
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Better to probe custodial death than MAS screw-ups

YOURSAY It's just incompetence, Hishammuddin! Don't try to divert the attention...

Probe ordered into repeated MAS flight troubles

Whatsup: One too many Malaysia Airlines incidents since March 8 are giving the jitters to travellers on MH flights.

Could MAS and the relevant ministries do something concrete, for heaven's sake?

Giving pats on the back and high fives won't prevent the next incident - so, MAS, improve your maintenance and service. Someone has said there is a lot to be done... but where is the action?

GodBless: What sabotage? Just incompetence, Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. Don't try to divert the attention. I remember Najib also suggested sabotage when the Chinese tourist was abducted in Semporna, off the Sabah coast, just recently.

Wong Jiang Fung: Why is Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar involved in a MAS issue? The police have no business in air accidents caused by technical issues. In other countries, an air crash is investigated by a panel of aviation and air crash investigation experts.

In Malaysia, we see a totally confusing state of overlapping responsibilities, here and there.

Fair Play: Any probe should focus primarily on incompetence - that's likely the cause for the present malaise.

Looliloo: Dear IGP, there's no need to waste the rakyat's money by taking the "necessary steps to investigate". In the first place you and your pack of blue uniformed mongrels do not have a clue as to what it means to investigate.

Your past record shows that your investigation is selective at best and it's only done at the behest of your Umno leaders. So spare us the agony. Your time can be best used to brush up your pathetic and disgraceful spoken English. Given time, even a parrot can be taught to speak English better than you!

The Mask: The government should also give instructions to start investigations into the number of deaths in custody. This issue should also be given the same weightage as those regular mishaps involving MAS.

Idon'tlikekangkung: The truth of the matter is that Umno's cronies have stripped MAS of its competence, hence the problems. MAS now stands for things like 'Mesti Ada Susah'; 'Mana Ada Safety' ('Surely there'll be problems', 'Where is the safety') and so on.

And with your type of investigations (knowing how well you folks can go off in all sorts of directions) MAS will also stand for 'Mana Ada Siasat' (Where's the investigation)?

Liujinzhong: Instead of being alarmed by the narrow escape by passengers on board of MH192, let us praise our national heroes. Maybe we should consider awarding them datukships and datinships.

Let us celebrate for having such good MAS crew. The fate of 12 crew members and 227 passengers is no big deal. After all, they didn't die, did they?

Apapunboleh: There is no cure for incompetence under BN-Umno.

What is gov't hiding? Anwar asks again

Cry, My Beloved Country: "What was stolen and what was to be brought to China? (Prime Minister) Najib Abdul Razak, please tell us," PKR organ Keadilan Daily quoted him as saying... Was it the out of season humble mangosteen?

Until and unless the cargo manifest for MH370 is made public, no one, least of all the relatives of the passengers on board that flight, can believe whatever information is being put out in the public domain.

In the name of transparency why must the cargo manifest remain secret, investigation or no investigation? Is not the excuse of ongoing investigations ominous?

Onyourtoes: Let's settle the mangosteens issue first? Was this the first time mangosteens were exported to China? If not, when was the last time? Who was the exporter and who was the importer?

Where were the fruits harvested, packed and transported? Who harvested the fruits? Who packed them? Who transported them? I don't believe that the plane's cargo consisted of three to four tonnes of mangosteens. Period.

It could have been something else, but declared as mangosteens.

Dr Suresh Kumar: Three to four tonnes of mangosteens on board MH370? Hmm... that's one hell of a lot of fruit. Shouldn't it be going in a cargo plane rather than in a commercial flight? Some very pertinent points have been raised by Onyourtoes and we require full disclosure.

Ever wondered why the Australian authorities are quiet as a Church mouse on the cargo manifest that they have requested from the Malaysian authorities in the early stages of the MH370 tragedy?

Too Lan: I thought mangosteen was not in season?

Gofortruth: Mangosteens in early March? The inspector-general of police (IGP) is still sleeping like the air force, only allegedly scrambling RMAF fighter jets six hours after an unidentified big plane had been violating our air space and been detected by three of our military radars.

EvenSteven: Mangosteens? Nah, no way. Someone try to source me 100kg of the fruit within a week and I'll eat my hat without salt and water to wash it down.

Justice Pao: What has revelation of the cargo manifest to do with the investigation, except that it will help hasten the investigation. There is something rotten going on. The Merdeka Centre survey indicated that only 26 percent believe the government is truthful about the MH370 crisis, while the majority says the government has something to hide.

Captain America: Even if the cargo manifest is made public, how do we know it is the original manifest and not an amended one?

Robbed!!: Aiyah, even if the government tells us the truth, is difficult to believe because we have been fed with lies all this while.

Anonymous_1396163122: This Malaysian regime has much to hide - simply shameful. - Malaysiakini

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