfully informed of things of importance during his weekly meeting with the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister must bring along as companion the Opposition Leader of Parliament!


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