
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Two brothers, one struggle, different fates

YOURSAY ‘Looks like Prime Minister Najib has got both these brothers imprisoned - one in jail, and another in his office.'

Uthaya defies sedition charge with silence

your sayHolden: Hindraf founder P Uthayakumar roused the conscience of the nation in 2007. Continue to persecute him and you will be creating a greater symbol of resistance against an oppressive regime.

Once again, the selective nature of prosecution is seen here. Where are the charges against Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Noordin,Utusan Malaysia and countless others?

Apolitical Observer: Uthaya's decision is more a punishment for his brother's betrayal. It's time for P Waythamoorthy to leave the BN government and join Uthaya.

Waytha in BN is no more a prisoner of PM Najib Abdul Razak. It looks like Najib has got both these brothers imprisoned - one in jail, and another in his office.

The difference is, Uthaya's loud voice has been sealed within the four walls of a hard prison, where else Waytha - like a mute stung by a bee - has to suffer in silence in the comfort of the PM's Office.

Pemerhati: DPP Noorin Badaruddin said, "The words used by the accused in (the letter to then British PM Gordon Brown) such as ‘mini-genocide', ‘ethnic cleansing', ‘armed terrorist' and ‘Islamic extremist' are words that would internationally portray an atrocious crime and cruel racial oppression."

The Umno-controlled government has denied hundreds of thousands of locally-born Indians citizenship, and thus, a means of earning a living.

Many of these desperate Indians then turn to the only means of survival - crime. The police then kill them and other innocent Indians in cold blood, in fake encounters or in their custody.

In sharp contrast, Umno gives instant citizenships to Muslims from countries like Indonesia and the Philippines, making them bumiputeras and giving them jobs and special privileges.

None of the Kampung Medan killers of the Indians have been brought to justice. Umno is persecuting Uthaya for revealing Umno's deliberate killing of Indians, racism and religious extremism.

Gibran: Just because someone does not agree with Pakatan Rakyat, does not make them bad. They did join forces with the Pakatan coalition in 2008, and that is why Pakatan had been able to capture five states.

If 2008 did not happen, there would not have been a 2013 as well. The year 2008 was, and is perhaps, the turning point of Malaysian politics.
Pakatan may not have captured Putrajaya, but the people's mindset has changed. Before 2008, people were afraid to go out and demonstrate, people were afraid of the Internal Security Act (ISA). But so much has happened since then, and the electorate is no longer afraid of the ruling government.

Uthaya is a tough one, jail cannot break his spirit. We all saw how he came out of Kamunting in 2009 a winner. We must remember Uthayakumar's contribution to democracy, even though he stands alone.

Why him, when his brother Waytha had gone around the world and said worse things about the Malaysian government? Waytha, I think it's time for you to speak up. Uthaya does not need to take your blame.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Good move by Uthayakumar. The Sedition Act is a farce. No other country in the Commonwealth still maintains such an undemocratic and odious piece of legislation that is an anathema to the freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

It was a law passed by the colonial powers to suppress nationalist movements, and later the communists. But the BN government wants to cling to this law to shield itself from any form of dissent or criticism.

There are enough provisions in the Penal Code to deal with offences related to public order, security and morality. But sedition is used to scare and silence critics of the establishment.

Ade007: Uthaya, if your intentions are pure, divine help will definitely come. All the best.

Raja Chulan: I believe this is the correct move by Uthaya, the true leader of the Hindraf movement in Malaysia. Fear not imprisonment or fines, my friend, for the truth and justice will always prevail ultimately.

In the interim, evil and untruth appear to be winning. Rest assured this is temporary. Persist and persevere in seeking truth and justice.

Going to prison for the sake of the dignity and the future of all Indians in Malaysia is indeed a noble act. Past leaders like you all over the world had gone to prison for the same reasons.

You are our leader, command us and we will willingly follow.

Retnam: If a fund is set up to help out Uthaya's family while he is in jail, I am willing to contribute.

Even if Uthaya had defended himself in court, he would still have lost the case. Now, by not entering a defence, he is again making news and creating waves.

The allegedly seditious words were said in 2007. It has been six years since. So far, have those allegedly seditious words caused any damage to Malaysia? Not at all. Then why are the words considered to be seditious?

But then who cares about logic anyway? Uthaya will go to jail, Waytha will feel guilty - but his money will assuage the guilt, of course. All will be fine.

Apacerita: Two brothers. One chose the hard way, the other chose the easy way.
And as we all were taught since young, the one who chose the hard way is often the one who will achieve his goals in the end. - Malaysiakini

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