
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some "Chinese" rule Malaysia now

Most of us are more than aware of the current and lamentably ongoing UMNO-instigated rage against the 'ungrateful' Chinese, this despite the general election being over. The results are already known and published in concrete where the UMNO-led coalition, being the majority political bloc in power, is back in federal rule for another 5-year term.

the gullible and the smiling warlords

Some political analysts suggested that UMNO and its various state, academic, media apparatus and supporters including a former Appeal Courts judge are keeping the rage going as part of the UMNO intra-party manoeuvrings, manipulations and Machiavellian-ism.

There are those of us who have even responded defensively when we needn't be guilty of that fabricated accusation, though of course I appreciate Pakatan politicians have to for the satisfaction of their outraged constituencies.

While it's true that there are those in UMNO and their 'subsidiaries' who truly dislike or even hate the Chinese, the UMNO membership in general from Dr Mahathir, Najib, Muhyiddin, supra-patriot Ahmad Zahid, etc right down to the (UMNO-favoured) village penghulus are more interested in business and personal prosperity together with their Chinesecronies partners.

As always, it's 'business as usual', but only temporary masked by anti-Chinese diatribes until the pending UMNO party election will be over.

Only those so-called 'true believers', on both sides of the political-racial fence, who truly hate the 'other side' are the gullible, manipulated and easily duped, and you can bet they have been.

Mind you, this doesn't meant we should tolerated what are illegal, corrupt or ethically unacceptable, but we shouldn't be so extreme as to hate, especially in believing the words of politicians as if those are from the Gospels (or Quran or Mahabharata).

We saw a lamentable example of that hatred when Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh was vilified, even as far as the interactive forum of a popular Hong Kong entertainment website.

Thinking about the self-interest driven sandiwara of politicians reminds me of an old Chinese kungfu movie which portrayed the battle forces of two warlords engaged in violent battle over dominance of a province. While the warriors were fighting each other in mortal combat to the death, the two warlords were partying together, dining, yamseng-ing, joking, laughing, and womanising in a private cosy retreat.

Then, during their hedonistic indulgences, they dabbled in the trivia pursuit of a cricket-fighting competition (a popular but profligate Chinese past time since the Tang dynasty). They betted on stakes which required the loser to withdraw from the province their troops were fighting over. The movie showed the total hypocrisy and immorality of the warlords when the side which had just won a bloodied battle over the province, at much cost to its soldiers' lives and resources, was instructed to withdraw unconditionally because their warlord's cricket lost.

Yes, they weren't unlike some modern Malaysian politicians.

Once in Facebook I commented on a friend’s posting about Ibrahim Ali, where I stated the Perkasa Chief wasn't a true racist, meaning he was a pretend-one, wakakaka – see Malaysiakini’s Ibrahim Ali: I'm not racist!

I was probably the only non-MCA Chinese wakakaka who said that I believed him, and that he was in reality a hypocrite to his Perkasa 'true believers', a mere opportunistic exploiter of politics, even racist politics, to get him where he wanted to go, back into UMNO.

Remember Ibrahim Ali was the one who warned the Malays that the Chinese would take over running the country after the next election – see The Malaysian Insider’s Chinese will take over in the next election, warns Perkasa. Well, is Lim Kit Siang the PM of Malaysia today? The sad brutal reality is that Lim Kit Siang being a Chinese will never ever be PM of our nation.

Of course Ibrahim Ali’s assertion on the surface appeared stupidly moronic but Ibrahim Ali is not stupid – he possesses very strong street cunning, and was merely playing to the heartland’s rightwing gallery, a piece of scare-mongering to arouse their inherent prejudice and fears and of course to win their support for his client, UMNO.

Alas, no matter how outrageous and preposterous his allegations against the Chinese might have been, there would always be a willing captive audience, those I consider as the gullible, manipulated and easily duped, who incidentally exist on both sides of the political-racial fence.

Whether Ibrahim Ali had been acting on his own or on behalf of someone was the question many had initially wondered about but now know only too well to either their outrage or immense disappointment.

On 12 March 2010 Malaysiakini proved me correct by publishingIbrahim Ali laughs off link to Vincent Tan where it reported RPK revealing Ibrahim Ali sitting on the board of director in Dunham-Bush Malaysia, a company once owned by Tan. Hoe liao man, wakakaka.

