
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, April 24, 2014

A passing conversation or will the Chinese, fed up with Umno racism, REALLY LEAVE MALAYSIA?

A passing conversation or will the Chinese, fed up with Umno racism, REALLY LEAVE M'SIA?
- So Francky, this is where you are staying... cheaper room, clean, small... you have got it buddy!
-John, I`m a French Globe-trotter, I`ve got a budget to manage. I`m not like you, with your PHD from the USA in your pocket, you can work now for this big International Organization, and staying all the time in these 5 stars Hotels full of marble...
-You are right! But I feel tired of it..
-Why? Too much vanity around?
-I`m fed up making reports and conferences all over the world... and for what? The ``Big fishes`` look at me as if they didn`t know. Then, they make a big Press conference to tell the People that things must change and after they ask some other academics like me to make some new reports. And the circus is on again... I`m telling you, every thing has been already said, and we are all repeating ourselves like parrots... So, let`s talk about another subject please, how do you find Malaysia today?
-Almost the same as usual...
-What? With all these new buildings... this LRT... How come ?
-Look, we are in Chinatown. If you ask a Malaysian Chinese the simple question, ``if you are in serious trouble, where are you going to ask for help``, he will tell you that he will go to his family members or his company. If you ask the same question to a Malay, he will mention the government. Today, like 15 years ago, nothing new under the Malaysian sun, a lot of Malays have got this illusion that their government is the solution for everything...
-Relying on Politicians shows a lack of maturity, n'est ce pas?
-It shows a blind Faith for their Muslim leaders...
-But you, as a Muslim, you should feel some kind of solidarity for them ?
-I feel some Solidarity when Muslims act as Muslims, with a genuine sense of responsibility...not when they carry on discriminating other people...
-You are talking about this discrimination against the local Chinese, Indians... Why changing ? It looks so convenient...
-In Islam, Peace and Equality among Human Beings are part of the basics... And today with all the advantages given by the government to the Malays during 50 years, they are still not able to make an economical difference with the Chinese... I really feel that if Malaysia wants to be a great country to live in, it`s time to close this form of ``apartheid``...
-Why do you think that the Chinese are performing better ? Are they genetically more ``business minded`` than the Malays ?
-I think that it`s a question of stimulation and motivation. The Chinese diaspora from Malaysia has got a sharp surviving instinct. The Chinese businessmen know how to be flexible and to adapt quickly their actions in accordance with the environment. They work hard and enjoy challenging each-other to become smarter. And when the environment is not good enough to make money, they move to another place...
-Do you think that if there is a big recession in Malaysia, they will move away like the Jews did so many times in the past ?
-A lot of ``rich and middle up class`` Malaysian Chinese will do, because this time, they are not going to take another blow in the head. Today, they are not poor any more. Chinese from Malaysia have got connections, know-how, money to invest, and a lot of countries like Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand will find a way to welcome them...
-So for you, no more Chinese in Malaysia if there is a big recession ?
-Still some Chinese, but a lot will come from China, with no money and expertise in their pockets...
-And for the country ``Malaysia``, what is going to be?
-If the Malays don`t accept to work harder and smarter like the Chinese do every day, and don`t make the other communities in Malaysia more at Home, they are going to be in trouble... Already, it`s very difficult to find some good professionals here. Look with the Nurses, the best go abroad to get a better wage. In Malaysia, you can have hundreds of hospitals, what are you going to do if you haven`t got the Brains and the Hands to make them work?
-You are right, brains, education, justice, and above all motivation and sense of survival... do you think that they are going to make it ?
-Inch`Allah, I hope so ! But for that, the Malays have to accept that if they don`t change themselves deeply and truly, I`m not sure that the vision 2020 of Mahathir to make Malaysia among the top nations of this world, will be...  - MAILBAG

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