
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Najib signs US$400 billion with IMF!

No. Our prime minister did not do that!

However, this is the latest rumor to put the government in rickety. Worse, it was created by some high ranking government officials and senior ex-servicemen who are inclining toward the opposition. And when such a story hits the street, believers come aplenty!

Another simple logic why 'Najib signed the syndicated loan during his visit to Turkey' last week was that, Barisan Nasional government has spent almost all from our US$130.6 billion foreign reserves! (They should read what the IMF says about Malaysia)

"No sir! He (Najib) did not only sign the FTA with Turkey. Few IMF top guns were there, and they approved US$400 billion for Malaysia, making us the world's largest debtor. Najib is selling the country to the IMF and the US.

"For that reasons, Barack Obama has agreed to visit Malaysia (later this month)," according to this former deputy sec-gen of a ministry during a coffee table talk at a hotel last night. I was there to attend a wedding reception but the group of about 16 people (I know some of them) proceeded to the coffee house for some chats.

Among them were 'sidelined' Umno politicians, Pakatan Rakyat supporters, former senior journalists and academicians whom I believe are Anwar Ibrahim's supporters.

When I said no such signing took place in Ankara, they 'whacked' me by saying it was done in discreet. Again, I denied it by saying they were spewing lies about Najib with the intention to incite more people to hate the government.
ANKARA, April 17 (Bernama) -- Malaysian businesses should seize the opportunities to expand and flourish in Turkey to take advantage of the growing bilateral ties, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
At the same time, he said, Turkish businesses should reciprocate by increasing their investments and trade ties with Malaysia.
"The Prime Minister (Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan) and I are both strongly committed to bilateral partnership, and there is no clearer example of this commitment than the Malaysia-Turkey Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which we will witness later today," he said in his keynote address at the Turkey-Malaysia business luncheon hosted by The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey here.
Also present were Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Ali Babacan, and Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci.
Najib said he felt positive towards the two-way trade, adding that based on the current investment trend, Malaysia and Turkey were targeted to increase trade volume to US$5 billion in five years' time.
"In 2013, Malaysia's total trade with Turkey was over US$1 billion.
"Bilateral trade will increase significantly with the implementation of the Malaysia-Turkey FTA," he said.
The FTA would also strengthen economic and technical cooperation in areas such as small and medium enterprises, services, agriculture and food, healthcare, energy, e-commerce, research and development and the car sector, he said.
I showed them this news from Bernama but they said 'why must we sign FTA with a Turkey when the amount of trade was not significant? There was other reasons for the visit'!

Fed up and dejected, I left politely.

If lies like these go unchecked, it will definitely has heavy adverse impact on the people's trust in the government. While it is not shocking anymore to see some government officials joining the pool of liars and slanderers from Pakatan Rakyat, I think the PM's media team - especially those dealing with social media players - has been very incompetent since the last general election.

There is no need for us to borrow from the IMF, World Bank or other international financial institutions. Our economy and fundamentals are strong, much stronger than some of the developed nations (read Moody's report).
Moody’s said Malaysia’s capital market depth, large buffer of foreign exchange reserves (totalling US$130.6 billion in February 2014) and a favourable debt structure guard against a disruptive reversal of the non-resident accumulation of Malaysian government debt. - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/money/article/malaysia-can-withstand-external-financial-shocks-moodys-says#sthash.rmUMC7Z4.dpuf

The officers appointed to fend PM and the government did not do much to 'cushion the fall'. Their crisis management approach is of Class D. I don't want to say more about them but Najib MUST know, and it is not too late to revamp the team.

Similarly, it applies to Umno information bureau. PM should put a non-minister who is not busy with ministerial duties, to lead it.

Let's not talk about Information Department and JASA...

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