
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Coming Emergency Parliamentary Session.

When PM Najib announced on TV that he is calling for an emergency session of parliament, I wanted to say bravo. He has acted decisively as he should. Otherwise, like I said previously, we have an insouciant PM.

Then I began to see a bigger picture. This time around, how come Najib isn’t shy to call up parliament? In the MH370 case, the opposition had to press strenuously for a special parliamentary briefing without success. Hishamudin promised to hold one for opposition MPs which he never did. And we can’t expect much more from the ow..ow minister since he has been replaced by Liow the must be minister MCA leader.

So how come in this instance, Najib is quick off the springboards? By questioning his decisive response we are in no way trivialising the intensity of emotions that sprung around the downing of MH17. The whole nation is in mourning; we lost 44 Malaysians on board including 2 infants I believed. Our thoughts and sympathies are with the victims’ surviving families. We feel the anguish and the sense of unspeakable loss.

But why the different treatment between MH17 and MH370? Because this time, the blameable cause of the heinous crime is known. The plane was shot down. It must be done by anyone of the parties in the war zone- the Russians, the Ukraine government and the separatist rebels supported and financed by Russia. The blameable party is not the Malaysian government. So Najib is quick off the starting blocks compared to MH370.

Two, Najib wants to leverage on the world spotlight. The world’s major leaders are all united in the condemnation of this unconscionable act. Najib must be seen to be doing something which can be read as befitting of a leader claiming world stature. What better way that to present to the world, Malaysia’s parliament is solidly behind the otherwise invertebrate PM.

Malaysians are kinder to their PM. Elsewhere in western democracies, the people deal with the matter as a matter of factly. If you are incompetent or reckless, expect the criticisms to be direct and less circumspect. You lembik means you are lembik, you are dullard, you will be called one directly.

The most powerful man in the world today, Barack Obama devoted less than a minute referring to the downing of MH17. He was widely rebuked via twitter. President Barack Obama provoked fury in the U.S. on Thursday by casually devoting less than a minute to the deaths of 298 people aboard a Malaysian airliner, a casual mention by the US president describing the catastrophe as 'it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy.

In our country, how? We are actually fed up of the business as usual approach of the PM and his cabinet members. It’s pointless to debate whether the plane took precautions- that is academic already. The plane was shot down by criminals and terrorists using a BUK Missile SA- 11 . Most probably by separatist rebels patronized by Russia. The immediate step would have been for the Foreign Misniter to haul the Russian Ambassador in and tell him firmly that we hold Russia to be responsible for this heinous crime in which 298 lives perished.

Apparently all the PM and the bewildered transport minister( we should have told him to stay on in China, don’t come back let Hishamudin handle this matter) could come up with are the usual blasé clichés,  we will leave no stones unturned and asking for swift justice to be taken. Asking who la tuan?
If so then despatch Anifah Aman or a person more capable to the UN assembly and call for an emergency session to denounce this heinous crime and to demand international bodies to capture the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

America with all its sophisticated spying equipment know who were the perpetrators. We must strongly request USA to share information with us. The Ukrainian government must also share responsibility over this crime. It must be asked to provide all necessary facilities and assistance to us. It is still not exonerated from this crime.

There is growing conviction among many, that the culprits and perpetrators are separatist rebels who are backed by Russia. If Putin remains isolated and detached, this will hurt Russian image abroad. That is why we are surprised Anifah Aman has not called in the Russian ambassador. Or call him to the emergency parliament session so that he can witness directly the anguish of the whole nation.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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