
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Makan, minum at teh tarik stall and kopitiam

Tota takes another trip to a local watering hole and discovers even more nuggets of political gossip.
A teh tarik stall - Photograph: Wikipedia
A teh tarik stall – Photograph: Wikipedia
Nazri, the previous de facto Law Minister classified ordinary Malaysians as the “Nobodys”.
But the comments by the so-called “Nobodys” on every spectrum of national life display perception, understanding and wisdom. I believe it is these people that the incognito Special Branch seek out when they are asked to take the political pulse on the ground. (JP stands for Joe Public/Jane Public.)
JP1: Najib has formed his so-called Dream Cabinet.
JP2: Abdullah Badawi is said to have had a dreamy Cabinet at which the Captain literally and metaphorically slept on the job.
JP1: Understandable, lah. He had just got married. …
JP2: Najib did not heed Mahathir’s call to get rid of the deadwood in his Cabinet. Most of the deadwood are back in inaction. It will be the goon show all over again!
JP1: The MCA, led by their ex-Presidents, are after Soi Lek’s head. It looks as if he will lose his job sooner than later.
JP2: If that happens he can seek to be President of the MACC – Malaysian Association of Chinese Comedians.
JP1: Zulkifli Noordin made highly seditious remarks about the Indians, their religion and their gods.
JP2: A goon of an AG has allowed him to run loose to do further damage.
JP1: Najib chose him as a candidate for GE13. He even stupidly suggested that Zulkifli Noordin is the saviour of the Indians.
JP2: I feared that he might appoint him as a Minister to handle Indian affairs.
JP1: Then Najib would not have needed Waythamoorthy.
JP1: Power-drunk Zahid is going amok threatening the Opposition, critics of the government, dissenters and student leaders and arresting them for sedition.
JP2: The crime rate is soaring. He says he is watching “every speeches” of Kit Siang and Guan Eng. He doesn’t even know that after “every” he must use the singular.
JP1: Remember he said that “proportionate representation” is unsuitable for Malaysia. He doesn’t even know that it is “proportional representation.”
JP3: He was speaking England – not English – like currency smuggler, Mohammad Taib b Mohammad.

 Even the Al-Qaeda or Taliban spokemen on TV speak better English than our ministers or ex-Prime Ministers. Their English moves you to tears. Apa nama?
JP1: Najib announced that after a very bruising GE13 campaign, he wants reconciliation to move forward.
JP2: But he demonstrates neither the will nor the power to move forward.
JP1: Zahid is going over the top, charging Opposition leaders, critics, dissenters and student leaders with sedition.
JP2: Confiscation of Harakah, the Rocket and Suara Keadilan is an attempt to keep the rakyat in the dark about crimes committed by Umno-dominated BN.
JP3: When a government loses its moral authority, it will always resort to physical authority.
JP1: Pakatan Rakyat is filing 36 election petitions to seek legal redress for a tainted electoral roll and an improperly conducted elections.
JP2: The Pakatan Rakyat’s grievances are many and the EC is perceived as pro-BN.
JP3: The BN has always maintained that the EC is independent and the elections are free and fair and were conducted flawlessly and faultlessly. But the BN has filed 21 election petitions.
JP1: The dullards in BN haven’t realised that by doing so they openly admit that all was not well with GE13.
JP1: There was a call by someone for a Treason Act to punish those who insult our beloved royalty.
JP2: We have enough laws to tackle the problem. There are other actions of people that can be considered equally treasonous.
JP1: I agree. Those who destroy constitutional provisions, those who steal, rob and plunder the nation’s wealth and launder it in secret accounts overseas should be charged with treason too.

 It is sad that the Malaysian public is not a reading public.
JP2: It is said that an average Malaysian reads only a quarter of a page per year! How can we become a progressive and developed society?
JP3: A professor told me that at his university the most popular magazine among students is Gila-Gila.
JP1: Perhaps the students are trying to understand Umno-dominated BN politics.
JP2: The adults are no better. The fiction and non-fiction best seller lists show that a rubbishy book like “Doctor in the house” made it to the list but an excellent book like “Liberating the Malay mind” by M Bakri Musa hass yet to make it to the list.
JP3: It’s sad. Razaleigh called “Doctor in the house” comedianstrip and a book of lies.

Tota is the pseudonym of a regular contributor to our Thinking Allowed Online section.- ALIRAN

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