
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Najib must prove his mettle

He must be firm in seeking justice for the victims of the MH17 tragedy and in tackling problems at home.
najibWe must commend Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for a job well done in obtaining the black boxes of MH17 and getting the remains of the victims to be handed over to representatives of the Netherlands.
Still, he must ensure that the perpetrators of this atrocity be punished for their crime and he must ask the United Nations to act against them.
World leaders such as Britain’s David Cameron and the Netherlands Mark Rutte have issued strong statements against Russia and Najib must do likewise.
Najib must show his strength and firmness against those who commit crimes against humanity.
Another group of people he should initiate tough action against are the kidnappers who operate off the Sabah coast.
Stern action and a concerted effort must be taken to strengthen the security of the coastline and to stamp out the activities of kidnappers, who threatened the lives of tourists and our security forces and the livelihood of businessmen in the area.
Last November a Taiwanese woman was kidnapped and her husband shot dead in Pom-Pom Island. This year, there have been kidnappings every month since April. Although the Chinese nationals kidnapped in April and May have been released unharmed, the Malaysian man from Perak kidnapped in June and a policeman kidnapped this month are still being held. Another policeman was shot dead this month.
These incidents threaten to decrease the number of tourists to Sabah.
Those in the know say that the economic situation off the Sabah coast has experienced a downturn. Those who say otherwise are talking pure bunkum.
Najib must take firm measures to ensure that the Perak man and the policeman are released safe and sound and that no more kidnappings will take place.
Cost of living
So much for the situation in Sabah. Another problem that our Prime Minister must solve is the rising cost of living. While it is true that prices will never remain the same, it must be noted that they have gone up several times recently within short periods, especially where foodstuff and fresh produce are concerned.
The latest speculation is that electricity tariffs and the price of fuel, namely RON95 petrol, will go up in September. The price of RON95 is predicted to go up by 20 sen a litre from the current RM2.10.
Before last September, it was RM1.90.
These hikes will cause rises in the prices of other goods.
The Base Lending Rate (BLR) too will go up, either later this year or early next year. This columnist’s neighbour is now paying RM14 more per month for her housing loan after the recent increase of the BLR and she has grumbled that she will surely be paying more next year.
With all these constant price increases taking place, this country’s poor people will eventually go bust.
There is already talk that the economy is going down not after the next Chinese New Year, as previously projected, but towards the end of this year.
Therefore, the two major problems for Najib to tackle is Sabah’s security and the national economy. The situation is dire and he needs to act wisely.
Since he took over the Prime Minister’s job five years ago, Najib has never been really tested. This year and next will be crunch time for him to prove that he has what it takes to steer the nation to success by the year 2020.

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