
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 17, 2013

Najib should take a hard line on Dr M

YOURSAY 'And tell Mahathir also that he is the cause of BN losing two-thirds majority and not winning Selangor back.'

Dr M wants gov't to take hard line against opposition

your say2 Tim 1:7: It is indeed a tragedy that the old coot does not realise that his superannuated tricks to divide Malaysian society along ethnic fault lines are not working.

The question all right-thinking Malaysians are asking today is how have Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his sons become so obscenely rich. Will they declare their assets publicly and explain how they acquired them?

If it can be established that their wealth is not legitimate, then they must be caned in public and given long custodial sentences.

EvenSteven: Can someone enlighten me? Just what does Mahathir mean when he says get tough with the opposition and don't give them face?

Touche: PM Najib Razak should be man enough to tell Dr M to shut up. Tell him also that he is the cause of BN losing two-thirds majority and not winning Selangor back.

Mushiro: The only way for Najib to survive in Umno is for him to take a hard line against Mahathir.

Najib has allowed Mahathir a free hand in corruption, his racist comments, his Perkasa antics, his demands for position for his incapable son and this had led to Najib's weak position in Umno.

It will seem that Najib is easily manipulated by Mahathir and this worries the majority of Malaysians. Najib better show his independence and shut Mahathir up to prove his leadership.

Simple Analogy: As someone said, our culture obliged that we respect the elders, especially those above 80, as the human cycle is completing as how it begins.

If I come across someone at that age talking nonsense, I would grit my teeth and put on a smile. But I'm not sure I will do the same in the presence of this old man who is spreading lies and hatred and trying to destroy this country.

It's kind of sad for any man to walk into the sunset like that. My deepest sympathy to him. At least, Tunku Abdul Rahman was still revered by the common people even though he was strategically sidelined by this wicked man.

Justice Seeker: "He (Mahathir) said the opposition who wanted to recognise the people's choice changed overnight when they failed to get majority support in the 13th general election (GE13)."
What you mean the opposition didn't get majority support, or is it that the 47 percent for BN more than the 51 percent for the opposition?

Lvbala: Time never changes, but people do. Mahathir has not changed, but the people have through time.

The rakyat changed by opening their eyes. Those days, they have been blinded with TV3 and RTM. Now the rakyat can't be blinded. It's a borderless world and everyone is seeking the truth. They have found it. They can't be denied.

Adsertor: Mahathir is still living in the 80s. He still thinks the government can behave as it wants without accountability to the rakyat.

This hugely unpopular government must watch its every step. It does not have the support of the urban and sub-urban population. It is an ‘ulu' government - remote and removed.

Malaysian Born: Actually the person who should not be given any face is Mahathir. He has done nothing but acted as a divisive element sowing disunity and the most base racial sentiments, reaching the heights of hypocrisy while doing it.

Whatever the ruling government needs to do, it must distance itself from these agents of disunity with their mafia-like bullying behaviour.

Apolitical Observer: I have no words already to vent my anger at this bigoted moron except just to pray in silence for the mercy of the good god - either remove him from the earth or give us the ability to become immune to his insanity.

TehTarik: Malaysia was lucky in the 1990s as FDIs (foreign direct investments) flowed into Southeast Asia from Japan because of the Plaza currency accord. The expensive yen forced many Japanese manufacturers to relocate overseas.

It had little or nothing to do with Mahathir's policies. What was even more glaring was the tens of billions that the old man lost through various failed mega projects and BNM (Bank Negara Malaysia) interventions.

Until today, no one has been held responsible for the huge losses the country suffered. His megalomaniac mind built dozens of useless white elephants.

The father of racism is responsible for our worsening racial polarisation, the falling educational standards, unemployed graduates, loss of English proficiency, high road tolls, sweetheart IPP (independent power producer) deals, corruption of institutions like the judiciary and police, issuing of citizenship to millions of illegal foreigners, etc, etc.

This man should be charged for a host of crimes that he has committed against his own people.

Perak Boleh: Mahathir, your 22-year rein of terror over the rakyat have create a split and distrust among the races which until today you still wanted to pursue your objective of racial polarisation.

Rakyat-in-grief: I wonder why the family members of Mahathir do not ask him to stop his dirty/racial politics in spite of his age and getting all these curses from the public?

Are they not reading all the reader comments in Malaysiakini? Mahathir, because of your ancestral links to Kerala, the people of Kerala, though innocent, are getting insulted for no fault of theirs.

Why not you get one of your children to read Malaysiakini for you if you have no time? People must have some dignity.

Veja: Do take a leaf from former South Africa president Nelson Mandela - age gracefully and provide pearls of wisdom rather than harsh words stirring up anger. - Malaysiakini

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