
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 21, 2014

British imported Indians and Chinese?

Malay Mail Online - Indians, Chinese imported to dispossess Malays of ‘birthright’, ISMA claims

KUALA LUMPUR, April 21 ― Indians and Chinese were brought into Malaysia to weaken the Malay identity and undermine the community’s birthright to peninsular Malaysia on the pretext of multiculturalism, Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) said today.

Accusing the country’s previous British colonial masters of the conspiracy, the group pointed to a claimed 350-million strong “Malay people” purportedly rooted here to insist that peninsular Malaysia be identified as a Malay and Islamic state.

“Malaysia is a huge province which has been settled by the Malays and hold the Malay identity for over 60,000 years, and has embraced Islam for hundreds of years.

Bloody British! But ...

I've a question, namely, what official multiculturalism or/and its promotion existed during British days?

As for the 60,000 years of Malay existence, I am not going to dispute that. After all, the history of the Sumerians started 6,000 years ago (around 4,000 BC) while the missing link leading to homo sapiens appeared only around that time (60,000 years ago) which means the ISMA claim makes Malays the first or earliest class of homo sapiens, and why not - after all someone got to be the first!

According to the Malay Mail Online article there are NOT 300 million Malays but only 30 million WORLDWIDE - Malaysia has 15 million (50% of 30 million).

For example, while Indonesia has almost 240 million people, only 9 million have identified themselves as Malays. I personally am not surprised because those Javanese are quite snobbish and don't recognize themselves as Malays, but rather Javanese.

I know the British colonialists brought the Indians across from British India to be clerks, PWD (JKR's predecessor) workers, postmen, guards, etc for the local British Administration and additionally to serve as labourers in estates. But for multiculturalism?

WTF, Malaya was under British colonial rule effectively if not legally, and those Poms didn't give a f**k about multiculturalism.

They just told our ancestors to shut the f**k up if they didn't quite like our squabbling. Hence we have had unhappy blokes like Maharajarela, Mat Kilau, Dol Said, Chin Peng, etc. But multiculturalism by the colonial British? wakakaka, what cock talk is this?

As for the Chinese, in earlier days before there were silly stuff like passports, visas or even immigration officers they went where there was (rumours of) precious metal or work (which included trade), take your pick.

Precious metals? America (gold), Australia (gold), Malaya (they thought Malaya had silver, but they were quite please with tin, wakakaka).

Chinese woman wearing tudung


Work? They built the railroads in America and (together with the Indians) the rubber plantations in Malaya, all under the white men of course (well, initially at least, wakakaka).

they cut tunnels right through the Rockies

Chinese were certainly imported by the Yanks to do the hard work. But Chinese imported into Malaya by the Poms? For multiculturalism?


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