
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 27, 2014

My life as an infidel

If hell is a place filled with righteous disbelievers, our writer has no qualms about going there.
religonWhen Karpal Singh died two weeks ago, even lifelong political opponents paid tribute to his steadfastness in fighting for the principles he believed in.
Unfortunately, some were insensitive enough to utter words that hurt his grieving family. Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia leader Mohd Azizi AB Rahman, for instance, said that infidels, no matter who they are, will end up in hell.
True enough, in the eyes of some, those who don’t share their religious beliefs are infidels who will burn in hell.
From this point on, let it be clear that this writer is speaking for himself, not Karpal or any other person.
Many a time have such warnings of afterlife punishment been poured into my ears, especially when preachers of a particular religion attempt to convert me. I listened to their arguments, but every time politely turned down the offer of salvation.
Staying the way I am allows me the honour of paying homage to God in any house of worship. It also gives me freedom from the fear of being spied on my some religious authority that might interpret my respect for various religions as apostasy.
It allows me the privilege to read any religious scripture without having to do so in secret. Can you imagine what the religious authorities would do if they see a Muslim reading a Malay language bible, even if it is for the academic purpose of understanding Christianity?
Staying the way I am also gives me the freedom to read or listen to arguments for the non-existence of a supreme being.
Do not get confused here. I am staunch believer in the existence of the Great Architect. It does not make sense that the universe could be in such order without some power that made it all happen and keeps sustaining it.
But not being dogmatic in my religious approach allows me the freedom to study and understand Him and His creation without having to subject myself to the narrow confines of any religious book.
It is mind boggling how the Infinite could be confined to one or several holy books. Surely there is more to Him than what is written.
I am the way I am for many reasons, not the least of which was a piece of wisdom I acquired in my teenage years—from another just as young.
While a group of us were chatting about heaven and hell, one asked in jest: What if God decrees that those who do good go to hell and those who do evil go to heaven?
Of course, everyone laughed at the notion but the point is very striking. What if a sin is added to every good deed we do? Would people still be good?
That was when I decided to do right for the sake of doing right. I believe it is the same principle applied by many atheists who seem to be doing more good in the world than most religionists.
As for Karpal, whether he is going to hell or heaven, it is up to God. But if people like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Karpal end up in hell, I guess it would be a hell filled with righteousness.
And that is a place I have no problems going to after kicking the bucket.

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