
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Advise sultan on anxiety of non-Muslim subjects

YOURSAY ‘Perhaps, the next step for Khalid is to explain to His Majesty.’

Selangor sultan slams PAS MP for anti-Mais remarks
Ferdtan: “In a rare public show of disapproval, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah today singled out PAS' Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad for suggesting the powers of the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) be curbed.”

So now that the sultan has unprecedentedly come out with an open statement (involving an issue that is subtly political), can Khalid or anyone rebut and explain to the sultan his views, without the threat of sedition hanging over their heads?

If not, isn’t it unfair not to hear the other person’s view?

David Dass: It may be useful for Khalid Samad to meet with the Sultan of Selangor to explain himself and if necessary to apologise. Perhaps MB Khalid Ibrahim can help.

The sultan cannot see every criticism of Jais (Selangor Islamic Affairs Department) or Mais (Selangor Islamic Council) as a criticism of Islam or of himself.

We are a nation ruled by law. Law is made by legislators and law has to be interpreted. When there are disputes, and these disputes involve the law, they will have to be resolved by the legal and judicial services.

The attorney-general is the chief legal officer for the government, His decision on whether there should be prosecution or forfeiture cannot be disregarded by Jais or Mais.

Fair Play: For the sake and harmony of the Selangor rakyat, I just hope MB Khalid got what it takes to advise HRH Sultan the depth of the frustration of his non-Muslim subjects about the behaviour and conduct of Mais and Jais in handling their affairs.

In their zeal to protect Islam, they completely ignore the rights of the non-Muslims in their religious practices as enshrined in the federal constitution, the supreme law of the land.

Kim Quek: Mais has defied the AG and the MB in refusing to return the seized bibles, despite the AG having ruled earlier that there is no legal justification to confiscate and keep the bibles since no offence of the law has been committed.

This bible incident is only one of a series of unreasonable and offensive actions Mais has taken against non-Islamic faiths despite the latter having broken no law relating to proselytisation to Muslims.

Such unjust interference into the affairs of non-Muslim faiths has infuriated the non-Muslims in Selangor against Pakatan Rakyat state government. In view of such blatant abuse of power by Mais, what is wrong with a call to review the unbridled power of Mais?

Raja Chulan: Well done, YB Khalid Samad. This country, including the state of Selangor, is no more a feudal kingdom. In a democracy like in Malaysia, the people are supreme.

The elected representatives and members of parliament (MPs) like Khalid are the true voices of the people so everyone better listen and take heed.

Selangor cannot make laws that are not in accordance with the federal constitution or rely on antiquated old laws of the feudal era.

Kassim Muhamad: Khalid, for me, as a lawmaker and a responsible Muslim, you have done your duty. We are fortunate to have a leader like you; one who is brave enough to act like one.

Perhaps, the next step is to seek audience and explain to His Majesty. God bless Malaysia.  

Abasir: Now that HRH (his royal highness) has decided to enter the fray, could he shed some light as to how this debacle started, who engineered it, who gave it approval and who offered protection when Mais decided to ignore the AG’s declaration that no laws were broken - meaning that the seizure of the bibles was clearly illegal?

The rakyat would like to know from the sultan who is supposed to look after the interests of all.

Anonymous #039163649: Khalid, when Penang CM Lim Guan Eng incurred the wrath of the Johor ruler for some remark he made to Singapore businessmen about crime in Johor, he apologised and sought forgiveness immediately and therefore avoided further complications.

I propose you do the same thing, seek an audience and apologise immediately otherwise Umno would run a sustained campaign against you for lese majeste and you know what happened to the late DAP leader Karpal Singh when he made a remark pertaining to the Perak ruler.

Apologise Khalid, please do it at once.

Proud Malaysian: Why should the sultan be so sensitive to Khalid's proposal to curb the power of Mais?

I don't see anything wrong with that if Mais behaves in such away that they are a power unto themselves and as if they don't have to answer to anyone else.

Malaccan: With respect, Mais may be a creature of Selangor's constitution to advise and assist HRH, but the current power Mais is wielding comes from the legislation passed by the State Assembly and thus can be altered.

It is the abuse of this power that the PAS MPs appear to want curbed. If Mais is to continue operating in the public arena, there must be a space for criticisms and challenges to be made against Mais.

Any ruler's authority is not unlimited. The federal constitution does not make the fundamental right of religion fall under the authority of rulers to decree and define, and for Mais to limit.

With respect, a ruler's interpretation of the law and constitution is not final as that is the domain of the courts. And even then the courts' judgments can be debated.

MPs are elected by the people to raise their issues and concerns in the states and federally; and the questionable conduct of Mais has disquieted people everywhere. Furthermore, to what purpose only one MP was singled out?

SSDhaliwal: Yes, it is the duty of the MP to speak on out on any travesties of justice, especially involving trampling of constitutional rights among minorities in the name of religion.

Khalid Samad has the courage to speak out against this gross injustice when people in authority do not have the gall to make things right or are intentionally up to mischief to create chaos.

ACR: Article 48 of the Selangor Constitution and section 6 of the Administration of the Religion of Islam  (State of Selangor) Enactment 2003 provides for Mais to advice HRH on matters relating to Islam.

Nowhere in the 2003 Enactment is Jais mentioned, though syariah courts, zakat, mufti, mosques, religious education, etc, are mentioned. Neither is Jais-Mais relationship codified anywhere.

In June this year, former Perlis mufti Dr Asri Zainul Abidin was quoted as having stated that Pakatan Rakyat made the 'mistake' of placing Jais under Mais' authority. Though all states in Malaysia seem to have a ‘majlis agama’ and a ‘jabatan agama’, there needs to be clarity as to what their relationship is.

It is in this context that Khalid Samad suggested for Jais to be independent of Mais. From the doctrine of separation of powers and to protect the royal institution from making executive decisions his suggestion made perfect sense.

Khalid, you are remarkable and may the Almighty guide and bless you.

J Ng: Mais must take heel of what the sultan said - to champion the rights of Muslims without disturbing non-Muslims. On the contrary, Mais has not only disturb non-Muslims but had clearly infringed on federal laws by defying legal orders.

As adviser to the sultan, Mais has defied the sultan's role to protect and guarantee the rights of non-Muslims. Mais has clearly misused the sultan's trust in not respecting non-Muslims rights and freedom. And all these non-Muslims are also the subjects of the sultan.

It is fortunate that the sultan has these caring MPs who spoke out against Mais. It is in the interest of the sultan to portray that HRH is sincerely and truly concern about all his subjects. Surely, HRH will not be interested to play politics given the constitutional role of the monarchy.

Casey: This story tells of the struggle of two Khalids - Khalid Samad, the just preserver of the sanctity of Islam; the defender of liberty, democracy and equity; and a true son of the country.

And Khalid Ibrahim, a self-serving recalcitrant who would not hesitate to resort to ruse, lie and deception, as long as the end justifies the means.

The good Khalid chooses to fight for justice, and we know that is never easy. It never has been and never will be. Whereas, the other Khalid chooses to fight for himself and cling on to power. The former exacts a toll and a price to pay; while the latter brings power and wealth.

Appum: Khalid Samad is noted as an examplery and practising and good Muslim, I think he practises what he preaches although he is not head of Islam in Selangor. His case is one of leadership by example. Need I say more? -Mkini

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