
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 2, 2013

'Make custodial death priority in coming Parliament'

P Uthayakumar's Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) wants Pakatan Rakyat to make the issue of deaths in police custody the top priority in the coming sitting of Parliament.

hindraf uthayakumar klang invite 040412"Better late than never. We call upon the top leaders of Pakatan Rakyat and also leaders of the Indian poor to jointly move this matter as their first priority (by tabling) an emergency motion when Parliament convenes," Hindraf de facto leader Uthayakumar (left) said in a statement today.

The motion, he said, should, among others, call for murder charges to be swiftly filed against the police officers responsible for incidents of death-in-custody.

Uthayakumar said the motion should also call for the setting up of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) and for full legal aid to be given to detainees earning under RM5,000 a month, as well as the stationing of legal aid lawyers at all police stations.

karuna death in custodyEngineer P Karuna Nithi (right), who was founddead last night while awaiting bail at the Tampin district police headquarters lock-up in Negri Sembilan, became the third death in custody victim in less than two weeks.

Uthayakumar said had the Pakatan leaders been more vocal about the matter, the recent repeat deaths would not have taken place.

"Three killings in police lock-ups in 11 days and all of them are Indian victims. When we point out the likes of these institutional racism, (PKR de facto leader) Anwar Ibrahim calls Hindraf racist, extremist and being equal to Perkasa.

"If only Anwar, (PAS president) Abdul Hadi Awang and (DAP national adviser) Lim Kit Siang had also taken a strong and pro-active stance like they did with the deaths of Teoh Beng Hock, Aminulrasyid Amzah and others, regardless of the victims being Indian poor or whether the cases lacked political mileage.

"Hundreds, if not at least these latest police killings, may not have taken place," he said.

Uthayakumar's brother, P Waythamoorthy who is now a deputy minister in the Prime Minister's department, heads the Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia, which was official registered in that name on March 8.

Waythamoorthy had on May 30 called for the suspension of four police officers implicated in the death-in-custody of N Dhamendran on May 21, after they were assigned to desk duties pending investigation.

'Lock-up the cops responsible'

Meanwhile, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today called on the government to heed the call by Dhamendran's widow that the police officers responsible for the Dhamendran's death be arrested, since the autopsy report showed he was tortured, suffering 52 differentinjuries before dying.

dap special meeting 110313 lim guan eng"DAP is shocked by Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's inhumane and irresponsible attitude towards this tragic custodial death in saying the policemen involved should not be suspended from duty lest the police force is demoralised.

"Such callous remarks shows that Zahid is not fit to be home minister as he is not protecting public safety regardless of who commits crimes, whether they are lawless criminals or policemen or duty," Lim said.

The failure of the government and police to act, he added, has tarnished their reputation and devalued Dhamendran's death, as if he was worth less than any other Malaysian citizen.

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