
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How dare you tell us to go to HELL, you 'kurang ajar' - MCA lashes back at 'mampus' Zam

How dare you tell us to go to HELL, you 'kurang ajar' - MCA lashes back at 'mampus' Zam
Zam, what matters more for BN & Malaysia ?
Upholding the rule of law, protection & stability or spiraling downhill via sanctioned violence & incitement?
It is unfortunate that ex-Cabinet Minister Dato’ Seri Zainuddin Maidin’s outburst against MCA misses the main crux of the message of our press statements ie upholding the rule of law irrespective of political leanings to restore voter confidence in the Barisan Nasional ruling coaltion, lest Malaysia descends into chaos if the authorities entrusted to uphold the law are seen to be sanctioning threats and lawlessness.
Condemning MCA to “pergi mampus” or “go die / go to hell” is absolutely unbecoming of a former Cabinet Minister, more so, when he was tasked with the Information portfolio. Would Zainuddin like his verbal lashing to stick with him permanently similar to the infamous Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels quote that “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” because this is the slippery road he is undertaking on now. Moreover, his flare-up against MCA is totally non-reflective of the BN spirit built on the ideals of moderation, racial/religious harmony and stability which our founding fathers envisioned as the core principals for our nation’s governance.
Zainuddin Maidin
Zainuddin must ask himself: Which is more important? For BN to undertake transformation and be seen as people-oriented fighting for justice by getting closer to the average man on the street even if it means according protection as granted by the country’s law for our political opponents, or, a government that dumps the rule of law by approving and encouraging physical intimation, and threats and religious provocation and double standards in the application of the law?
Thuggish behaviour or wishing death towards a fellow component party will never succeed in regaining voters’ trust and national reconciliation, and on the contrary, they will cost BN more ballots.
Zainuddin aping DAP
UMNO has every right to be offended with the slur by DAP Seri Delima state Assemblyman RSN Rayer. However, that does not mean that either UMNO or BN leaders must fall into the same trap set by DAP by retaliating with harsh, condemnatory language.
It is the likes of Zainuddin in UMNO who give the rakyat a false impression of UMNO. It is leaders like him who destroy all the good work of UMNO, MCA and all efforts by BN component parties.
It is Zainuddin who is emulating DAP by calling MCA names in an uncouth and “kurang ajar” manner so unlike the refined culture and manners of “Melayu Jati.”
On a separate note, to erroneously accuse MCA of not criticizing Rayer first is pure childishness designed to attack our party, divert attention away from the main issue of the authorities appearing to consent law breakers and violence. He has conveniently ignored many of our party leaders’ earlier press statements which clearly did not condone the insulting slur uttered by him.
Assemblyman RSN Rayer
MCA reiterates that equal protection of the law against harm and intimidation applies to all Malaysians irrespective of race, religion or political affiliation. The public expects the Home Minister and the police to perform their duty of ensuring security of safety for all and for political parties to speak out when the federal government is perceived to be lacking.

Datuk Ti Lian Ker is MCA Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman

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