
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Conflict of interest when MACC clear own staff

YOURSAY ‘A truly independent party should have inquired into Teoh’s death.’

MACC officers in Teoh Beng Hock's death cleared

Malaccan: This is adding salt to injury, and adding insult to atrocity. The RCI  (royal commission of inquiry) must be blind then.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) staff watched pornography in their offices and yet not breached any regulations?

If this cannot be seen, how can we expect MACC to see anything larger, such as a suspicious death; unless the inquiry by its special investigation team, like the RCI’s finding, was less than truthful. The inquiry should have been done by a truly independent party in full transparency.

We know MACC is able to do more when they are properly (or improperly motivated) as in the Rosli Dahlan case. We see them moving fast when it involves minnows and get paralysed when it involved anyone bigger.

The MACC chief commissioner may ask how MACC can gain the trust and confidence of the rakyat. The rakyat asks how it can do that when everything MACC does reeks of dishonesty and it is us who need protection from MACC.

A life has been lost in MACC's custody. Isn’t there anyone with a conscience in MACC who wants justice for Teoh Beng Hock? MACC is tainted and is a national shame forever.

The Reaper: How can MACC clear their own staff when MACC is the alleged party to Teoh Beng Hock's death? There is conflict of interest here.

Lamborghini: Those who are guilty of causing the death of an innocent man may be cleared by human authorities but they will never be completely free mentally and emotionally as they will be forever haunted by their inner conscience and probably by Teoh Beng Hock's ghost for the rest of their lives.

Kein: So interrogating a witness mercilessly throughout the night and creating such great stress that he jumped to escape his tormentors (if we believe the suicide theory) is not wrong?

Vijay47: The independent committee has investigated and established that the three officers were not involved in any indiscipline. As such, they cannot be faulted if a suspect under their control and management should suddenly fall to his death.

Losing one's life is a divine conclusion and can occur anywhere, in Kuala Lumpur, in Sabah, on the road, in the air, in hospitals or in police stations. It is just like being raped - when death comes calling, lie back and enjoy it.

Now that it has been found that the officers are innocent, by the way, why pick on them in the first place? They should be compensated for the anguish suffered.

These officers should be rewarded; a nice bonus would be in order, thank you. And the entire Teoh family should be charged in court. Yes, for sedition.

Mob1900: Welcome to 1Malaysia, where you're not wrong if you're on the side of the ruling regime, trampling on everyone else.

Kit P: Beng Hock died while under the control of MACC interrogators. The system simply takes care of its own.

Even a royal commission is useless. A complete, total whitewash. Nobody is accountable for anything. This is what governance in Malaysia has become.

CiViC: What do you expect? This is Malaysia, where people just die in custody, or get blown up for no reason - no motive, no suspects.

Tan Beng Sooi: Malaysia is deteriorating to become a Zimbabwe of Asia where wrong is right and right is wrong. Condoning murder, deleting immigration records, burning churches, seizing bibles, are allowed to go unpunished.

Haveagreatday: It's hardly a surprise, isn't it? Those three in blue are just pawns of the powers-that-be. Since they were just following orders, how dare their superiors charge them.

But until and unless there has been an impartial investigation into Beng Hock's murder, they remain prime suspects.

Odin: Of course, all the MACC officials involved are innocent. The late Teoh Beng Hock strangled himself, walked over to the window, and then jumped down to the ground four floors below.

Do note that ‘strangle’ means to apply pressure on the neck and throat till the owner of the two parts of the human anatomy dies.

Therefore, he was already dead when he walked to the window and jumping down. In the land of endless possibilities, such a thing can happen.

Swipenter: Long live TBH. You are in our hearts and minds. You are not forgotten. Justice will prevail one day.

Longyan Ren: "Yes, the MACC is safe now," Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Paul Low, who oversees governance and integrity, emphasised.

So it’s finally admitted - it wasn't safe before.

Yahoo: Something is amiss here. If the trio is cleared of any wrongdoing or any indiscipline, why have them transferred to do administration work?

They should stay on in the enforcement unit, right? These RCI officers, can you sleep at night? TBH will visit them in their sleep.

Siang Malam: So the MACC Disciplinary Board thinks watching pornography on office computer is okay? This is a good message to all our young children.

GodBless: Nobody gets punished in the end? -Mkini

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