
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Police to come down hard on Red Bean Army

The Red Bean Army and its ilk will face criminal and civil action for spreading lies about the police through the Internet, says the Home Minister.
KUALA LUMPUR: The police will use the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998; the Penal Code; and Facebook to counter the ‘Red Bean Army’ and others who use the Internet to defame the men in blue, said Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
“There are two ways to take action against cases of defamation. One, criminal action, two, civil action,” the Home Minister told the Dewan Rakyat today during question session.
“In this case, seeing as the libel [about the police] is made through social media, we will take action using the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 and Section 504 of the Penal Code.
“And because we must counter libel spread through social media with social media, we will use Facebook to fight them.”
But he said that the 416,500 Facebook fans and 113,000 Twitter followers for the Police force’s official pages were still not enough.
“But we will stick with this approach to counter defamation against the police,” he said.
Ahmad Zahid said this in response to Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz (Tanah Merah – BN) question on what action the police would take against the Red Bean Army – an alleged group of opposition-funded cyber troopers – and its ilk for reportedly spreading lies about the police on the Internet.
“It is unfortunate that there are some quarters in this country who do not know how to be grateful, who purposefully mock and discredit the police force, particularly through social media such as Facebook and blogs,” Ikmal had said earlier.
“Does the police force intend to set up a special team to investigate the slander hurled against them, and to answer every allegation thrown their way through the social media…including the endless slander from the Red Bean Army cyber troopers?”
His question elicited loud groans from Pakatan Rakyat MPs, who, despite having denied the existence of such an army multiple times, have been subjected to daily taunts over the Red Bean Army since parliament convened two weeks ago.
This prompted Ahmad Zahid to say: “What Tanah Merah said was true.
“Why is that side (Pakatan Rakyat) offended? Banyak makan cili ke? (Is it because you know you are guilty?)” he chuckled.
Last week, the Communications and Multimedia Ministry admitted it did not know the identity of the Red Bean Army, when asked what action the ministry was taking against the army and its ilk.
“The truth is, in the case of the Red Bean Army, we still do now know who the Red Bean Army is. But we are told that they receive funding from that side (the opposition),” deputy minister Jailani Johari had told Parliament on Thursday.
DAP has been accused of spending RM100 million since 2008 to fund the Red Bean Army – a claim that remains unsubstantiated and has been refuted several times by the party’s national advisor, Lim Kit Siang.


  1. Police have proposed several guidelines to the home ministry concerning the new law which will replace the repealed Emergency Ordinance (EO) to prevent abuse of power, said the inspector-general of police.

    ""We are aware of fears the new law will involve abuse," Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said in Kuala Besut yesterday.

    Khalid, in a response to critics over the police' dependence on preventive laws, had promised that his men will be trained well in gathering evidence.

  2. "My men will work harder as we believe this new law will enable the police to take action on hardened criminals and kingpins," the top cop said.

    Khalid said the new preventive laws will ensure that seasoned criminals are taken off the streets through several ways, including meticulous evidence collection to ensure the cases brought to court were air-tight.

  3. "This new law will be beneficial for the people as it will reduce street crimes," he added.

    Khalid said rightsof the public was their utmost concern, adding that the new law would serve to put their safety as priority, even more compared to the criminals.

    "We are confident serious crimes will be reduced significantly when the new law is introduced," he said.

  4. Ada semacam keresahan besar di kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin DAP, khususnya Lim Kit Siang apabila kerajaan dan pihak berkuasa dilihat lebih mengkhususkan kepada ancaman dan kerosakan yang telah dilakukan oleh Red Bean Army yang ditaja serta didalangi oleh DAP, meskipun DAP menerusi Lim Kit Siang berusaha bermati-matian untuk menafikan pembabitan mereka.

  5. Dua malam sudah, Lim Kit Siang merangka ‘lawatan’ ke Hotel Concorde untuk menunjukkan kononnya bilik gerakan Red Bean Army tidak wujud dan hanyalah omongan kosong Barisan Nasional. Kononnya, Red Bean Army itu diwujudkan oleh UMNO bagi meluaskan lagi jurang polarisasi.

  6. Al-maklumlah, DAP sudah lama melabelkan UMNO sebagai sebuah parti RASIS manakala DAP pula adalah sebuah parti yang menyayangi semua bangsa di Malaysia walaupun yang mendapat tempat istimewa dalam DAP hanya satu kaum… manakala Melayu, India dan kaum Pribumi pula hanyalah sekadar pecacai untuk memenangkan calon DAP!

  7. Kerosakan besar yang dilakukan oleh RBA, bukannya kecil. Menerusi Facebook, RBA tidak sahaja mempertikaikan tentang kedudukan Melayu-Bumiputera dan Islam di Malaysia, bahkan menghina, mencaci dan memaki hamun apa-apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengan Melayu-Bumiputera dan Islam terutama sekali UMNO.

  8. Bukan itu sahaja, RBA menjadikan tunggak utama pengtadbiran Malaysia iaitu Sultan-Sultan Melayu sebagai mangsa menimbulkan kebencian di kalangan generasi muda yang melihat kewujudan Sultan-Sultan Melayu sebagai sesuatu yang membazir.

