
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 21, 2014

Perkasa, Isma snub Kurup’s buka puasa invite

Malay rights groups have criticised Tan Sri Joseph Kurup's backing of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) in drafting the unity bill. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, July 21, 2014.Malay rights groups have criticised Tan Sri Joseph Kurup's backing of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) in drafting the unity bill. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, July 21, 2014.
Muslim rights groups Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) want to have nothing to do with Tan Sri Joseph Kurup as long as the minister continues to back the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) in drafting the unity bill.
The groups said this after turning down an invitation to a buka puasa event last night with Kurup, who is minister in charge of national unity.
Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said both groups were of the opinion that NUCC's fight not only contradicted the Federal Constitution, but it was also trying to introduce laws that were against Islam.
"Perkasa, which defends the Constitutional policies, represented by Malay-Muslims, has never acted outside the law. It is not given the right treatment," he told The Malaysian Insider.
Following the absence yesterday, Kurup said he would organise a meeting with Ibrahim on another day.
"Perhaps he has other commitments. We have a lot of programmes now so I believe he had other commitments," he was quoted as saying in reports.
Isma said it had never recognised NUCC, adding that Kurup's recent actions had also been doubtful.
Hitting out at the minister, its president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman, said the proposed unity bills should be drafted by the Attorney-General's Chambers, not NUCC.
"We were not interested in the event. We do not recognise NUCC. Kurup's recent actions have been doubtful and suspicious.
"How could he have allowed his office to push through the unity bills' agenda, which Muslims have clearly disagreed with?
"How could they have brought this and allowed it to the Cabinet? They know it is not NUCC's purview to draft the country's laws," he told The Malaysian Insider.
Kurup, Zaik said, should know his powers and should act more professionally, but his actions showed that he did not understand the Constitution.
"He should know his powers and the law. He is not behaving professionally and is acting like someone who does not understand the strength of Malaysia as a country with many races," he added.
Ibrahim said Kurup's statement in which he admitted being a "good friend" was not sincere, as he had allowed NGOs which criticised the government to join NUCC.
"When Kurup does not respect Perkasa, he also does not respect Malays and Bumiputeras. How can he be good friends with Perkasa?
"He has just invited me once for a meal because he wanted to placate me before setting up NUCC. He wanted to leave us, he was scared we would be angry so he decided to have us a meal before that.
“We, in Perkasa, are not eaters, we are fighters."

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