
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Digi, Dumno All Dumbing Down.

1. Moronism is getting into the fifth gear in UMNO. From time to time you have the Bung Mokhtar character making the most asinine statements. He is infamous for that 'perempuan bocor' statement. His latest booboo is wishing the German team 'Long live Hitler' because they beat Brazil 7-1. Obviously Bung is a fan of the Brazilians.

Now you have an UMNO legal advisor making another 'perempuan bocor' statement. 

The Star : Women leaders from both sides of the political divide were united in rebuking an Umno lawyer’s remarks that Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail should not be made Mentri Besar because she is a woman.

Umno legal adviser Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun was reported as saying that a woman Mentri Besar would suffer from uzur syarie (menses) which would become an obstacle should she be required to accompany the Sultan on religious functions

I mean how stupid can you get? All the Sultan need do is ask, 'Apa macam. Hari ini boleh ke?' If the answer is yes, then yes lah. If no, then no lah. 

But there surely must be more to life than religious functions alone.  How about opening the Dewan Undangan Negeri? Or debating the Budget? Or opening a school? Or building a road? Or planning a traffic safety campaign? Or launching a cleanliness campaign? Or officiating a 'Mari membaca buku' campaign? Or a 'Jom kita gunakan akal' campaign. 

You know more relevant things like that. 

Isnt Wan Azizah already 65 years old? Anugerah Tuhan is approaching 67 years or something. Wouldnt Wan Azizah be past her menopausal years as well ?   I say bro, awak sudah mental-pause kah? Maybe Hafarizam is thinking about that virginal lembu woman.

The PM is easily the dumbest numb nut east of Suez since Kipling looked out the window on the port side. It looks like he is not alone. The whole party and machinery is simply dumbing down.  

2. And here is more dumbnews. This is a picture of a deranged woman attacking an older man's car with a steering lock.

The psycho woman attacked the old man's car after a slight car accident. Why are these people so dumb? That is why it is called an accident.  The psycho woman later apologised, possibly after the issue was highlighted through the alternative media and now picked up by the mainstream media.

She thinks that just by apologising for her actions, the whole issue should just be forgotten. Maybe someone should wrap her head with a steering lock. If she complaints, just apologise and say the whole issue should just be forgotten. Easy isnt it? First let me knock you on your head. Then if you complain I say, 'I am sorry ah. Just forget about it lah. I lost my cool. Thats all."

The IGP Tan Sri Khalid has said that this woman will be investigated.  

The viral video even caught the attention of Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.  Khalid said the police would be investigating the matter as it had been classified as a road bullying incident. We will be lodging a report against her and action will be taken against her,” he said.

Syabas Tan Sri Khalid. I hope the woman gets what she deserves.

But the dumbest statement has come from Digi - the telephone company. Digi said they will pay to repair the damages (to the cars) of both the psycho woman and the old man.

Looks like its not just the Dumbno guys who are dumb. Digi is putting the victim of the crime on the same level as the perpetrator of the crime. Maybe if someone gets raped tomorrow Digi will pay the legal fees of the rapist ? You know just to make things even?

Yesterday I had buka puasa with a foreign diplomat guy. He said the same thing. There seems to be a general lowering of the averages all over the country. A dumbing down. This is not good for eveyone.

3. Folks, it never stops. I just received this news:

Suami isteri terjun ke dalam sungai? There is no law in this country which can deny any food seller from selling food before 3 pm - bulan puasa or no bulan puasa.

Under what act do these enforcement guys arrest foodsellers who sell food before 3 PM in the fasting month? 

What about McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, 7-11, Starbucks, Marry Brown, Old Town White Coffee, convenience stores, bake shops, Secret Recipe, Kings Bakery and a 1000 other food outlets? 

Ya Allah kenapa lah Jamil ni bodoh sangat? Ya Allah will this bodohism ever come to an end?

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