
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 7, 2014

DELIBERATE OPAQUENESS: MH370 to remain in conspiracy theory limbo

DELIBERATE OPAQUENESS: MH370 to remain in conspiracy theory limbo
The mystery surrounding missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has been consigned to conspiracy theory limbo, a virtual no-thinking-man's-land of misapplied facts and nonlinear logic. It is a limbo we are becoming all too familiar with in the wake of sudden disasters and tragic events. But the Flight 370 disappearance shares similarities with the tragic TWA Flight 800 and it could very well suffer the same fate of having conspiracy theories live on no matter what sort of evidence the search for the missing aircraft turns up.
Christine Negroni, blogging for the Seattle Post Intelligencer July 2, offered that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 seemed to be heading down that same conspiracy theorist path that the truthers and fringers refuse to leave with regard to TWA Flight 800 that exploded over the Atlantic Ocean in July 1996.
Negroni, who wrote a book chronicling the tragic mid-air accident that befell TWA Flight 800 (Deadly Departure), noted that, even though the FBI signed off on the explosion as having had no criminal involvement and the National Transportation Safety Board reaffirming (twice) that the explosion was caused by an accident, conspiracy theorists still point to terrorist activity and the idea that the Boeing 747 was shot down.
Negroni fears that with all the varied and strange conspiracy theories surrounding the disappearance of Flight 370 (including speculation that the Boeing 777 was shot down as well), the same fate will befall its legacy.
Writes Christine Negroni: "... the same kind of wild-eyed, never-say-die conspiracy theorists who shadow Flight 800 will forever cast doubt on whatever is ultimately determined to have happened on the Malaysian Airlines flight that disappeared on March 8th. Without pre-judging the investigation yet to take place, I can say I've already read enough nonsense about how MH 370 has been secreted in Diego Garcia, submerged in the Gulf of Thailand and been flown by radar-dodging pilots in the shadow of a Singapore jumbo jet, to last a lifetime.
"Without a doubt, there is more to come."
Without doubt. Precedent can be found not only in the persistence of the TWA Flight 800 conspiracy theories in the face of massive investigations and proffered facts but also in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. It wasn't long after the Twin Towers pancaked and suddenly fell to the ground that conspiracy theorists were crying out that the hijackings and planes being flown into the buildings were but part of a grand ruse conducted by the Bush administration itself in order to construct a murderous reason go plunge the United States into a defensive posture, go to war with the Islamic world, and set up an internal governmental push to further centralize the federal government. But there were more than just one.
As of April 2013, according to a survey conducted by Public Policy Polling, 11 percent of voters believe that the federal government "allowed" 9/11 to occur.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur on March 8 on its way to Beijing, China. Partway across the South China Sea, it suddenly disappeared from radar, only to reappear west of the Malaysian mainland a few hundred miles west of its scheduled flight path. The plane then headed south out over the Indian Ocean, where investigators believe the plane eventually ran out of fuel and crashed into the sea.
No trace of the missing plane has yet to be found. The search for Flight 370 resumes again in August. -http://www.examiner.com

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