
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So it's also Anwar's fault the lightning arrestor fell?

YOURSAY 'In that case, should we ask Mahathir too. He was PM at the time. Wasn't Anwar already out of favour with Dr M in 1998 and was arrested?'

'Anwar best person to ask about Menara Umno'

your sayAnonymous #15694624: If you own a building, you need to periodically check it for signs of failure and to conduct periodic maintenance.

The lightning arrestor must have been loosening for some time and was not attended to. Why must it be PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim's fault?

R1: Malaysian politicians are only good at fault finding. I blame you, you blame him, and nothing happens in the end.

Swipenter: Former MIC chief S Samy Vellu, when he was works minister, always used the phrase "act of God" to deflect responsibility when landslides and floods occurred during his time.

Umno Penang should do the same instead of pinning the blame on a mortal like Anwar. Umno has never taken any responsibility for anything except for things that put them in a good light.

Bash: The anchor for the lightning structure just won't give way suddenly. There were many storms such as this before.

The question is: When was this structure last checked and maintained by people with the right qualifications?

The families of the victims can sue for compensation due to negligence. It cannot just be dismissed as an act of God.

Oscar Kilo: The building was designed as an eco-friendly green building by renowned architect Ken Yeang.

The building was designed to harness the power of wind for natural ventilation and cooling, but unfortunately it might have been under-designed to withstand strong winds.

PPuteh: Umno gave RM5,000 as compensation. It must be joking. Is that all they can afford to give? This is a pittance, especially when someone has died.

CiViC: RM5,000 to the family? Are you kidding me, Umno? Are you telling me the building does not even have public liability insurance? Is it not the building owner's responsibility after all?

INtheair: Penang Umno chief Zainal Abidin Osman should wipe the smug expression off his face. To me, this tragedy is due to poor building maintenance and negligence.
One just needs to take a closer look at the exterior of the Menara Umno in Penang. One will not fail to notice the rusting steel staircases. Even some of the aesthetic auxiliaries are rusting away.

FellowMalaysian: Zainal has started the blame-game rolling. Tomorrow, then deputy prime minister Anwar will declare that he received instructions from then premier Mahathir Mohamad.

Indeed, Umno and the Municipal Council of Penang should be held jointly liable and accountable for the mishap which has claimed two lives and injured many others.

Anonymous #25595435: Zainal is telling everyone that Anwar is more powerful than Mahathir. When anything bad happens, all fingers point to him. So Mahathir was just a puppet?

RM5,000 will not even replace Lim Chin Aik's Honda City nor pay for his funeral services. Zainal's sympathies and expression of condolences on behalf of Penang Umno albeit promptly offered, falls short of the expectations and duty as the owner of the building.

D: "We urge all quarters not to politicise the issue but to wait for the official report," said Zainal.

But he then goes on to tell us to ask Anwar about the collapse. Zainal, who is the one doing the politicising here?

Anonymous #16150249: In that case, should we ask Mahathir too. He was the premier at the time. Wasn't Anwar already out of favour with Dr M in 1998 and was arrested?

Little Buddha: In the politics arena, this tragedy is a gem for politicians but heartbreak for the bereaved. If I am Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, I will get the following to come forwad:

1) Project architect, structural engineer and related consultants in the design of the building.

2) Local council planning department that approved the design

3) Council planning department which approved the CF (certificate of fitness)

4) All related consultants and approving authorities for the whole building

5) Past and current local authorities that should have conducted regular periodic checks on building and its fittings.

Anonyxyz: Irrespective of who is to be blame, this building should not be reopened until the safety of Penangites is assured. No one is above the law.

Tear it down if there can be no assurance of safety. Nothing political, although it is the Menara Umno. Lives are at stake.

Ann: I think Anwar is also responsible for the windstorms and climate change, SARS, the Gulf War, the Mideast crisis.

Hopeful123: Anwar was resting in Permatang Pauh. The whole problem started because he forgot to switch off the standing fan in the hall.
The wind from the fan must have blown away the structure from Menara Umno. - Malaysiakini

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