
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 13, 2013

NUBE SLAMS ZETI: Bank Negara responsible for bank workers dilemma

NUBE SLAMS ZETI: Bank Negara responsible for bank workers dilemma
Bank Negara Malaysia seems to be oblivious of the devastating effects of Alliance Banks’s malpractices.
The Malaysian Central Bank which is responsible of the economic climate of the country is allowing a foreign CEO to create an unemployment crisis towards the largest faction of the labour force, the low income earners.
Alliance Bank is specifically targeting the lowest income earners, namely the clerical and non-clericals in Alliance Bank by issuing the voluntary separation scheme (VSS) to them.
Ever since September 2012, they have deviously mapped out a plan to eliminate the lowest income earners in the banking industry by forcing them to take up fake promotion with an executive designation, while performing the same clerical function and demanding they join the bank selected union .
Those who refuse the promotion are then threatened with dismissals, transfers to other departments, other states and demanding them to resign from the union.
This is a clear act of union busting and is a blatant violation of Human Rights!
VSS tool
Alliance Bank is also misusing the VSS as a weapon to victimize the clerks. The inception of the VSS was to function as a last resort for the employer in an event of retrenchment. The Code of Conduct for Industrial Harmony which is an agreement made between the MOHR, MEF, and MTUC in 1975 clearly illustrates that only in a circumstance of retrenchment the employer shall appropriate consultation with the Trade Union and the MOHR prior to downsizing.
Bank Negara would know that the financial health of Alliance Bank is alive and well. Thus a retrenchment exercise against the lowest income group is unwarranted.
Furthermore, this act is against Bank Negara’s effort of promoting a work culture which emphasizes the highest standards of professionalism and integrity, prudence, teamwork and innovation as preached on their website.
Do your duty
Bank Negara Malaysia has no choice but to step up, and question this inhumane practice by Alliance Bank as this concern’s the national economic interests of the country.
Today it’s Alliance Bank; tomorrow it could be another bank or another corporation following Alliance Bank’s footsteps to increase their profits and subsequently the upper management’s bonuses.
Bank Negara, who is the key dictator of macroeconomic policy, should prevent this foreign bank from manipulating loopholes to adversely affect the economic livelihood of the poor.
Bank Negara must be responsible take act the necessary action in curbing this kind of egregious behavior by the bank, in accordance of with Bank Negara’s mission statement which is to achieve sustained economic growth for the benefit of the nation.
This rampant misuse of the VSS may cause a significant microeconomic damage to the economy that will result in a macroeconomic devastation over time. Not to mention the human rights violations that would be compounded to crimes against humanity.
Zeti indifference?
For 13 years as the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz has done nothing to alleviate the dire economic strain on the poor banking workers. Dr. Zeti has done absolutely nothing, and now she is turning a blind eye over Alliance Bank's cruel deeds. The nonchalant behavior is causing economic hardship among the lowest income earners in Malaysia because of the adverse policies and deliberate oppression.
Dr. Zeti Aziz, you do not need for your signature on every bank note for people to remember you, all you need to do is stop Alliance Bank's unfair human resource policies and engage with the workers representative to understand the inhuman act of some of the banks towards the lowest income workers. Otherwise the lowest income workers in the banking sector will remember you as upholding apartheid regime.
Bank Negara is engaging with expatriates working in the banking and finance industry in Malaysia and even with the local bank management's staff.
Not once did Bank Negara Malaysia engage NUBE on the various implementations in the banks which have tremendous adverse impact on the workers.
Why isn't the same concern extended to the lower income group. Your actions in penalising the lower income group run contrary to the object of Bank Negara Malaysia. The income inequality in Malaysia is at large the cause of non-engagement of Bank Negara with the Bank unions.
Bank Negara Malaysia should be concerned of the care of the clerical and non-clerical workers in the banking sector because if not for them the banking sector would be in shambles. Imagine one lost bank document, checks gone missing, customer information misplaced. Mishaps happen all the time; Human beings can only be guilty of being human.
- NUBE is the National Union of Bank Employees

1 comment:

  1. Bank Negara should also close CTOS as they continue to blacklist persons although all sums due have been paid up.


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