
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 14, 2014

Little respect for Najib, even those in his camp

YOURSAY ‘Ibrahim Ali thinks that he can speak to PM the way Dr M does.’

Walk the talk, revamp NUCC, Perkasa tells Najib

David Dass: It is quite extraordinary that someone like Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali thinks that he can speak to the prime minister the way Dr Mahathir Mohamad does.

I see nothing wrong with the composition of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC).

It appears quite balanced and the Malay members are all strong personalities. I cannot see them being steamrolled by the non-Malay members. Indeed, I do not see PAS accepting anything that is bad for Malays.
I also do not see what the fuss is over the bills proposed by the NUCC. None of those bills can alter in any way the rights of the Malays and bumiputeras presently enshrined in the constitution.

The bills in broad terms aim at removing some of the causes of racial discord. Why is that objectionable?

In any event, these bills will have to be discussed and debated in Parliament. There will be ample opportunity for MPs, senators and the media to comment on them.
Perkasa and Isma have real problems accepting equality, freedom and justice, but these are precepts enshrined in our constitution.

Ferdtan: Now the attack on PM Najib Razak by Ibrahim Ali is getting too brassy and personal. Who is Ibrahim Ali, an unappointed leader, so audaciously attacking a PM?

Najib will not be bothered with a failed politician like him. The position of Najib depends only on the support from Umno members.

However, on the other hand Najib just cannot dismiss him off completely; after all he is not only a known lackey of Mahathir, he is his mouthpiece as well.

Is this a start of a smear campaign to bring down Najib under the pretext of his poor leadership using the government-sanctioned NUCC’s effort to draft the unity bills? Is Ibrahim testing the waters to gauge the support from Umno members for the move before the final putsch?

We shall know if it finally comes - when Mahathir doing his blunt talking aims directly at Najib. So far he was subtle in his criticisms of him, using his trademark sarcasms.

Odin: Najib, when even low-life forms in your own camp like Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Radin and Ibrahim Ali have no respect for you, it shows you are simply pathetic and totally unworthy.

And you have even used public funds to finance Perkasa's operations. Serves you right. What is happening to you is poetic justice.

The Mask: Poor Najib, he receives no respect from his own people. In fact, they practically snubbed him. Bung Moktarthumbed his nose at him and now Ibrahim Ali told him how to be a leader. More will follow suit, I am sure.

Malaccan: After a period of silence, while other bigots and hate-mongers like Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman and Association of Muslim Lawyers (PPMM) president Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar have outdone him in bile and filth, the egomaniac Ibrahim is back as chief racist and extremist but only managed to accomplish childish name-calling.

Ibrahim attacks the NUCC committee which has the intelligence and goodwill to put up the keystone draft bills for consultation with the public.

We know Najib prefers the BN work style, discussing such issues behind closed doors, and after a period of time the council is dissolved without any fruits shown for all the money, resources and time poured.

Much like the PM's Department and myriad agencies where no real results could be seen for the hundreds of millions spent. Najib planned the NUCC to be an empty showpiece but the NUCC member were nevertheless serious in their work.

Ibrahim derided Negara-Ku immaturely and went low to attack Pak Samad (national laureate A Samad Said), who is an elder and Malay cultural icon, ignoring Muslim requisite and Malay custom to show respect; proving Ibrahim is neither a good Muslim nor Malay champion.

Old Timer: Is it a big surprise why the Umno-dominated government is not doing anything about Perkasa and Isma? These NGOS are going to destroy Malaysia.

Sadly MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other lackey parties are accomplices in their crime since they are also doing nothing (to stop these racist NGOs).

Chris Wong: We should recognise that day when Perkasa threatened to organise their own rally to counter Bersih, and ended up with few showing up.

It is the same here. Ibrahim Ali shouts only for himself and a handful of bigots and racists. They represent only themselves and are proxies for the old guard under Mahathir.

Ipohcrite: When more right-thinking Malaysians of all races and religions join and embrace the cause of Negara-Ku, then it will spell the end for racist groups like Perkasa and Isma.

And that's exactly what they are afraid of - more Malaysians trying to reclaim their beloved nation from the clutches of these politically-motivated groups using race and religion to divide the people.
But nothing can stop in the way of Negara-Ku. As they say, "good always triumph over evil." -Mkini

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