
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 27, 2013

'Saya Pilih BN' not a smoking gun for EC

YOURSAY 'Does this mean crooks can now give money and free holidays to MACC, police and judges if there are no strings attached?'

EC: Transport cash with no conditions not a bribe
your sayHang Babeuf: When I put money in a public servant's pocket and he walks away with it, that is bribery, not an innocent payment. It's no different here.

The (transport cash) payment (in Kuala Besut by-election) is not simply to encourage the democratic process, to aid people in exercising their democratic rights. Even if nothing is said, the intent is clear.

It is a gesture aimed at securing votes by making them feel obligated, tying them to act upon an improperly created sense of obligation. That is plain to anybody. Anybody of good, sound, basic ethical sense, but not to Election Commission (EC) functionaries.

The more that these ‘apologists for scandal' say, the worse they make it. No credible EC as a statutory body charged with the holding of democratic elections with full propriety can exist or function under this kind of thoroughly compromised and discredited leadership.

It is not only time for these irredeemably compromised functionaries to go. It is also time for the existing EC to be not simply reformed but totally dismantled, ‘root and branch', and replaced with the real thing - a proper statutory body of impeccable integrity and impartiality.

Without public trust, and an entitlement to it, an election commission (so-called) is just a piece of partisan political equipment, part of the apparatus of illicit manipulation and deceptive domination.

Telestai!: EC chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, please use your common sense and question why a person would dish out RM200-RM300 to strangers for no reason.

The fact that money was paid to voters before an election would surely make it questionable. You would not pay me even RM1 if I'd ask you so why is the Umno leader dishing out thousands of ringgit if it wasn't an inducement to vote for Umno?

At the very least, you should investigate, instead of brushing it aside.

Sinner: Great. Does this mean crooks can now give money and free holidays to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), police and judges if there are no strings attached?

Kim Quek: Under section 20 of the Election Offences Act 1954, anything paid "for the purpose of promoting or procuring the election of a candidate at any election" is deemed an illegal practice.

So the criterion for determining guilt or innocence is the purpose for which the money is paid out for, and not what the payer expressly says, as wrongly interpreted by EC chief Abdul Aziz.

Hence, we must ask the Kampung Beris Lampu village chief Yaakob Kadir and the financier behind him this question: did you provide the money for the purpose of helping the BN candidate to win this election?

If the answer is yes, then both Yaakob and his financier have committed an illegal act, and is liable to a fine of RM5,000 upon conviction by a sessions court, irrespective of whether he has asked voters to vote the BN candidate.

Let us be honest, does anyone believe the village chief's claim that the payment was merely to encourage more voters to come back to cast their vote, without the ulterior motive of inducing votes for the BN candidate?

I think the answer is an obvious, no. Which should also be the answer of the sessions court judge if the case goes to the court.

Not Convinced: According to the Malaysiakini photo (above), there is a ‘Saya Pilih BN' sticker placed prominently on the table where voters signed up for the ‘transport cash'.

EC, isn't that incentive enough for voters to back BN?

Boleh Land: Based on the EC chief's reasoning, there is no bribery in Malaysia. No wonder, the MACC has failed so miserably.

If one is to give money, it's not necessary asking for a contract. If you happen to get a contract after making the payment, it is just a "coincidence".

OMG!!: Transport allowance is not a bribe. Duit raya is also not a bribe. Promises of development, free flows of dinners, lucky draws and coupons to redeem money after elections are not bribes too.

Why not just distribute cash openly?

Onyourtoes: The reason why dishing out money was done openly is because we have a nincompoop EC and a nincompoop MACC. If they have any decency at all, I think the first question both EC and MACC must ask is whose money was used to dish out to the voters.

Secondly, even if no condition was attached, I think both the EC and MACC must have pretended not to see there was obligation and gratitude involved. Is this not how corruption and bribery work?

Goodness me, the next time someone bribed a police officer, he may just turn around and argued that it was just a show of appreciation for him having to work under the hot sun.

Toonarmy: It's only an offence if Pakatan Rakyat gave out the money. Since Umno did it, why would a diehard member and head of Umno's in-house elections committee oppose his party and his bosses?

Since when did any rules apply to Umno? The Sedition Act is exclusively only for Pakatan's representatives, supporters and NGOs that don't support the illegitimate regime.

If you support the illegitimate regime, you may immediately threaten to burn the holy scriptures of other religions, insult other religions and remain totally unaccountable for your action. This is Bolehland.

Watchtower: It is bribe, don't kid anyone. It may not make anyone rich, but it certainly give a clear advantage to the party who give the allowance.

Magnus: It is bribery of the blatant Malaysian kind. Voting in elections is a democratic obligation so why should citizens, or some citizens, be paid to discharge that obligation?

It's similar to giving blood, you cannot be paid for it nor expect to be paid for doing that voluntary service.

Loh Chee Kwan: So, does this mean next time a traffic cop stops me, and I offer him ‘duit kopi' instead of a ‘bribe' for his tireless effort to make sure traffic rules are obeyed, that is not wrong?

After all, I'm not ‘bribing' him because I'm not asking him to set aside the ‘saman' (traffic summons) he wants to issue. I just ‘bagi minum kopi' for his effort of doing a great job although it is his duty to so.

It is up to him whether to cancel the ‘saman', I'm just rewarding him for doing his job. Surely, the same logic applies.

Ipohcrite: According to EC chief's convoluted logic, he would have you believe that the moon is actually square-shaped. - Malaysiakini

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