
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 8, 2014

OUTRAGEOUS conspiracy theories of a JEWISH PLOT the latest speculation by MH370 followers

OUTRAGEOUS conspiracy theories of a JEWISH PLOT the latest speculation by MH370 followers
Freelance journalist: ‘Hijacked flight 370 passenger sent photo from hidden iPhone tracing back to secret U.S. military base Diego Garcia’
Are passenger Phillip Wood and others still alive after flight 370 was hijacked then taken to a secret U.S. military base located on a remote island in the Indian Ocean?
INDIAN OCEAN (INTELLIHUB) — According to freelance journalist Jim Stone, one of the American passengers, Phillip Wood, a technical storage executive at IBM, who was aboard the now missing Malaysian Airlines flight, keystered his iPhone 5 in his anus after the Boeing 777 carrying 239 people was hijacked by military personnel while on route to China.
Amazingly, Stone claims that metadata within the photo yields evidence confirming “100 percent” that Phillip Wood sent the photo, along with a brief voice activated text, from GPS coordinates which put Wood only a few miles away from the U.S. controlled Diego Garcia military base which is located on an island south of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. In his post Stone claims that the coordinates may be off by a few miles (see update below post), proving that the iPhone actually sent the otherwise blank black picture revealing nothing else. Stone speculates the picture was taken in a dark room or in some position in which Wood’s hands were bound.
As reported by Stone, the picture was posted along with the following text allegedly from Wood:
“I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.”
Strangely the blank black image labeled “1395192158752.jpg” contains the following metadata:
Dimensions: 240 x 320
Device Make: Apple
Device Model: iPhone 5
Color Space: RGB
Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Focal Length: 4.12
Alpha Channel: No
Red Eye: No
F Number: 2.4
Exposure Program: 2
Exposure Time: 1/15
Stone also points out in detail how the above Exchangeable Image Format (EXIF) image data is the “smoking gun”, writing:
The Exif is intact. Exif data gets embedded in every image by every camera and includes the circumstances under which the photo was taken. It can be viewed by saving the image to your desktop, and then right clicking it and selecting image properties. Hit the details tab. You can see that the image was taken on March 18 with an iPhone 5, with the ISO at 3200 and a shutter of 1/15. The coordinates are included in the exif data because the iPhone knows where it is, and the coordinates are for Diego Garcia. THE FIRST TIME A BLANK PHOTO SAID IT ALL.
Exif can’t be rewritten with common software, it can only be added to in fields such as image credits with some advanced applications. It can be erased as well but NOT CHANGED. Photos with the exif intact will hold up in court. If the Exif is hacked and this is not real, the CIA or a really good hacker did this, which I doubt, I’d say it’s probably real.
Another smoking gun is that the voice recognition software put the word personal instead of personnel. This is completely consistent with a blind software assisted dial out.
Surrounding this story is the fact that the man who managed to get this information to Farganne (forum member Glitch) was harassed and received many threatening voice mails over it, that is another piece of evidence pointing to this as being real. One thing is certain, once it’s posted here on this site the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE. I cannot stress how important it is that the GPS coordinates in the photo do not perfectly match what Google says and are not posted anywhere on the web, because it proves that the source of those coordinates did not come from google or Wikipedia, they really did come from the imaging device and it HAD TO be at Diego Garcia when it took the photo.
Interestingly, 7-days ago, on March 24, 2014 at 2:30 AM EDT, it was reported by Intellihub News that flight 370 landed at Diego Garcia, a secret U.S. military base leased from the EU, during the early morning hours of March 8, 2014 after a YouTuber by the name of Montagraph put two-and-two together following other reports.
An excerpt from the article reads:
“[...] MH370 most likely landed at Diego Garcia and the plane may have been ushered into a massive “Faraday cage” style hangar to avoid passengers from communicating with the outside world.”
Surprisingly, this all dovetails with a Malaysian Insider report released on Mar. 18 titled “US military base, South Asian airports in MH370 pilot’s simulator, says paper“, as the pilot of MH370 was found to have had scale simulations of Diego Garcia in his home flight simulator.
An except from the Malaysian Insider reads:
Investigations into the flight simulator taken from the missing pilot’s home showed a software for five practice runways, including one belonging to the United States, Berita Harian reported today.
“Among the software we checked so far is the Male International Airport in Maldives, three airports in India and Sri Lanka, and one belonging to the US military base in Diego Garcia. All have a runway length of 1,000 metres,” a source told the Malay daily.
Police seized the flight simulator from pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s house last Saturday before reassembling it at the federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman, where experts were conducting checks.
If anyone has anymore information on this matter we urge you contact us at Intellihub News right away.
Update 2:49 PM EST
The following information was posted as a tip on Steve Quayle’s website:
Hi Steve,
Re: the black/blank photo from the IBM tech on the lost Malaysian jet. The photo was taken inside a building just off the runways at Diego Garcia. I put the photo into my editing software, grabbed the GPS point and here it is. Try this: go to: itouchmap.com , choose #6, go to the bottom right box and input the info:
-7 18 58.3 LATITUDE
72 25 35.6 LONGITUDE
Click on: SHOW POINT
Zoom in and you will see where the photo originated. Wow. You’ll probably recognize the heavy aircraft parked nearby.
Image Via itouchmap.com:
(Featured photo at top of page: Wikimedia Commons)
Intellihub’s exclusive MH370 Coverage:
Rothschild owned Blackstone Group benefits from missing flight 370, becoming primary patent holder of new technology, reports say
Partner of MH370 passenger acuses governments of cover up on BBC
Full manifest: Flight 370 — As released by Malaysian authorities
15 questions about flight MH370 that the media isn’t asking
YouTube Investigator: ‘Flight 370 landed at Diego Garcia military base, plane and passengers then put in a Faraday style hangar’
