
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 20, 2013

REMEMBER THAT, BN! Parliament not for mudslinging

REMEMBER THAT, BN! Parliament not for mudslinging
It has been over a month since the polls and I would think that most of us have had enough of politics and politicking, and that seeing the back of the 13th General Election was a relief.
We should have been able to get on with our lives, but for more than a month now, we have had the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim-led selective protests over the running and results of the elections.
"Selective" is surely the operative word to describe Anwar and his ilk.
In most instances, we would have been shocked, if not paradoxically laughed, at the audacity of Anwar to suggest that the election was fraudulent and faulty and, yet, at the same time, quick to celebrate his team's victories, including control of three states.
It is like people who complain, say, about the food served at a party -- after they have gone for second or third helpings.
I believe many of these people, misguided as some may be, in all their righteousness, have somehow managed to not see the rather oxymoronic inconsistencies, and a tad hypocritical, too, in the arguments that their leaders spew -- that the election was only faulty at places that they lost.
No proof was needed, nor the need to call for a fresh election, which should be the order of the day if they were to doubt the integrity of the process.
Now, the new Parliament would be sworn in next week and, if reports are to be believed, we would be in for a fiery sitting.
It would be great if enthusiasm was directed at legislative work, but I dread to think that it would be more of the same that we have been served for the past several years.
I do believe many people appreciate activism in Parliament, and that bills and resolutions, for instance, get the run-through treatment. Generally, the more intense the debate, the better it is.
If a bill were to survive intense challenge after several readings in Parliament, we can assume that it is a rather good one.
Similarly, a bill that does not survive such intense scrutiny should deservedly be sent back to the drafting offices of the Attorney-General's Chambers.
What we don't appreciate, if I may take on the collective "we" of Malaysians who are not that keen on never-ending politicking, is the mockery being made of Parliament.
I do not believe the democratic process is under-served if members of parliament behave themselves; if they do not scream and shout, use foul language, jump on tables, stamp their feet, or generally make a fool of themselves.
Also, please do not abuse parliamentary privileges -- they include items ranging from claims for expenses all the way to abusing the immunity the House provides.
We understand politicians want to score points, but Parliament should not be a place for political mudslinging.
An MP once called a fellow elected member a murderer, while a senior member questioned the sexual inclination of another in Parliament.
In both instances, they knew the immunity accorded to them meant that they cannot be legally made accountable for their words unless they were to repeat them outside the Dewan. This was despite the fact that their words were reported by the press and recorded in the Hansard.
In both cases, out of the hallowed halls, these two slung back into the immunity accorded to them by the Constitution. How irresponsible.
What I hope is that there will be less politicking in the sitting to come. GE13 is over. The winners can rejoice, and now is the time to deliver. For the losers, get over it. Pick yourself up to fight another day.
Parliament is the people's house; it is a privilege, not a right for those elected to be there. They are not there representing their parties or race, for instance. They are there to represent the people, whether they voted for them, or not.
For them to be deserving of the salutation of Yang Berhormat, they should act honourably and be responsible.
If we want sideshows, we would be better off watching reality shows on television. At least if we were insulted, we would not feel betrayed. The next general election in 2018 is a long way off. Enough of the campaigning, already.

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