
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 25, 2014

I won’t leave, Khalid promises Sultan

The ruler has practically given his vote of confidence in the incumbent Selangor MB.
khalid_selangor_300Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said he has promised His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor he will continue to serve as Menteri Besar as long as his services are required.
Now, this is a very interesting declaration. Still required by whom – by the Sultan or by the party? Clearly Khalid meant still required by the Sultan even if his party no longer wants him as Menteri Besar.
Khalid said Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had intimated in a buka puasa function at the Kampung Assam Jawa mosque that he wants a state government that can be trusted, is firm, and is responsible.
In short, His Royal Highness wants to see good governance, transparency and accountability in the way Selangor is managed, the same war cry of Pakatan Rakyat since long before the 2008 general election.
According to Malay adat istiadat (culture and tradition) and according to Palace protocol, this can be interpreted as the Sultan’s vote of confidence for Khalid, a pre-emptive strike against a possible vote of no confidence against Khalid in the Selangor State Assembly in the event Pakatan Rakyat chooses that option to oust Khalid if he refuses to voluntarily resign.
To the understanding of the Malays, a vote of no confidence against Khalid in the Selangor State Assembly would now be tantamount to a vote of no confidence against the Sultan as well. And this is where most Malays would not want to cross the line.
This has pushed Pakatan Rakyat and Anwar Ibrahim into a corner. Will they still dare pass a vote of no confidence against Khalid knowing this will also be in defiance of His Royal Highness?
Some may view this as the Sultan upping the ante. The message from the Palace appears to be if you take on Khalid then you take on the Sultan as well. And while PKR and DAP have no problem going for Khalid’s jugular, engaging the Sultan in a staring contest is another thing altogether. Even Umno has lost out many times when it comes to defying the wishes of the Palace.
PAS Selangor has wisely chosen not to take a stand in this issue, at least those who have a vote in the State Assembly. Most of the PAS leaders who support PKR and DAP in their move to oust Khalid do not have any vote in the State Assembly. Hence their opinions do not really matter, especially the PAS Members of Parliament.
Now that the Sultan’s support for Khalid is no longer an open secret but has been categorically stated, the PAS Selangor Youth Movement and the PAS State Assemblymen, too, have openly declared they wish for Khalid to continue to serve as Menteri Besar.
If Anwar continues to push this issue, he risks causing a serious split within PAS plus a split within Pakatan Rakyat. Hence Pakatan Rakyat has to very carefully navigate around this issue lest the damage done to the coalition jeopardise Pakatan Rakyat’s chances of retaining Selangor in the next general election.
They will have to hold a Pakatan Rakyat Presidential Council meeting soon to get a consensus on this issue. And, as Anwar always says, Pakatan Rakyat works on consensus and not on majority vote. Hence PAS must also agree to Khalid’s removal. It is not enough that PKR and DAP want it to happen.
This means PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang must be present at that meeting. PAS Vice President Mat Sabu cannot speak on behalf of the President. And if Hadi is not able to attend that meeting for whatever reason, then a consensus cannot be reached and therefore Khalid stays on as Menteri Besar.
Game over for the Kajang Move!
Roslan Bistamam is a FMT columnist.

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