
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Malays & non-Malays are tearing apart but for schemers Umno-BN, it's not victory but the DEATH KNELL

Malays & non-Malays are tearing apart but for schemers Umno-BN, it's not victory but the DEATH KNELL
If you live in Kuala Lumpur and use public transport to move around the Klang Valley, it is inevitable that you get to stop off at KL Sentral, Malaysia's landmark transportation hub where nearly all modes of transport are stationed.
KL Sentral is an impressive landmark. It is the pride of Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders like Najib and Muhyiddin Yassin. You can see state-of-the-art skyscrapers straddling the area and giving an impression of a cosmopolitan city.
Yet behind the beauty and splendor of this landmark, just a crow's flight away is the seedy red light district of Brickfields. Go down the wing from the YMCA and you will find brothels, illegal Internet gambling casinos, dirty hawkers, drug addicts and mendicants.
It's an area that decent people dare not trudge in the evenings and nights. It's easy to see why. Even in the daytime you can be mugged or be the victim of a snatch theft.
The sight of this area of Brickfields, with its assortment of religious houses of worship, juxtaposed with the skyline on the other side with a cluster of skyscrapers, is really a study in contrasts.
Perhaps Mr Balan Moses, an editor at The Sun newspaper, who wrote a book on Brickfields, might really need to look not so much into the past of this historical district but into how it is shaping up into the future
Brickields and KL Sentral is set to go into two different directions, KL Sentral a scene of growing affluence and prosperity and Brickfields being the scene of tragic poverty and shame.
Pockets of development and acres of poverty
Malaysia is fast becoming a land of sharp contrasts with pockets of development and acres of poverty.
While the elite and corrupt are heavily involved in areas of development, a vast majority of Malaysians live in clusters or communities where they eke out a living.
Why the disparity? It is not only Chinese and Indians but the bulk of Malays who really seem to be living hand-to-mouth and other bumiputras.
Despite affirmative action in place since the May 13 race riots, a significant number of Malays continue to lag behind prompting the BN government to up the ante on affirmative action.
But it is precisely this, the mechanism of affirmative action has been skewered terribly to favor the elites and the have's in this country while the have not's are in deep, grinding poverty some even in the hard core poor category.
The contrasts in this country is wide as anyone who is willing to traverse the length and breadth of West and East Malaysia will discover.
The longer BN is in power, the wider will be the contrasts and disparity between the elite and the rest of Malaysians.
The blame for this disparity and contrasts is due to the fact that the elite of this country has been nurtured through collusion, corruption, nepotism and cronyism to hold power.
This therefore rules out any possibility of the rest of Malaysians to be able to take strides of progress in their lives.
In fact, most of Malaysians have been muted and powerless and become compliant to the wishes and aspirations of the BN leadership.
This is because they are forced to comply through various evil policies and laws in place as suggested by former Singapore premier Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
Mr Lee pointedly observed that it is actually the Chinese community that has been forced into submission and compliance.
While this is really a point of debate, what has transpired since the 12th GE is that more and more Malaysians are trying to get out of the rut and drudgery of daily living in this country.
More disparities and differences
Since gaining independence in 1957 from the departing British colonialists, Malaysia has evolved with the gap between the rich and the poor widening in alarming proportions.
While a large number of Chinese and Indians of Malaysian descent have emigrated to various parts of the world to seek a better life, it is the unwanted Malays and bumiputras who are stuck in this country.
The reason for this sharp difference or contrast is due mainly to the absence of fair play, justice and meritocracy in this country.
In Singapore, they are happy and prosperous, and there is unity among the races, the Chinese, Malays and Indians and it is also interesting to note that Singapore Malays are streets ahead in life compared to the Malays in this country.
In Malaysia, the vast majority are suffering and in the lower rung of life because the elite of this country hold sway over them.
If Malays think that by putting their faith and trust in a BN government their future is assured, they are sadly mistaken.
Instead, if they had discarded BN a long time back, they would have become forward looking and progressive. But by falling for the political ploys of BN leaders they have been hoodwinked into thinking that they will be taken care.
The truth of the matter is that the wide disparity between the elite of this country and the rest of the Malaysian population is due to the fact that the rakyat have been thoroughly deceived into thinking that BN is doing good.
If BN was good for this country the number of afflictions inflicted upon the people who carry the heavy burdens of the elite will not be evident.
And this is an obvious observation, it is not the BN leadership that is serving the people but the people who are serving the leaders of this country.
By and large Malaysians have become conned into thinking that BN is good for them. The reality is that BN has managed this country only to serve the elite and to ensure the rest of Malaysians are kept out of progress and development.
Self-seeking and self-serving BN leaders
Why are "all" Malaysians not up-in-arms with the BN government. The reason is because the self-seeking and self-serving BN leadership have conspired to hoard the wealth of the nation instead of equitably distributing it among the people.
But since the rise of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and social media, more and more Malaysians are gradually being convinced that all along the BN leadership have been spewing evil.
In order to level and even the sharp contrasts and differences between the elite and the rest of Malaysia, it is high time for every Malaysian worth their salt to rise and throw out the BN government and save themselves and this country.
Unless and until this happens, the disparities and differences between the elite and the rest of the country will become wider and wider.
With greater and widening disparity between the elite and the rest of Malaysia, it will come to the point where the ordinary Malaysian will become powerless and even his vote count for nothing.
This is because the great powers amassed by corruption by the elite in this country will overwhelm every ordinary Malaysian and ensure they are denied the opportunity to grow, develop and mature as the citizens of this country.
This is the reason for the sharp contrasts in this country and also the reason why the elite of this country has set about to oppress and make compliant every Malaysian through their evil practices.
The 13th GE was the perfect opportunity to set things right but despite PR gaining the popular vote, the general elections was hijacked by the BN leadership.
But the groaning and moaning of ordinary Malaysians are beginning to increase in volume and it is only a matter of time when this country goes into chaos and confusion.
This is what is on the drawing board and with the breakdown of law and order Malaysians of all walks of life will then realize that the culprits all along who have shaped the sharp contrasts in this country is BN.
This is when hopefully upon identifying BN as the doer of evil, the evil doer will be shown the exit for Malaysians to pick up the pieces and then get on with a real life in this country.
Until the time when push comes to shove, it will still be the unwanted, unloved BN government holding sway.
But from the indications on the ground, it is just a matter of time leading to the demise and expiry of the BN government for good. - Malaysia Chronicle

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