
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 17, 2013

Mahathirism is no longer the gold standard

YOURSAY 'Mahathir has allowed easy access of his friends (termed as cronies in the literature) to national resources and to rent-seek them for a song.'

Dr M wants gov't to take hard line against opposition

your sayCala: Mahathirism is no longer the gold standard. Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has lived past his prime.

Gone are the days in his zealousness to implement ‘developmentalist state' - the state-led economy means central control to everything under the sun and the people has little input.

In the process, and as expected, Mahathir allowed easy access of his friends (termed as cronies in the literature) to national resources and to rent-seek them for a song.

When Abdullah Ahmad Badawi succeeded him, the slogan was ‘Do not work for me, work with me'. So one sees a friendlier environment for the market and the people.

PM Najib Razak came to the scene after Abdullah was weakened by the 2008 Tsunami. Najib also chooses to abandon Mahathir's hard-nose treatment of the economy:

i) He repealed ISA and replaced it with a friendlier version;
ii) Allows public rallies; and
iii) No censorship of Internet.

Put simply, the mainstream thinking is this - autocratic rule retards economic development. Indeed, Mahathirism is no longer relevant.

Bersih Generation Malaysian: Mahathir, who is to take a hard stand against your racist remark and your protégé, Perkasa? After all, bashing Chinese and opposition is your speciality.

I believe you had lost touch with reality, you can bring along your barbaric thinking to six feet under.

LifeGoesOn: The majority of the rakyat wants a government to be a bit tough and not give face to the past leader. This is the reason Pakatan Rakyat getting more than 51 percent of the popular votes.

So the BN government should investigate alleged corruption involving Mahathir, how he spend the billions of Petronas money, and how one of his sons get his wealth to become the Top 15 richest individuals in Malaysia.

Reason: What a man. I loved him when he was PM and love him now even more. He has what it takes to be a great leader.

The rakyat have decided - BN rules, get those who try to create trouble put away, bring back ISA (Internal Security Act) - it's the best medicine for these rogues.

They do not want to acknowledge that 47 percent voted BN, DAP got 20 percent, PAS got 16 percent or so and PKR got 15 percent, so who is the majority? Indeed, the majority want Pakatan out.

Fernz: Even in those countries where the government has popular support, they cannot just simply wag their tails. The people and the media will not stand for it.

In Malaysia, the ruling BN obtained only 47 per cent of the votes cast. If all eligible voters are tallied, this 47 percent shrinks even further to about 25 percent.

BN won its first 112 seats with just 20 per cent of the votes cast. If all eligible voters are tallied, this 20 percent shrinks to less than 10 percent. That's weaker than weak.

Whatsup: Fasten your seat belt, the worst is coming ... soon this devil will spew even more venom and it's most vile, and he's stirring his big cauldron of evil curses for all.

Such is this man who won't quit until he destroys us. Why do some weaklings still support this man who has nothing humane in him, except for billions and billions in wealth?

Mahashitla: At the age of 88, Mahathir, you are still as cruel as you were two to three decades back. You had a hand in the May 13 riots. You sacked the judiciary and put your opponents away under ‘Ops Lalang'.

Anyone who stood in your way or who was a threat was severely dealt with, just like your former deputy, Anwar Ibrahim. Now you want Najib to be oppressive like you, but I think the open access to information is not going to allow that to happen.

In other words, Mahathir, BN can no longer lied to the people. BN is now a minority government and its legitimacy is in doubt due to fraud. Mahathir, you should be the last person to talk of the nation's democratic system.

Clearly, you should be hanged for your Project IC.

Swipenter: "Langkawi International Dialogue (LID) 2013 which began since Sunday, was participated by six countries - Namibia, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Lesotho and Botswana."

Mahathir is singing the tune of those leaders who are noted to be "tough on opposition."

P Dev Anand Pillai: What on earth is the use of having a dialogue with African nations, some of which are economic basket cases? Try competing with our own neighbours first.

Armchair Newspaper: When poor African leaders come on the junket, they're obliged to lend their blocked ears to Mahathirism at its best.

Lee Kuan Yew spoke at Yale University or have audiences with eminent world leaders after he retired and BBC or Reuters would carry the news.

While Mahathir would pay his poor African friends to listen to his garbage and only Bernama would carry the news. So I say people, just ignore him.

Podeh: Namibia, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Lesotho and Botswana, the company we keep stands out like the Sun's page 3 girls; we are immodest aren't we, when so many others are available.

"During my time, I instructed all the ministers to go to the ground...," said Mahathir.

During his time, he also zipped the mouths of those who did not toe the line. Najib is too soft, he should let Mahathir taste a bit of African policing power.

NoCorruption: "During my time..." Please lah, your time has expired. - Malaysiakini

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