
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

REMEMBER FRENCH REVOLUTION? At Muhyiddin's May 13, Umno elites may be the target not the Chinese

REMEMBER FRENCH REVOLUTION? At Muhyiddin's May 13, Umno elites may be the target not the Chinese
Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin said that it is not impossible for another May 13 riot to happen to this country.
Very happily, two cabinet ministers said that it was issued just a warning. Therefore, this is also a warning that with the current economic and political condition, another May 13 may not be impossible, but this time it will target at the elites from UMNO Baru.
Since the New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced in 1971, and 20 years subsequently, the New Development Economy (NDP), the rich are no longer the Chinese but a small group of UMNO elites known as UMNOputra.
This is particularly obvious during the Mahathir era. Names such as Tajuddin Ali, Halim Saad and now, Syed Mokhtar Albukhary, Nazir Razak (brother of Prime Minister, Najib Abdul Razak) and Mokhzani Mahathir (second son of Mahathir).
Even former treasurer of UMNO Selangor, Razali Ismail, who is Syabas chairman is worth USD155 million.
Ordinary Malays who form the bulk of the population are suffering while the Umno super-rich jetset
With the subsidies cut, prices of consumer items will be rising. On top of that, the introduction of the Goods & Services Tax (GST) will see more people suffering. More people will become homeless when they cannot afford to even rent a place or find a job.
If salaries are not raised, workers may go on strikes, which may further hit our country's economy. With Najib saying that the Government will be signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), prices of medicine will rise even further; this, despite the fact that Malaysia is one of the few countries in the world where prices of medicine are among the highest.
With all these conditions in place, another May 13 may not be impossible according to Muhyiddin, but this time the target may be the UMNO elites. The rakyat is no longer easily hoodwinked by what they read in the government-controlled mainstream media.
As seen from the turnout during the Anti-GST street rally and BERSIH rallies, the discontentment with the Najib administration, and in particular, with UMNO politics is seen growing.
Real discontent cannot be masked by Umno-provoked racial-religious 'incidents'
Within the past six years, we have seen one episode after another. The cow head parade to the Selangor State Government office, the "war" against the people during Bersih 3.0, Hindraf 2007 and other street rallies. Anwar was not spared of all the fitnah - one after another - and now, he is facing the grim prospect of being imprisoned for another eight years.
Over the Allah controversy, the Christian community in Sabah and Sarawak are already unhappy with the way how the Federal Government handles the issue. Even personal CDs belonging to one Sarawakian Christian of Melanau descent, Jill Ireland and meant for personal use, were confiscated by the Customs and the case is now being brought before the Kuala Lumpur High Court for judicial review.
The Selangor Religious Enforcement Agency (JAIS) has been prowling around in Selangor against both Muslims and non-Muslims. Recently, the Selangor Religious Council chief and UMNO strongman, Mohd Adzib Mohd Isa showed that he is even more powerful than the Attorney-General of the nation by refusing to return the Alkitab to the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM).
Custodial death and interfaith custody, plus the plight of stateless children, are also challenges that are faced by Malaysians in the hands of some little Napoleons. Many of the homeless in city of Kuala Lumpur are still homeless, whereas we read about grants given to families of ministers and other UMNO leaders are going to nought.
Hate speech
Some time back, we hear about a particular restaurant chain serving ikan bakar. Even its franchisor was out there creating all sorts of hate speech. Grapevine tells us that he, too, was a recipient of a certain grant, but after taking money from a few franchisees, the business did not succeed. One after another of these restaurants had to be shut down, with the franchisees losing money.
Increasingly, we are hearing all sorts of hate speech coming from the likes of Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) which are linked to UMNO. UMNO ministers like Home Minister, Zahid Hamidi and recently, Tengku Adnan Mansor, are drawing people up the wall with their remarks.
Former minister, Zainuddin Maidin is also irking a number of us with his comments recently, not to mention that Utusan Malaysia continues to sow seeds of discord.
Not everyone, including the Malays, is amused by the nonsense uttered by such politicians and their supporters. Some of them have started speaking up, but if their voices (like mine) are not being heeded, UMNO is surely going to face the heat.
A dose of their own medicine for the Umno elite
Perhaps, another May 13, should it happen, would see UMNO elites being targeted specifically. Perhaps, it is time for these UMNO elites to taste its own medicine, as these issues are enough to turn the people against UMNO.
But I pray that we will continue to have peace in this country. Another bloodshed like May 13 will not benefit anyone, in particular, the business people. Even UMNO elites who are enjoying the nation's plunders will suffer as a result of another May 13.
It may be even worse than the Asian Financial Crisis of 1998, which saw the collapse of some business empires. Muhyiddin, and even Najib, may lose their jobs, and others who are linked to the plunder including former prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad may suffer the backlash of a major political earthquake.
As seen from the corruption case of a former judge in Indonesia, this may also happen in Malaysia if UMNO and its supporters continue to play dirty politics that drive us up the wall. If not because of what is being said or done by these stooges, I would not even waste my time writing this piece as a warning to all Malaysians. My job as 'salt of the earth', is to preserve some sanity in this nation.
Can we, or even Muhyiddin, afford another May 13? - MAILBAG

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