  9. Pada masa yang sama, RBA cuba memesongkan sejarah dengan penekanan kononnya orang Melayu di Malaysia adalah berasal dari Sumatera dan Semenanjung serta Sabah Sarawak tidak dihuni oleh mana-mana manusia kecuali setelah Cina dan Tamil datang ke negara ini dibawa Inggeris.

  10. Anehnya, meskipun sejarah yang diputarbelitkan oleh RBA itu satu pembohongan nyata dan mudah untuk disanggah, hujah-hujah RBA diterima dengan senang hati.

  11. Dari awal lagi telah didedahkan bahawa Pakatan Rakyat, khususnya DAP akan menggunakan siber sebagai medan utama untuk mendapatkan sokongan golongan muda yang lebih berpihak kepada sesuatu yagn kena di hati mereka dan menolak kebenaran yang tidak sama sepertimana yang mereka fikirkan.

  12. Ternyata, keputusan PRU13 sebahagian besarnya terutama yang membabitkan golongan muda, terlibat secara langsung dengan RBA. Keberkesanan RBA yang bertindak bagi pihak DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat, membuatkan pihak berkuasa mula berwaspada menerusi natijah dan kesan yang ditinggalkan.

  13. Anehnya, yang dibisingkan oleh DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat adalah tentera-tentera siber UMNO-BN yang bercempera dan adakalanya tidak berteraju serta disusun dengan kemas.

  14. Dalam perbandingan yang lebih mudah, DAP dan PKR serta PAS diibaratkan seperti Russia yang mempunyai bala tentera yang lengkap persenjataan dan sistem serangan yang hebat tetapi yang dibisingkan adalah tentera-tentera Mujahiddin yang hanya bersenjatakan raifal buruk dan kurang berkesan untuk melakukan pembunuhan beramai-ramai.

  15. Sudah terlalu banyak masa dan ruang diberikan oleh pihak berkuasa. Justeru apabila sebarang tindakan yang akan melumpuhkan RBA, ternyata yang paling kuat memekak adalah DAP. Mengapa?

  16. Sudah tentulah kerana DAP yang paling banyak melabur untuk RBA. Sebarang usaha menghapuskan dan merugikan pelaburan tersebut sudah tentulah akan ditentang oleh DAP. Itu saja… dan bukannya alasan-alasan lain!!!

  17. Aneh atau tidak, yang mendedahkan tentang Red Bean Army adalah orang DAP sendiri, manakala puak-puak UMNO dan Barisan Nasional langsung tidak memberikan sebarang perhatian, tetapi yang dipersalahkan adalah UMNO dan Barisan Nasional?

  18. After a few members of the Red Bean Army was identified and investigated, the notorious DAP cyber troopers group are dumbfounded and currently looking for ways of escape. Some of them are openly challenging the government to take action; meanwhile others in the group are scared and looking for excuses that they will not be held responsible for their actions. They will even disown their own account in social websites by saying that their website was hacked by some other third parties. .

    However, it is certain that in a group of human being, not all of them have the same qualities. Even though the Read Bean Army is seen as a united entity, this quickly changed when they were attacked and questioned. The threat is not only if they were caught by the law, but also from the inner circle of the DAP itself.

  19. It is not impossible that threats and warnings are issued by the DAP to the Red Bean Army. And it is possible if another incident similar to the Teoh Beng Hock murders will happen in order for these people to save the DAP. Even the idea of mass suicide by the group may not seem so farfetched.

    DAP and the Red Bean Army shares a similar modus operandi where not only the targeted victim will suffer, but also the victim’s family and friends will be attacked. DAP is said to have used this tactics not only to their foes, but also to their own members in order to silence them. This particular communist like action, would also mount an attack to the businesses and livelihood of the victims and their families.

  20. Everything is possible for a party that is well known for their triad style approach and thuggish mentality. They even cheat and lie to their own members in the CEC (Central Executive Committee Election).

    Maybe it’s true that the Red Bean Army is willing to accept any consequences in order to defend their “faith” in the DAP. If it is true, then these “soldiers”, the product of a Chinese chauvinist schooling system, are not as smart as they think they are. Their faith in the DAP made them gamble away the prosperity, freedom, justice and peace that they have enjoyed in the country. They are even willing to commit treason, so long as they can see the Chinese ruling Malaysia. The DAP are hypocrites in disguise. They are shouting the “Malaysian Malaysia” slogan, but their ultimate intention is to rule the country with racist Chinese Chauvinist agenda.

  21. Does the Red Bean Army really believes the DAP can provide a better Malaysia compared to Barisan Nasional? Haven’t the Malaysian Chinese prosper and lived in luxury, and obtained numerous benefits during the Barisan Nasional rule?

    Even if the sacrifice made by the Red Bean Army is to uphold the Mandarin language or to build more Chinese temple and entertainment centres, is it worth it to destroy one’s future? Frankly, the DAP does not even care about Buddhism/Taoism as they are only interested in promoting and helping Christianity.

