
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Najib’s cabinet suffers from an inability to trust

Apart from having a trust deficit, Prime Minister Najib Razak and his cabinet suffer from an inability to trust Malaysians who do not support BN, said former minister Zaid Ibrahim.

“They question the loyalty of Malaysians all the time. It started as mere propaganda that they brandished as a political weapon, but now they have actually begun to believe it,” he said.

“Today there is a widespread belief within this group that there are Malaysians who are set on destroying the Malay race, Islam and the monarchy. So they cling to the Sedition Act and other laws they can use selectively to target these ‘enemies’.”

Zaid said these so-called proponents of peace and stability must understand that loyalty is not a prerogative of any particular group.

“They must accept as a principle that all citizens, including those from the opposition, are loyal subjects of the sovereign and the state.

“Criticising the institutions of government is part and parcel of the democratic process and must be tolerated,” he added.

However, Zaid noted that after going through many years of indoctrination that taught them the “enemies within” political ideology, such thinking is extremely difficult for them to undo.

“That is why they are in favour of retaining the Sedition Act. They see those who are not politically aligned to them as enemies of the state,” he added.

Zaid suggested the cabinet to go on a retreat in Aspen, Colorado, where according to the former law minister, there are specialists in this mountain resort who can transform negative thoughts into positive ones.

“Let them undergo serious behaviour-mind analysis and therapy so they can see Malaysia, and the world clearly,” he quipped in his blog.

Zaid believes that before enacting any “transformational” legislation or making changes to the laws, attempts must be made to transform ministers on issues regarding loyalty.

“They must try to change their mindset to be more positive and trusting of others beyond their own group.

“Hopefully, when they come back (from Aspen), they will be able to speak as one, and show leadership on important issues of unity and loyalty,” he added.

Treat rivals as ‘loyal opposition’

Post-therapy, Zaid said cabinet ministers should be able to declare openly, for example, their trust in the loyalty of opposition parties in Parliament and treat them as a “loyal opposition”, a concept accepted by every government in the Commonwealth.

“If such acceptance is possible then there would be no need to suspend members of Parliament for long periods just for airing their views.

“The media controlled by the political parties in power would then get the message, and they too would start accepting the DAP and PAS as part of the national family,” he added.

Unless this happens, and the whole machinery of the Biro Tatanegara is revamped, Zaid said repealing the Sedition Act will be another wasteful effort.

“If our transformational prime minister can transform his cabinet ministers and the media, then legislative changes would be easier to implement.

“Let’s put the cart before the horse for a change. Laws do not change minds or behaviour - only education and therapy at Aspen can do the trick,” he added.

Zaid also questioned if these ministers actually know why there is a need to repeal the Sedition Act, or is it being done to keep Najib’s promise.

“They must be willing to depart from the present definition of sedition if they want to repeal the Act. The present definition and scope is ridiculously wide, so much so that any criticism can be construed as seditious.

“You can only hope the police do not charge you whenever you say something even remotely critical.

“If we intend to be ‘transformational’ in the fullest sense of the word, if we are not content to just wear the ‘transformational’ badge that some political leaders wear, then there is no need to retain any part of the present Act at all.

“Just repeal it, lock, stock and barrel,” he added.

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