
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sebuah syarikat Singapore yg. tak berpengalaman bekal dakwat kekal setelah dapat pinjaman 7 juta dari...


Pakatan Rakyat mengancam untuk mendedahkan nama syarikat yang membekalkan dakwat kekal kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya sekiranya suruhanjaya itu masih enggan berbuat demikian.

“Kita sudah siasat, kita tahu. Jangan tunggu terlalu lama atau kami akan dedahkan,” kata Rafizi Ramli (PKR-Pandan) yang mencelah sewaktu ucapan ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

Beliau mendakwa siasatannya menunjukkan bahawa kontrak untuk membekalkan dakwat kekal tersebut dianugerahkan kepada satu syarikat Singapura.

Rafizi seterusnya mendakwa bahawa syarikat berkenaan tidak mempunyai pengalaman dan dana – malah terpaksa membuat pinjaman dengan seorang ahli perniagaan untuk mendapatkan modal RM7 juta bagi transaksi tersebut.

MP Pandan tersebut berkata demikian susulan celahan oleh Anthony Loke (DAP-Seremban) yang membangkitkan mengenai satu jawapan menteri bahawa suruhanjaya itu tidak boleh menamakan pembekal dakwat berkenaan atas sebab keselamatan.-malaysiakini

Menteri: Dakwat kekal guna pewarna makanan...

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim hari ini menjelaskan bahawa bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam dakwat kekal pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 digantikan dengan bahan pewarna makanan.

"Tiada kandungan bahan-bahan kimia digunakan dalam dakwat tersebut sebaliknya ianya digantikan dengan penggunaan bahan-bahan pewarna makanan yang diluluskan. 

"Tarikh luput dakwat kekal adalah dalam tempoh empat bulan dari tarikh ianya dikilangkan. 

Ianya diimport daripada negara luar," katanya dalam satu jawapan bertulis kepada MP DAP Segambut, Lim Lip Eng. 

Shahidan juga berkata tahap ketahanan dakwat berkenaan berbeza mengikut individu.

Ia bergantung kepada usaha yang dilakukan oleh setiap individu untuk menghilangkan dakwat kekal berkenaan, katanya.

Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa Kementerian Kewangan meluluskan sebanyak RM400 juta bagi kos perbelanjaan pilihan raya yang lalu.

Lim kemudiannya menjadikan jawapan bertulis itu sebagai satu bahan jenaka apabila menulis di Twitter bahawa dakwat kekal kini "boleh dimakan".

NONETulisan berkenaan mendapat perhatian pengguna Twitter lain yang turut berjenaka dan bertanya kepadanya sama ada dakwat itu "sedap hingga menjilat jari."

Sementara itu, dalam satu jawapan berasingan, Shahidan berkata kos penggunaan dakwat kekal itu adalah sebanyak RM6.9 juta.

Kos itu meliputi kerja-kerja mereka bentuk botol dakwat khas, berus, kotak botol dan membuat bancuhan khas dakwat memandangkan ia tiada di pasaran, katanya dalam jawapan bertulis kepada MP DAP Seremban, Anthony Loke.

"Kos tambahan lain meliputi kos pengangkutan, pembungkusan serta penyimpanan dakwat kekal adalah sebanyak RM200,000 menjadikan jumlah kos keseluruhan sebanyak RM7,100,000.

"Pada masa ini SPR tidak bercadang memaklumkan maklumat pembekal dakwat kekal kepada umum atas sebab keselamatan," katanya.-malaysiakini

SPR: Dakwat kekal guna pewarna makanan, 'hingga menjilat jari'

Hooooray!!!!! Rakyat Malaysia kena tipu lagi...Pengerusi SPR pula nanti akancakap..."Saya tidak akan letak jawatang..." pasai kalu letak jawatang...sapa nak bayaq gajinya RM23 ribu sebulang...


Name ink supplier or we will, says Rafizi...

Pakatan Rakyat has threatened to reveal the name of the company that supplied the 'indelible' ink to Election Commission if the commission continues to refuse to do so.

"We have already investigated, we know. Don't wait too long or we will expose," interjected Rafizi Ramli (PKR-Pandan) in the Dewan Rakyat during Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's turn at debating the royal address today.

He alleged that his investigations have shown that the contract to supply the 'indelible' ink to the EC was given to a company owned by a Singaporean.

Rafizi (right) further claimed that the company which had neither experience nor funding, had to resort to taking a loan from a Kampung Baru businessman, to get the RM7 million capital needed for the transaction.

The Pandan MP was responding to an earlier interjection from Anthony Loke (DAP-Seremban) who mentioned that in a written answer to him from the Minister in The Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim, the commission cannot reveal the name of the 'indelible' ink supplier because of security reasons.

Adding fire to the argument, Anwar then remarked that the EC should do well to heed the reminder as Rafizi was the one they had used to highlight the “cow” issue, which involved the toppling of a federal minister.

The same hunting license, joked Anwar, is already given to Rafizi on the EC indelible ink contract matter.-malaysiakini

No chemicals, only food colouring in EC's ink...

The Election Commission (EC) has said that there were "no chemicals" in its indelible ink that was used for the 13th general election.

In a parliamentary written answer to Lim Lip Eng (DAP-Segambut) today, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim said that all the chemicals in the ink were replaced by food colouring.

NONE"No chemicals were used in the ink, they were instead replaced with food colouring ingredients which were approved," the short answer read to a question as to why the ink did not last seven days as initially promised.

"The durability of the ink is subject to the efforts taken to wipe off the ink by individuals," the reply said.

NONEIt also said that a test conducted on EC officials and media personnel on May 2 "proved" that the ink worked the way it was supposed to.

The EC has previously said that silver nitrate was used in the ink and was supposed to last seven days.

However, many individuals have complained of being able to easily wash off the indelible ink within hours of being applied.

Lim later laughed at the parliamentary reply in his Twitter account, noting that the indelible ink was now "edible" based on the reply.

One netizen who was bemused by the reply later tweeted in response, cheekily asking if the ink was "finger licking good".

Supplier’s identity secret for ‘security reasons’

Meanwhile in a separate reply to another DAP MP, Anthony Loke (DAP - Rasah), Shahidan (below) stated that the cost for the use of indelible ink during the May 5 polls was RM6.9million.

NONEReading out the answer prepared by the EC, the minister said the amount also covered the costs for designing special ink bottles, the brushes, the boxes as well as the cost for the unique ink mixture, seeing as how it was not available in the market.

“Other additional costs consist of transport cost, packaging and storage, about RM200,000, making the total costs RM7.1million,” Shahidan said in the written reply.

He added that at this time, there is no plan to reveal information on the indelible ink supplier to the public for “security reasons”.-malaysiakini

Indelible ink was actually food dye,was 'finger licking good'

daniel - What security reasons are the cheating EC and the stupid minister talking about? The general elections are over so who or what are they protecting? The MACC should make this RM7million a high priority investigation noting that TBH was interrogated overnight and died over a measly RM2k accusation. Or the suppliers are being protected because the EC is planning to buy some more edible ink from them?


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