
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 21, 2014

HOW IRONIC! As nation mourns Karpal, Najib goes on 'SANDIWARA' 3km anti-graft run

HOW IRONIC! As nation mourns Karpal, Najib goes on 'SANDIWARA' 3km anti-graft run
Indeed, the fifteen to twenty thousand Malaysians who jam-packed the streets to pay tribute to the ‘Tiger of Jelutung’ in Penang speaks volumes; indeed too the tremendous amount of tributes filling every on-line media sends a loud message; and indeed too, the fact that certain main stream media were giving front-page tributes including several pages in days running saluting the principle-centered lawyer and unwavering politician also registers the greatness of this son of Malaysia.
It is not even an exaggeration to state that there were millions more Malaysians who would have wanted to be there in Penang but circumstances were not in their advantage. Hence, it is understandable when you witness coffee shops and market places filled with news exchanges and shock expressions at the loss that many Malaysians felt and shared openly on hearing of YB’s passing on.
When people – citizens from all walks of life, social strata, race and creed step forward to express their sense of loss, one thing is certain. And that is, this man was indeed a warrior for all citizens who loved their nation and cared enough for its future.
Karpal was an icon. He was relevant for all citizens in their journey to build a nation for themselves.
Reality is Umno-BN does not care about nation-building or unity
Against this backdrop there are also several episodes that also unfolded and it should not escape the critical eye of a one-nation building dream.
First, while tens of thousands filled the streets to bid farewell and as a mark of respect, a sense of loss and signature of gratitude, what took place at Putrajaya under the initiative of Gerakan was not Malaysian. It was also not even Asian.
Gerakan launched an anti-corruption run on that same Sunday that the late Karpal would be sent off on his final farewell. And the prime minister-for-all-Malaysians chose to flag off that Gerakan sports event of 3,000 participants.
Therein lies the greatest folly of Gerakan and sadly only helps to precipitate a perception about Datuk Seri Najib’s leadership.
Let alone humanitarian values, even sensible public relations would have dictated that Najib could have chosen to be the prime minister for all Malaysians by being in the midst of the last farewell for a Malaysian citizen, politician and professional who certainly won accolades by the tens of thousands.
Instead, Najib chose to be a leader of political coalition and so saw the run organized by Gerakan as more meaningful.
As a leader for all Malaysians he could have rendered an eulogy for the greatness of Karpal and all good principles the Tiger championed. Najib would have risen above party politics and helped Malaysians to forge ahead with his 1Malaysia dream.
As a prime minister of a single nation, he could have resonated with the endless tributes made by common citizens and leaders from all quarters including ex-leaders, ex-judges and ex-cops. as well as religious, professional groups and civil society
But no! Datuk Seri Najib literally has instead distanced himself from the hard work of weaving the fabric of national unity by his very act of omission. Hence, the public relations consultant or consulting firm who in all probability would have had a hand in this should be condemned.
As for Gerakan they could have sown seeds of admiration if its leaders had instead chosen to pull ranks with DAP and be with the citizens in Penang walking side by side with the people who revered the ‘Tiger of Jelutung’.
In fact, a wiser Gerakan would also see that their ill conceived publicity event would only cost them more vote loss in the long run because here is a credibility issue as far the voting citizens see it.
Malaysia is doomed: Only Malay-saja will exist and perish
The second issue is of course that foolish and dangerous twitting of an MP from the UMNO block. Not only is it against all common sense, it certainly is not a Malaysian culture let alone a Malay virtue. In fact it is not even Asian for that matter. We never say ugly things when a fellow neighbor, friend, citizen dies.
Yet, he is let off. It takes him several days to come around and post an apology. But where was the prime minister who is also his boss as far as Najib’s job as party president goes.
UMNO needs to pause and reflect with a contrite heart if it wants to be seen as match-for-match credible opponent in the next general election. It also needs to ask itself serious questions if it is still pledging its support to their party president.
The question that should knock sense into that senseless twitting by the Langkawi MP is: What if someone from an opposition camp did the same on the untimely demise of an UMNO MP? Would your party president look to the contrary? Would you settle with an apology? Let us not get angry but ask these honest questions with a gentlemanly spirit.
In summary the lessons to be learnt by UMNO-BN is that you can be poles apart when it comes to politics. But in death, you must learn to see your opponent not as your enemy but as a loss to the democratic space of governance and the onward progress of a nation of people.
In your opponent’s death you must see the greater humanity and our total purpose on earth.
The ability to quickly sieve and separate party politics from national favor is the mark of statemenship Sir!
A nation now ruled by an immoral, unjust, arrogant minority Umno-BN govt
UMNO-BN must also learn that citizens and netizens cannot be wrong. When they come out pouring into the streets, crossing the borders of race and religion as was the distinct crystal clear case for the passing on of YB Karpal Singh, politics is only second class to the bonding shared by humanity.
Indeed then, the untimely death of the Tiger of Jelutung has opened up our eyes and lifted our aspirations to the next horizon for truly 1-Malaysia-Malaysians. This UMNO-BN has failed to grasp and ride with dignity and honor.

Seriously, the prime minister of Malaysia must quickly decide whether he chooses to remain as a party president above his vocation of being prime minister for all citizens or vice versa when tragedies that have national color and impact occur.
If the public relations consultants hired cannot courageously give the nation’s leader right advice, he or she must be sacked or else UMNO-BN must pay the price together with their fall ultimately. - MAILBAG

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