
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cop shot dead, what is next for Sabah – Chua Tong Ka

We have allowed thousands of them to come into Sabah unhindered. Now we have a disaster in our hand which probably will take decades to resolve.
This is the problem with our politics – we have always allowed short-term expediency to take precedence over our long-term interests.
For years we openly allowed foreigners to move in and out of our border in Sabah without documents. When there was lack of political will to contain these people, we cited the long and porous border as the reason why we were unable to contain them
I think we should stop giving excuses. Did we cite the same reasons when Vietnamese boat people landed on our shores in large numbers in the late 1970s and early 1980s? Did they not come from a war-torn country?
Also, I believe the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia is long and porous as in Sabah. But we managed. We managed to round them up and even confined them to an island until they were repatriated to third countries. But when it comes to Sabah, we are helpless for one reason or another.
We have sovereignty over our land but we chose to allow foreigners to move in and out without papers, openly and defiantly.
We allowed this practice to continue for decades and today it has become their “right”.
They now have thousands in our country and thousands more are waiting to come in. They have access to arms and I believe they will not hesitate to use it on whoever dares to interfere with their life.
We were very focussed when we fought the communists. We formed new villages, cut off supplies, and engaged them in armed struggles.
But in Sabah, these foreigners stay freely in our midst, work, do business, rob and kidnap us whenever they feel like it. All they need to do is to flee across the border when the situation is a little hot and then come back in after a few days.
Our tacit approval and non-action have emboldened them.
Not long ago, they staged an armed rebellion against us. Now they kidnap us and our tourists at will and have also started killing our uniformed personnel.
How about we stop giving excuses? How about we watch the eastern seaboard of Sabah like the 38th Parallel of the Korean Peninsula?
How about we start treating all the illegals in Sabah in the same way we dealt with the Vietnamese boat people and the communists?
* Chua Tong Ka reads The Malaysian Insider.

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