
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 3, 2014

MALAYS ARE NOT THE ENEMY: It's Umno playing up their 'PSY-OPS' warfare

MALAYS ARE NOT THE ENEMY: It's Umno playing up their 'PSY-OPS' warfare
Malaysia is a secular country! Always have been and always will be. Anyone, who denies it, really needs to have their heads checked. Politicians are not exactly the stupidest people in the country so why are they unable to differentiate between the obvious and still insist that the country is Islamic.
Minister in the PM’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom has bravely announced that we are an Islamic Country based on his own warped beliefs. UMNO knows that they can continue to hammer in their brand of policies with impunity, if Malaysia is declared Islamic.
Their attempts to dupe the people for their own political gain are not very convincing. Do we think for once, that they really care for the Malay majority? No, they are merely hiding under the skirts of the Malays, every time they pull of such silly stunts. When things go wrong they simply blame the poor Malays for their mistakes.
BN politicians are panicking
Yes, these politicians are under pressure. Many of them are desperate after quietly observing their colleagues dropping like flies during each and every General Election. They know their turn will come if they cannot come up with something soon to check the downslide.
Their support base is eroding and their die-hard voters are abandoning them. Elections are four years away but they remain panicky. They will need a bigger war chest with lots of money to stand a fighting chance. With rising inflation, it’s going to cost a lot more to buy their votes.
Many of these political deadwoods are hopelessly addicted to wealth and power, and cannot bear to abdicate their goldmines. Losing their seats now would condemn them to a mediocre life, where they can no longer wield the stick.
As a civilian, they will lose political immunity and protection and be exposed to prosecution for any corruption scandals they have previously committed. If convicted, they will face a bleak future, scarring the future of their families, while their ill-gotten wealth would be compounded.
Only the Malays can save them from certain doom. If they are unable to seduce PAS into their evil scheme to hold on to power, the only other alternative would be to attempt another May13th. An Emergency rule would certainly prolong their hold.
Race and Religious Issues
The anti-Christian stance, Church raids, Hindu wedding raids, body snatching and bible seizures are believed to be malicious plots, hatched by UMNO to destabilize the nation and in particular the Selangor State Government.
And contrary to popular belief; the Allah issue is not a sinister plot to unite the fragmented Muslims in the country, but an ingenious plot to portray the entire Muslim population in this country as an insidious threat to the Non Muslim minority.
It is a massive plot to sow anger, distrust and division in the hope that the population would rise up and turn against each other. Even rumours like peeing on flag poles can turn sane angry people to riot and demonstrate.
Seriously, does anyone believe that UMNO has suddenly become so religiously pious that they need to endorse the ‘Allah’ word for the Malay Muslim’s exclusive use?
Even with MCA and Gerakan back in the cabinet, the immoral efforts to destroy racial unity through race and religious issues will not ease. For as long as these parties are trapped in the cabinet, their wings will remain clipped and they will continue to be yes-men forced to toe a fine line.
Call it psy-ops or false flags
Rearing radical NGO’s like PERKASA, ISMA and others to do their dirty work is not cheap, as sarawakreports.org alleges that extremist group ISMA alone has received significant funding of tens of millions of ringgit directly from the Prime Minister’s office.
However, subcontracting Psychological Operations (psy-ops) out is a good strategy for them to maintain a low profile and for others especially the Malays to perceive them as angels. This way they can step in to be a hero of the day, should the fire starts to burn out of control.
If they can, they want to mobilize the Malays to rise up to their defence. In order to condition the Malay mind, they ensure that the Malays never question the Royalty, which also mean they cannot question race or religion too. Any attempts to question the 3R’s (Race, Religion and Royalty) would be considered dissent. That is why they consider the Sedition Act as too useful to be discarded.
To launch the psy-ops on a national scale, they would need the unconditional support from every strata of government, from the Federal Courts, the Police, the component parties and right down to the simple laymen.
The NEP, Malay Supremacy, the 3R’s and Bumiputraship crap, is just a guise for them to loot the country legally. They have no plans whatsoever to share their spoils with the rest of the Malays. Keeping them crippled and dependent on crutches would ensure their continued dominance.
The NEP has also created a giant colony of Crony Vampires who feeds off the NEP, and without it the whole colony will collapse and disintegrate. Any mention of discarding the NEP is met by a violent saliva dripping show of fangs and blood shot eyes.
Malay Rights and Islam under threat
For the next four years, they will continue with their tirade to scream and holler like mad men that Malay Rights and Islam is under threat. However, there is some truth to their warnings, as many disillusioned Malays are determined to vote these individuals out of existence, while discerning Muslims wouldn’t dream of voting in any known corrupt politician.
Therefore, if UMNO fails to groom any new untainted leaders, the party looks set to die a natural death.
Mind conditioning
There seems to be widespread belief that only the Malays have undergone some sort of brainwashing and mind control, but it is not just the Malays. Non Malays have also been brainwashed by the MSM and their minds are conditioned to accept propaganda as truth.
The Non Malays are still being duped by the mainstream media into thinking that the Malays enjoy special rights as first class citizens; a pampered race that enjoys first choice scholarships, university places and bank loans. Non Malays are also mind conditioned to think that the Malays are lazy, dependent on crutches, religiously intolerant, radical and racially supreme.
On the other hand, they want the Malays to think of the Chinese as intruders, prostitutes, greedy, rude, gamblers, womanizers, Islam-haters and the Indians as drunkards, beggars, vile gangsters and idol worshippers.
They have also warned Malays to keep a safe distance from the Non Malays and not indulge in pluralistic traits.
The Malays are disillusioned
For the record, Bumiputraship don’t mean much to the Malays. Neither do they feel any superior to the other races. They don’t feel special and most of all they do not believe that UMNO has their best interests at heart and neither do they buy their welfare rhetoric
However, they feel sore that UMNO has belittled them, insulted them and made a mockery of their race and religious beliefs.
The exodus has begun since 2008 with a large number abandoning BN and UMNO. More disillusioned Malays are expected to join the exodus. If this continues, even the Christian bumiputras from the fixed deposit states in Borneo, would not be able to check the downslide.
So, in order for them to plug the leak, they have to create an illusion to paint the 60% Malay majority as religiously intolerant willing to sideline the 40 percent minority. Many spooked Non Malays would be taken in with the religious rhetoric, and return to BN. That is why Sabah and Sarawak continues to remain as BN fixed deposits while the Teluk Intan by-election would be a good example for us to learn from.
But by the rate that Malaysians are taken in by the psy-ops warfare, BN is ensured of another win. Remember, the Malays are not the enemy, so let us not play into the hands of these evil men with vested interests. - MAILBAG

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