  22. Do they realize that the DAP rule will only bring Malaysia into the dark ages. DAP is well known for their “close door” policy such as restricting independent media coverage, dictatorship, cronyism, corruption and triad style administration. DAP leaders often resolves issues by using physical force and verbal abuse. Those who criticise DAP will be sued and assaulted in the pro opposition media.

    The Red Bean Army is trained to spread hatred and destroy the peace and harmony that we had achieved and maintained all these years. Slender, gossips, public shaming, lies and false perception are used as weapons to defend their “faith” in their cause. The DAP have discarded their very own humanity in the pursuit for dominance and power.

    Just imagine how will our country be, if DAP were at the helm of the nation?

  23. DAP leaders have no conscience at all, if they are willing to lie to their own member, they will have no problem in cheating and lying to the people of Malaysia. Many DAP members are fully aware of what is going on in their party. Even some of the former leader and members of DAP are speaking out against the Chinese chauvinist tyrant that is currently in control of the party. Sadly, majority of the Malaysian Chinese are willing to be cheated by a tyrant rather than a good leader, just because the tyrant is a Chinese.

    Only a ruthless leader will deny their own men, and left them to rot. And that is what DAP is doing to the Red Bean Army.

  24. Currently, Lim Kit Siang has denied the existence of the Red Bean Army and act as if he did not even know if the group has ever existed. Red Bean Army now is deserted, left alone to be caught by the authorities. Few would survive this onslaught, as those who are close to some of the DAP leaders can take shelter. For the rest of them, things may not be as they have expected.

    Many of those who are in the Red Bean Army know that they will be caught, and now they are between a rock and a hard place. If they came clean to the government they will be hunt down by the DAP, but if they stick to their struggle, much more will be sacrifice to the will of their racist chauvinist leaders.

  25. Our advice to these Chinese chauvinist school products is that, if you want to make sacrifices, make sure that it is for a good cause. Make your sacrifice to the idea of a better nation. Fight for a better nation that will safeguard the peace and stability for its people. Do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of disunity and anarchy under the banner of racism.

  26. Kerajaan disaran mewujudkan pasukan tentera siber yang berperanan menjawab tohmahan pembangkang terhadap Barisan Nasional (BN) yang disiarkan blog propembangkang melalui media sosial Internet di Malaysia.

    Pensyarah Geo-Politik, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Profesor Madya Dr Mohd Fuad Mat Jali berkata, keperluan itu amat mendesak hari ini memandangkan trend generasi muda yang lebih cenderung mengikuti perkembangan politik negara melalui Internet.

  27. Menurutnya, dalam kajian yang dilakukan di institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) mendapati, bilangan belia yang mendapatkan maklumat politik daripada akhbar arus perdana terlalu sedikit berbanding laman media sosial.

  28. “Lebih membimbangkan ialah apabila mereka berpandangan apa yang ditulis blogger terutama dalam blog propembangkang itu sahih dan boleh diterima bulat-bulat tanpa perlu membuat analisis dan ketiadaan pihak ketiga yang cuba menjelaskan fakta sebenar memburukkan lagi keadaan.

    “Jadi bermula daripada sekarang, kerajaan perlu mewujudkan tentera siber yang berfungsi 100 peratus sepanjang masa untuk menjawab segala tohmahan dengan fakta yang dapat mengubah tanggapan belia terhadap kerajaan sedia ada,” katanya.

  29. Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia (SKMM) perlu merangka mekanisme terbaik untuk memantau serta menangani pelbagai isu yang dicetuskan di alam siber bagi memastikan ia tidak menggugat kestabilan negara.

    Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar berkata, SKMM perlu lebih proaktif dalam tindakan mereka, terutama dalam menangani propaganda 'tentera siber' yang dikaitkan dengan pembangkang.

  30. Ini bagi memastikan agenda yang cuba diketengah tidak menjurus kepada timbulnya ketegangan dalam masyarakat.

    "Memang daripada sudut yang kita lihat, ada tindakan pihak tertentu cuba mempromosi kempen politik mereka sehingga boleh menjejaskan keselamatan negara, jadi dalam hal ini, SKMM perlu bertindak mengawal perkara itu.

    "Sekiranya ini sudah tidak boleh dikawal sehingga menjejaskan keselamatan dalam negeri, maka pihak polis akan bertindak," katanya.

  31. Wan Junaidi berkata, segala tohmahan keterlaluan yang dilempar di media sosial, jika tidak dibendung, boleh menimbulkan persepsi negatif dalam kalangan masyarakat.

    "Walaupun kita bukan seperti sesetengah negara lain yang menyekat kebebasan dunia multimedia, tetapi ia bukanlah satu tiket kepada tentera siber ini untuk menyalahgunakan segala kelebihan yang diberi," katanya.

    Media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, blog dan beberapa laman sosial lain perlu dipantau dari semasa ke semasa bagi mengelak ia terus disalah guna sehingga menjejaskan perpaduan masyarakat majmuk di negara ini.


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