
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 20, 2013

"By the beard of Allah"

It is so sad that only in Malaysia, the name of GOD in any other language could stir-up so much hatred and anger by mere village idiots. Just about every half-baked politician who is a Muslim, is suddenly a champion and defender of his faith. While the entire Arab world have no problem with anyone including the Jews, using the word Allah, our politicians here in Malaysia are demanding exclusive copy-rights to the word Allah as if the prophet (pbuh) was born here in Malaysia.   

Why do these morons have to use religion in politics to pave their road to glory and eventually corruption and wealth. There is certainly  2 sets of laws, no, no.....3 sets of laws in this country. One for UMNO Muslims, another for PR Muslims. The 3rd. is of course for all infidels (non-Muslims). 
Corruption is never addressed in this country as a sin or crime. And so is sex, racism and bigotry....as these  have got express immunity laws specially designed for UMNO Muslims only.  

In my younger days me and my friends of all races, read many a war comic books in cartoons of WWII in some Arab country wherein Moslem (the old days they spelt it that way, and nobody went on a jihad to torch those comic books or kill the publishers) soldiers with swords drawn and on horseback in the desert, will scream "By the beard of Allah", if one was caught or taken by surprise. And "infidel" was tastefully added to curse and describe any non-Moslem invader in Arab soil.

And so we now have assholes like Ibrahim and Hassan Ali who with that corrupt MahaFiruans' blessing demanding the infidel from  the Vatican to vamoose from this land. Apology not enough. How soon have these simpletons forgotten that both Mahathir and Najib had pleaded for a private audience with 2 different pontiffs in the Vatican. What does fasting or "puasa" mean to these people in this holy month of Ramadan ? Sorry means nothing to these fools ? Is there no mercy and compassion ? (Read here)  

What saddens me even more is the silent"disagreement" of the majority of liberal Muslims. Nobody dares to stand  up to these idiots knowing very well what damage Perkasa and a host of  other Muslim NGO's are doing to the religion itself. If Islam is a religion of love, then where is that love ? These kampung fools have only shown extreme hatred against other religions and have got away with everything because they are"protected" by that UMNO Muslim law and the government of the day.

Elsewhere we have an attention-seeking raunchy couple ( now known as the Alvivi issue) thrown in jail for "their own safety" because of some halal-logo-on-a-pork-dish-inviting-Muslims-to-partake-and-in-bad-taste posting on their fb page charged under the 3rd. set of laws. While bible-burning, cow-head dragging in protest of Hindus temples, fatwah  prohibiting the usage of Allah by non-Muslims in Kedah and political   perpetrators take to the streets after Friday prayers to gain a few brownie points are protected by again, the UMNO Muslim laws. Sigh !  

What a shame !       

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