And recently I also posted One good Chinese in Dr Mahathir's eyes, wakakaka.

What about today in The Malaysian Insider, when its headlines scream In a golf club, a gamble fails as members revolt, and which tells us:

... offered a peek into the billion-ringgit slot machine industry controlled by a clutch of businessmen closely connected to Barisan Nasional (BN). [...]

... company owned by a tycoon who organised the massive show of support in Port Klang for Datuk Seri Najib Razak with 60,000 people turning up for the dinner. [...]

A handful of Chinese tycoons own hundreds of licences issued by the Ministry of Finance to operate gaming machines. These machines are placed in private clubs around the city but are open to anyone who wants to try their luck. The tycoons with more licences are able to earn a profit of several million ringgit a month, some going as high as RM20 million a month, even after paying taxes to the government.

Anyway, as said, Ibrahim Ali is just an opportunistic hypocrite, especially to his own followers and supporters.

Incidentally I blogged on this sort of politicians' behaviour before, on 23 September 2009, in Malaysian prejudice where I said that in talking about politicians, I had written on what one of my uncles told me about a then-young Najib who was UMNO Youth Chief.

One day, at an informal gathering to see HM off on a flight, Unc overheard Najib making some sort of off-handed apology to his non-UMNO BN colleagues about the unavoidable necessity for him as Head of UMNO Youth to use harsh and aggressive (meaning ‘racist’) remarks, particularly at a time when the Youth Wing was having its wing elections.

Unc had also heard former DPM Musa Hitam saying, perhaps apologetically, to a group of military officers during an election campaign, that “’Tis the season” as if that explained why he had said whatever he said.

Yes, don’t think for a moment that Najib and Anwar Ibrahim won’t do what the two movie warlords did (okay, minus the yamseng-ing and wakakaka perhaps womanising) because that’s politics, the art of the possible. That's why the rumour mills went into hyper-drive when we read Malaysiakini's Anwar in Jakarta, but denies meeting Najib.

Najib: Bogor tea is not as good as our Cameron tea
Anwar: Cameron tea will be even better when I become PM
Najib: Dream on lah, but I feel a wee bored now
Anwar: Hey, have you heard of the Chinese fighting crickets?

And what about that most notorious Hindraf man who was previously a so-called fugitive who scooted off to seek refuge in Mother England, Waythamoorthy?

After his triumphant return, and prior to GE-13, Waytha had disdainfully dismissed Lim Kit Siang's Galang Patah Declaration where Lim adopted 11 of Hindraf's requirements.

In a previous post The Tragedy of Hindraf I wrote that led us uncomfortably to the suspicion that the DAP was been an unwanted suitor, when Hindraf probably desired someone else.

I had hoped I was wrong but when I read in Malaysiakini’sTough issues in store for second PM-Hindraf meet I saw a totally different Hindraf reaction to its meeting with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. I commented cynically: Dare I say it has been coquettishly coy complete with fluttering eyelashes?

The only thing missing was the humongous MIC-style garland, wakakaka.

Sadly I was proven correct when Hindraf's adviser N Ganesan sneered at DAP for adopting 11 of Hindraf's points in its so-called blueprint as an act of plagiarism, where the accusation of plagiarism was so outlandishly ridiculous because Hindraf issued its blueprint with a demand that Pakatan or BN picked it up.

DAP picked them up and was accused of plagiarism? Huh?

Of course by now, we know Waythamoorthy and his adviser N Ganesan wanted and was waiting for Mapillai Najib to pick it up. And Najib did, but only on 4 (instead of DAP's 11) of those points.

Most ominously and tragically (for Indians), Waytha's deal with Najib pointedly omitted the issue of Indian deaths in police custody.

Your Britannic Majesty, I am delighted to inform you
that I'm now a Minister of the Malaysian Crown

Waytha has basically and unbelievably dropped one of the three core issues of Hindraf's platform, that of Indian deaths in police custody. 

And where is Wathamoorthy today?

Yes man, Najib, Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali, Waythamoorthy, they are all like the Chinese warlords in the kungfu movie I mentioned.

Hey, maybe they are Chinese too, at least as per those (kungfu movie) warlords' spirit? wakakaka.

Lu hoe boe, gua see UMNO lang, Gua punsee Hindraf lang


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