Malaysia says there is sealed MH370 “evidence” that cannot be made public
Full Transcript: MH370′s radio transmissions before it went dark
Why was the Malaysian MH370 flight not detected by the Diego Garcia US Naval and Intelligence Base in the Indian Ocean?
Failure to find Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 sparks Chinese consideration to surveil the world.
In this bizarre case of the missing Malaysian airliner, one plus one is starting to equal two.
New information, fact-checked by the respected Intellihub News website may shed some light on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight which was recently reported by Malaysian officials to have ended tragically in the Indian Ocean despite the lack of physical evidence.
While the disappearance of MH370 which had 239 people aboard is tragic, new bombshell information reveals that a Texas-based technology giant, Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., may have benefited in some way from the missing airliner which was reported to have been carrying 20 of Freescale’s employees. Although it’s obvious the loss of human life likely saddened employees and co-workers of Freescale, the possibility still remains that higher-ups in the corporation may have benefitted from the event.
rothschilds control the world
“Freescale previously confirmed that the 20 employees — 12 from Malaysia and eight from China — were among 239 people on flight MH370. The company has not released the names of those employees, and again declined to do so on Monday.”, as reported by Brian Gaar, the American Statesman, Mar. 24.
It has also been mentioned in a statement by a company spokesperson that the employees who were aboard MH370, were extremely talented and valuable in the technological field.
Ultra-small Microcontoller
In February 2013, Freescale unveiled the Kinesis KL02, the world’s smallest microcontroller, measuring 1.9 mm by 2mm and containing RAM, ROM and a clock. The company brags that the device is so small that it can be swallowed for medical uses, such as releasing drugs according to prescription schedule or directing micro-surgery.
Tiny though it may be, the micro-controller is the key to next-generation warfare based on self-guidance, tactical versatility and hierarchy of commands, in short, an adaptive thinking weapon that can outsmart foes. Potential applications include:
Drones smaller than a fly, either as remotes or autonomously, on surveillance missions or to deliver biowarfare packets, for example, lab-cloned viruses or toxic drugs. Their light weight means longer flying periods or even indefinite hovering time if solar-powered.
Injectable implants to insert a human-machine interface, for example, a targeting system attached to the optic nerve, rendering Google glasses obsolete. Bionic implants could be implanted in nerves of the limbs to control battery-powered prosthetics, realizing the Pentagon’s dream of a human-centered robotic warrior, known to anime fans as “meka”.
Maneuverable micro-satellites and mini-submarines that can be operated as drones or act independently to track and hunt larger weapons systems, spy satellites too small to be detected by ground telescopes, and orbiting warheads containing chemical, biological or nuclear materials.
Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. is primarily owned by the Blackstone Group, i.e. Lord Jacob Rothschild, the same group responsible for spraying the highly-toxic Corexit 500A into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in the months following the BP oil spill as reported early on by Intelihub News. Shockingly, we also see the Carlyle Group listed as a secondary investor adding another layer of suspicion for investigators.
It is reported that the chip in this case, the chip whose patent Rothschilds now may have sole ownership and control of, would allow more drops than previously to be placed on microchip wafers. potentially bringing chips closer to nano levels.
One very good reason for getting rid of notoriously untrustworthy Chinese developers who, as with Asians or Jews, invariably remain faithful to their country of origin or allegiance more than their country of birth or residence. The convenient end to the lives of these technicians denies China groundbreaking military-applications technology that would have very likely been privatly leaked or sold to them and widely pirated by China for military and commercial purposes.
The official entry listed under Freescale Semiconductor’s “financials” section on Wikipedia states:
On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira. The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.
As a journalist, I have to point out the vast amount of monies invested into this technology firm. It’s not like $17.9B is a drop in the bucket by any means, likely signifying the true importance of this corporation. I also have to question why so many Freescale employees were on the same flight at the same time, as four of them were reported by several sources to have been U.S. patent holders of a new technology with wider military applications. This would likely have been a breach of protocol, but at the least a costly oversight.
In fact it’s been reported that Peid Ong Wang, Suzhou, Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou and Li Ying, Suzhou, Freescale employees from China who were said to have been onboard flight 370, were each 20% holders of U.S. Patent #US008671381B1. Shockingly, the remaining 20% has been reported to be held by Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., which now after the disappearance of flight 370 becomes the sole patent holder. In laymen’s terms, Lord Jacob Rothschild is now the patent holder by virtue of invested interest into Freescale Semiconductor Ltd.
The Malaysian government has acquired rights to chips that can embed identity tags into cash, passports or even human bodies. The chip can replace barcode tags in retail goods, and can be inserted into the human body, animals, bullets, credit cards and other items for verification purposes, said the report.
The made-in-Malaysia microchip measuring 0.5 mm X 0.5 mm – the size of a decimal point – uses the radio frequency identification (RFID) chip technology.
To bring things further into perspective, putting the icing on the cake, the Rothschild dynasty owns the Malaysian Central Bank which in-turn is heavily invested into the Malaysian government and Malaysian Airlines.
Need I say more?
Writer Bio:
Ambellas, Shepard – Bio IconShepard Ambellas is the founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub News and the maker of SHADE the Motion Picture. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook. Shepard also appears on the Travel Channel series America Declassified.

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