
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 18, 2014

Putin And Obama Statements Re MH17

Here is a short statement by President Putin of Russia on MH17:

1. Vladimir Putin 
Dear colleagues!
You know that a terrible event occurred today in the sky over Ukraine, an awful tragedy -- a civilian plane was killed, 285 people, according to preliminary information, were killed.
On behalf of the Russian leadership and the Russian government, we express condolences to the bereaved families, the governments of those countries whose nationals were on that plane. I ask you to honor their memory.
(A moment of silence)
In this regard, I want to note that this tragedy would not have happened if there were peace on this land, if the military actions had not been renewed in southeast Ukraine.And, certainly, the state over whose territory this occurred bears responsibility for this awful tragedy.
I have already given instructions to the military departments to provide all necessary assistance in the investigation of this crime. And I also ask the government of the Russian Federation through the available civilian agencies that have the capability to do everything for a thorough investigation of this event. We will do everything -- everything that depends on us, anyway -- in order that the objective picture of what happened is part of the public domain here, in Ukraine and in the rest of the world. This is an absolutely unacceptable thing, and no one has the right to let this pass without the appropriate conclusions and without all of us having objective information about the incident.
2. Barack Obama
President Barack Obama delivered an unmistakable warning to Russia and Moscow-backed Ukrainian separatists on Thursday not to tamper with the crash site of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet apparently shot down over rebel-controlled territory.

With no hope for the roughly 300 people board the Boeing 777, Obama discussed the tragedy with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko by telephone and offered “all possible assistance immediately” to figure out what happened, the White House said in a summary of the call.

Poroshenko “welcomed the assistance of international investigators to ensure a thorough and transparent investigation of the crash site,” according to the summary.

“The presidents emphasized that all evidence from the crash site must remain in place on the territory of Ukraine until international investigators are able to examine all aspects of the tragedy,” the White House said.

That amounted to a warning to Ukrainian separatists who control the area – as well as to their patrons in Moscow – to ensure that critical evidence not disappear, either through looting or by willful tampering to conceal who was behind the tragedy.
My comments : Pilots say that the Russians had issued a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) at 1 am Ukraine time on 17 July (Thursday) warning of live fire at the border areas. The flight took off hours later. In Ukraine airspace the flight was under the control of Ukraine ATC. The flight deviated 200 miles from the air corridor to avoid bad weather, definitely with Ukraine  ATC permission.   

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