
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 5, 2014

SEX ATTACK DIPLOMACY: ‘Putrajaya, we’re no idiots, it was a cover-up’

SEX ATTACK DIPLOMACY: ‘Putrajaya, we’re no idiots, it was a cover-up’
‘Requesting to seal documents and dropped charges not a cover-up?’
Gov't slams Anwar over NZ cover-up claims
Justice Pao: If not for the New Zealand public, nobody will know about this embarrassing incident as this alleged criminal act will have the charges withdrawn and all records sealed with the accused probably posted to another country except NZ and the poor victim left to suffer. This is definitely attempt to cover up.
The Malaysian High Commission in Wellington, Wisma Putra, the dishonourable foreign minister and definitely the accused are the ones tarnishing the image of the country and smearing the name of Malaysia.
Ng Jooi Eing: Will Wisma Putra care to explain the May 21, 2014, letter to NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT). Requesting to seal the documents and dropped charges - was it not an attempt to cover up?
Abasir: "The High Commission of Malaysia would like to also seek the cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand and the New Zealand police to kindly consider sealing all documentation pertaining to the above mentioned matter and withdrawing all charges against Muhammad Rizalman Ismail,” said the Malaysia High Commission’s letter to MFAT.
It sounds like an attempt to cover up, reads like an attempt to cover up but it was not an attempt to cover up.
And of course, there is the multi-million dollar question: why did the NZ government release what was clearly a confidential letter? Just what made the Kiwis resort to this unprecedented action?
Is Wisma Putra now denying that the High Commission sent a letter to the NZ ministry requesting the closure of the case and the sealing of all related documents? If not, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is correct in stating that there was an attempt to cover up.
In any case, what is the conclusion of the 'psychiatric examination' of military attache Muhammad Rizalman Ismail?
TC Chan: The bungle is on the part of New Zealand. Rizalman could not clear immigration at the airport if the New Zealand authorities did not allow him to. He can have his immunity but he won't be able to leave New Zealand, ever.
Now we want to send him back and without due process? So we are going to ignore his right to due process? If Rizalman refuses to go willingly, will there be a legal process to be followed?
If the government forced him into a plane, I don't know what crime would be committed against him. Bar Council, where are you? Where is the presumption of innocence?
As for Anwar, forget him. He just will say anything to get his 15 minutes of fame.
Kit P: Invoking diplomatic immunity is not in itself a cover-up because the host country can still proceed to invoke legal charges.
The damning part is where the Malaysian High Commission officially asked for the charges to be dropped and the records sealed. That is definitely tantamount to covering up the case, because if NZ had agreed to that, the case would be effectively buried.
Swipenter: It’s clear as daylight that the Umno Baru government was attempting to get the NZ government to "drop all the charges and seal all the documents" pertaining to this case and a request by the latter to waive the accused's diplomatic immunity so that he can be tried in a court of law in NZ.
There are exchanges of official letters to that effect and yet you still want to blame Anwar.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Anwar is doing his job as opposition leader. Factually he was correct based on the intransigent May 12 letter from Malaysia High Commission to the NZ Foreign Ministry that made it clear immunity was not to be waived and that the diplomat was going to be recalled to Malaysia. Is that not an attempt at a cover-up?
As for MH370, the glaring incompetence of the MAS (Malaysia Airlines), the DCA (Department of Civil Aviation) and the RMAF (Royal Malaysian Air Force) when the aircraft first disappeared is on record and their abject failure to intercept the aircraft despite being spotted way off course on the military radars is itself a mystery. The cargo manifest was only released after intense foreign media pressure.
In Malaysia, the establishment cannot take any form of criticism because it is alien to their culture which is based on arrogance and entitlement to power and authority.
Anwar was merely stating a well-known fact and the majority of right-minded Malaysians would agree that our record of handling any crisis is often dismal given our penchant for cover-ups.
Real Truth: Why did Umno and the government give an opportunity to Anwar to condemn our country in the first place if all negotiations between NZ and Malaysia are transparent and according to the law of the country involved?
Why repatriate Rizalman and why was his diplomatic immunity not repealed. If the foreign ministry has done the right thing, there would be no cause for Anwar to make noise.
Lionking: I do not think Anwar is doing anything to damage the country's reputation. BN is doing just fine at that and there is no need for any assistance from anyone.
SultanMydin: So, Rizalman did not tarnish the country's image but Anwar did. Good Lord! What a warped logic from this government spokesperson. These are the kind of people we have as government servants.
Mosquitobrain: Anwar is talking because PM Najib Razak has been dead silent on this matter for reason best known to him.
Anwar did not do any damage to the country. Umno-BN and Rizalman are actually the one doing the damages. Do not shift the goal post. Change the players instead. -M'kini

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