
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What 'shit stirring'? Admit it, Ku Nan - disunity in Umno over Sedition Act tip of iceberg!

What 'shit stirring'? Admit it, Ku Nan - disunity in Umno over Sedition Act tip of iceberg!
PKR leaders attributed the startling comment from Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan that they were "shit stirrers" as a sign of stress that only bolstered swirling speculation within the Umno's own grapevine that disagreement over the Sedition Act was a sign that "undercurrents are brewing" and "groups are forming" ahead of the party's presidential election.
"It is not just the Sedition Act but many other issues where there has been disagreement and it looks like the Prime Minister is losing his grip. I believe this is the tip of the iceberg," Johari Abdul, the Opposition MP for Sungei Petani, told Malaysia Chronicle.
Perhaps upset at how obvious the split had become among Umno and BN leaders over whether Prime Minister Najib Razak should abolish the notorious and draconian Sedition Act, Tengku Adnan (also known as Ku Nan) had made the rather crude comment when asked for his stand on the law.
"They stir things until they become chaotic," the urbane and usually affable Adnan told reporters in the Parliament lobby this morning, describing the Opposition as "shit stirrers".
Umno hawks jump in for political mileage
The Umno leader's remark was brushed off by many in the Opposition as a "sign of stress", countering that it was no longer possible for him to hide the division among the BN ranks over the controversial law.
Not only have the MCA and Gerakan insisted that Najib honored his promise to replace the law with a new National Harmony Act, many hardliners within Umno are jumping on the bandwagon to gain political mileage by opposing the repeal.
To the Umno hawks, the Sedition Act's repeal would weaken the BN's grip on power.
This was what Tengku Adnan himself implied when he spoke to Malaysia Chronicle a day ago although he took care to say it was up to the Prime Minister to give the final "direction" when the latter returned from holidaying in the south of France.
"When we make these decisions, it is with the best interests but we do not know all. When there are problems, we need to rectify. We are not a perfect government. So there is trial and error," Adnan, who is also MP for Putrajaya, had told Malaysia Chronicle.
"We wait, the matter has not come to the Cabinet (for a final decision). The Home Ministry and the police are getting the feedback.  The Prime Minister will brief the Cabinet and the Cabinet will decide."
Undercurrents 'brewing' in Umno: Many groups are forming
Meanwhile, to many seasoned Umno watchers including PKR supreme council member Johari Abdul, the sudden outburst from the Umno right-wingers led by Home Minister Zahid Hamidi was a sign that battle lines were being drawn by rival factions in Umno ahead of their presidential ballot.
Tengku Adnan had also told Malaysia Chronicle, he expects the Umno presidential poll to be conducted in September and that "most probably" there would not be any contest for the top 2 Umno posts.
The Umno presidency and deputy presidency are much watched as those who win the posts are by convention also made the country's prime minister and deputy prime minister.
"Certainly the undercurrents are very strong. Things are brewing in Umno," Johari Abdul, the former Umno-aligned director of the Biro Tatanegara, told Malaysia Chronicle.
When asked if the latest speculation in the Umno grapevine was true that Najib might partner his cousin Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to fend off a challenge from Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin who is expected to team up with Zahid, Johari said it was too early to tell.
"The are many groups forming now. This is usual whenever the elections are around the corner," said Johari.
When asked if former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad was still as influential as many believe and would be able to play 'king maker' in the Umno presidential poll, Johari sidestepped the question but said that Najib - weakened by the BN's poor result in the May 5 general election - would need all the help he could get.
Malaysia Chronicle

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