
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Regardless of stay, IGP still in contempt

YOURSAY 'The two children are with Izwan now. Why the need for a stay order?'

IGP gets stay in Izwan vs Deepa custody battle

Angel: The Syariah Court order for the police to assist the father, N Viran @ Izwan Abdullah, has already been executed as the two children are with him now. Why the need for a stay order?

However, the High Court and Court of Appeal orders have not been executed, so inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar is in contempt of court. The ex-parte application for a person already in contempt should be dismissed.

Stig: “The syariah court has agreed to suspend the order they gave against the police sought by Izwan until the Court of Appeal or Federal Court decide on the jurisdiction of the syariah and civil courts in such cases and also determine Section 52 of the Child Act.”

If the Federal Court or Court of Appeal can decide on jurisdiction, doesn't this already mean that the syariah court is not on equal standing with the civil court?

Malaysian 53: The fear of failure in the face of pubic opinion and general consensus has forced the attorney-general (AG) to intervene.

It is time for the AG and the judiciary be impartial. Even many of mine Muslim friends agreed that it was wrong to take the children away from the mother and give custody to a recently converted father, purely because he is now a Muslim. Where are the mothers' rights in these cases, syariah court judges?

Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad was instrumental in rushing through the Islamisation of the courts to show he and his then deputy, Anwar Ibrahim, were more Islamic than PAS. And see the result of this - a half-baked implementation of the legal system.

Spartacus: Why does Malaysia have different court orders and no one knows which is superior? Is Prime Minister Najib Razak's economic transformation programme also transforming 1Malaysia to 2Malaysia?

Abim: Stop divisive Islamic-secular state row

Fabian Sim: Why does Abim (Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement) want us to stop the debate? Because they know that our country is a secular one.
Our constitution and laws and structure is such. Why stop talking? Because if we go on, the whole country will see their lies for what it is.

They are trying to save face. They want to further their one race-one religion agenda. They say that pluralism is dangerous, and now they're saying voicing against the Islamic state issue is driving a wedge between communities in our society?

Fair Play: Abim, every right-thinking Malaysian knows the constitution is the supreme law of the land. Those who insist that our country is an Islamic state and that the syariah courts are equal to the civil courts have their own agenda to drive a wedge against the other communities.

It is not that the non-Muslim communities do not recognise or accept that Islam is the religion of the federation, Bahasa Malaysia is the national language and the special position of the Malays.

It is just that those in the authorities are continuing to push the other communities' back against the wall by intruding into their private space, such as body snatching, unilateral conversion of their children when one spouse decided to convert to Islam, and the prohibition of other communities from using certain words in their holy books.

Here lies the crux of the problem. And what has the powers-that-be done so far to stop all these controversial issues? Nothing, except their elegant silence.

Anonymous #32557251: Freedom of speech has a different meaning in Malaysia. Are you saying those who claim that Malaysia is an Islamic state also have to shut up, Abim?

Let the judges explain, based on our constitution, whether we are Islamic or secular. Everybody else should shut up, including Abim.

Anonymous #40538199: It is no point claiming we are an Islamic state if the country remains high on the corruption index but low in the international ranking of quality of universities.

Please remain focused on facing the pain of price increases when the fuel subsidies are reduced and the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is imposed.

Anonymous_1396527206: I'm a Muslim and the point I would like to make here is religion is between a person and the creator, it has got nothing to do with managing a country. A civic-minded approach in government is good enough.

I'm also against certain hadis, but this does not mean I'm ‘murtad’ (apostate) - God is great and they should leave matters to God to decide.

Well Thats Fantastic: I too am a Muslim and agree wholeheartedly with Anonymous_1396527206.

It is written that the last prophet was Prophet Muhammad, so all these men who now say they represent God are simply false - they cannot represent God.

Fair Play: 'Anonymous_1396527206' and 'Well Thats Fantastic', it's really heartening to know that right-thinking Muslim Malaysians like both of you decide to speak up instead of being among the silent majority.

The saddest part of the truth is that those who seek to divide the various communities along racial and religious lines do not seem to realise or recognise the fact that any disharmony among the various communities would end with only one result - that all Malaysians will lose. -Mkini

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