
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2013

So the ex-home minster's action not treasonous?

YOURSAY 'Then home minister Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad has committed treason when he ordered the officers not to testify before the parliamentary select committee on integrity.'

Home Ministry blocked Project IC probe, RCI hears

your sayOdin: Since more than three decades ago, a concerted attempt was made by the BN to "blur Sabah cultural and tribal identities".

The quote is taken from a book on religious liberty in Malaysia published by the Religious Liberty Commission of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) Malaysia.

In plain speak, this means to obliterate the identities of the natives and their religion, Christianity.

This was already well-known as far back as the late 1970s. The most pertinent question to ask is: Why did the natives like Joseph Pairin Kitingan and Bernard Dompok choose to stay in the BN and be party to the gross transgression against their own people?

Anonymous_3e79: Indeed, then home minister Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad has committed treason when he ordered the officers not to testify before the parliamentary select committee on integrity.

AngryBird: The reluctance of Home Ministry officials to testify shows that the Umno government was behind the issue of granting instant citizenship to Filipino and Indonesian Muslims.

They are traitors of the highest degree. Sabahans are fully aware of treachery committed by Umno and yet still voted for the party in GE13 just because some left-over bones were thrown to them.

In short, Sabahans are now reaping what they have sown.

Peacemaker: Mohd Radzi has earned himself a public caning for acting treasonously. Then he should be drawn and quartered after a judicial hearing by one of those Umno-appointed judges.

Peppermint: To reissue ICs (identity cards) in Sabah is meant to overcome the issue of immigrants holding ‘fake' Malaysian identity cards.

Under this proposal, the state government may pass a new ordinance in the state legislative assembly. This would enable Sabah to have its own registration department that could issue the IC to genuine Malaysians in the state.

Geronimo: Bernard, you too should be charged for treason for not doing anything to stop the tide. You could have pulled out of the BN, but instead you decided to stay on to serve the Umno masters and earn your keeps at the same time.
Although you have decided to disclose the cloak and dagger operations of Umno now, but it is too late. Look at the your state today.

Gotcha: From all these facts summarised, the rakyat understands how dirty the Umno-BN were in past GEs.

They practically sold our country to foreigners for votes, elections after elections. The rakyat's heart aches whenever we hear such fraud. - Malaysiakini

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