
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 24, 2014

How could a bigot picked to head the judiciary?

YOURSAY ‘Just how did Abdul Hamid get appointed to the CJ’s post?’

Ex-CJ: Islam under threat in DAP-ruled Penang

Odin: Abdul Hamid Mohamad, you are a despicable, bigoted, senile fabricator of falsehood. You deserve not a shred of respect.

You are a highly appropriate example of why Malaysia is a failed state. It is abundantly clear that you got to your last position not due to brilliance, which you obviously lack, but because of your race.

If what a former Penang mufti told you is true, your agreement with it illustrates your twisted logic, your putrefying brain.

Any normal person would not mind others asking for their fair share of something; they would object only if the latter demand more than what they rightly deserve.

If you are also pathetically ignorant, you have further debased your scant worth with your baseless allegation of the Church being disappointed for not being able to turn the Malays into Christians five centuries ago.

But it is not only that you have fabricated falsehood, you have also exhibited your inability to maintain your contention - which further illustrates your mental aberration and which, in turn, is the result of your being consumed with malice towards those of other races and faiths, particularly Christianity, and ravaged by the venom.

You now claim that the Church has failed to turn the Malays into Christians five centuries ago. As your command of English is deplorable, I will instruct you now that that means the Church made the attempt five centuries ago, but it has failed and, therefore, stopped.

I will further instruct you that when someone says that you have ‘claimed' something, what the person means is that he seriously doubts that you can support your statement. Is that clear?

Whereas you are now claiming that the Church attempted to turn the Malays into Christians five centuries ago, you were reported on Jan 25 this year to have accused the Church of having attempted the same thing since five centuries ago. That means something totally different altogether.

It means the Church is still at it. That you are unable to stick to one and the same contention completely voids your credibility.

Turvy: To counter anything this man says will only give his utterances a credibility it does not deserve.

But what an embarrassing creature he has become. His references to events, historical and otherwise to support his claims are without reason or logic.

They are nevertheless, wanton remarks, carelessly uttered, but sufficient to provoke more division and hatred in a country already made unsafe by many like him on the lunatic fringe.

The religious bandwagon is an easy cart to mount for retired old men who have nothing to show of their life but mediocrity. They occupied exalted positions without the greatness required of them and now in their old age, even the wisdom of age eludes them.

YUNoAnon: Abdul Hamid, you have no proof, no evidence and no facts.

For someone who is in the legal fraternity - and on top of that, a former chief judge - you have nothing to back your claim that Islam is under threat in Penang. You should know better than anyone - an argument without evidence would be dismissed immediately.

It is no wonder our legal system and the majority at the top levels in the judiciary system are flawed. So much for judicial independence, you are clearly biased and had been throughout your tenure.
Telestai!: It is absolutely disgusting to read about the mischievous statement of a former highest ranking court officer in the country.

This begs an answer to the question - just how did this bigot get appointed to that post?

Anonymous_1395686384: The comments by the honourable ex-CJ and some NGOs that Islam is under threat is basically insulting the religion.

He is insinuating the religion is weak and its fundamentals are shaky and the believers have no strong faith to let someone convert them.

It's people like them who give Islam and other Muslims a bad name. Sir, Islam has existed for about 1,500 years and it's the word of God and it does not need mortals to defend.
It had stood the test of time and will continue to exist for another 1,500 years. God is capable of defending it. The religion speaks of peace, equality and fairness and what you have uttered goes against the very tenet of the religion.

Anticonmen: For a judge, you are too stupid to understand that the constitution is the contract between citizens of all races. The Articles are the terms and conditions of this contract. The Articles state that all citizens are equal and all citizens have freedom of religion.

Due to some twisted opportunists, these Articles or contract terms were arbitrarily changed. There is no other 'social contract' besides the constitution. Even a secondary school student can understand this.

Shanandoah: This ex-CJ should be investigated for sedition. He is not only stupid but mischievous as well. He cannot claim to be ignorant. His utterances were deliberate to create hatred.

Why are the police not acting? DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has beencalled up, why not this fellow?

Anonymous_1380012186: Those who live by the sword will surely die by the sword. I sincerely doubted his ability to judge fairly when he was the former chief justice.

We need to reopen all his previous court judgements and make right what had been wronged.

Negarawan: The shocking and extremist statements from Abdul Hamid brings to question the impartiality and fairness of legal cases formerly adjudicated by him. Perhaps some cases need to be reviewed.

How he ever became the ex-CJ is a big mystery, as a person with such extremist and irrational behaviour will jeopardise the integrity and honour of the judiciary.

Swipenter: It is quite clear that there were plenty of Umno Baru cultivated and inspired racists and fascists promoted and working in the judiciary and justice system from the late 1980s onwards and some retired ones are now coming out of the woodwork. -Mkini

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