
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 18, 2014


But don’t you think it is in bad taste that he used the plane tragedies and the loss of 537 lives as political ammunition for his ‘oust Najib’ campaign? And what is Anwar going to tell his party tonight — that the MH370 and MH17 tragedies are God’s retribution for the sin of not ousting Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim in favour of his wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Why are tragedies befalling Malaysia, asks ex-editor
(The Malaysian Insider) – A former Umno-linked newspaper editor today questioned why Malaysia has suffered tragedies in rapid succession, especially incidents involving two Malaysia Airlines aircraft.
Blogger and former New Straits Times Press group editor-in-chief Datuk A Kadir Jasin said it was hard not to ask what was happening. “Why are we experiencing so many bad things and tragedies in rapid succession?” he asked in his latest blog post today.
Kadir said the saddest thing was that “we are no longer able to feel a deep sense of shock and sympathy because we have been bombarded with so many bad news and tragedies in recent years.”
He said on March 8, a Beijing-bound MH370 with 239 people on board went missing and had yet to be found. Now, Kuala Lumpur-bound MH17 with 298, including three children, on board was shot down yesterday.
“I am afraid many of us are becoming numb and are unable to show emotions any more. Still our hearts and prayers go to families and loved ones of the passengers and crew of MH17,” he added.
Kadir said Muslims may also want to ask, if this is another ‘bala’ (calamity) or could this be the ‘pembalasan’ (retribution)? “I am sorry for raising this at this juncture.”
My wife, Marina, and I discussed this last night as soon as we heard that MH17 had been shot down. “Poor Najib,” I said. “I bet they will blame this one on him as well.” At the end of the day the MH17 tragedy is going to be politicised and the issue used to gain political mileage.
I thought it would be Anwar Ibrahim or the opposition that capitalises on this like they did for the MH370 tragedy. (Incidentally, Anwar is calling for an emergency meeting tonight at 10.00pm at the party headquarters — not sure why though but I was told it is regarding Khalid Ibrahim). Surprisingly, however, it was Umno strongman and Tun Dr Mahathir diehard loyalist, Kadir Jasin, who threw the first stone.
When I woke up this morning I decided I would not be writing anything today and for the next two days until Monday as a mark of respect and in mourning to the almost 300 who died in the MH17 tragedy. But when I read what Kadir Jasin wrote I just could not remain silent and allow him to get away with it. So I am writing this not out of disrespect to the 298 souls but to put things in the proper perspective.
I actually know Kadir Jasin very well (I even used to go to his house for Hari Raya when I was still in Malaysia). In a way I am sort of indirectly, through marriage, related to him. I do not always agree with his pro-Umno and anti-Najib agenda (yes, he is part of the Umno warlords gang who want to see Najib ousted for being too ‘soft’ and ‘accommodating’ with the Chinese in the last general election). However, because of our ‘relationship’, I have never spoken out against him even when I thought he was wrong.
But today he has pushed the envelope and has crossed the line so I cannot let him get away with it, relationship or no relationship. So sorry, dear Datuk, if what I am about to say displeases you but in the interest of ‘without fear or favour’ I need to whack you even if you are my friend (and I will still have tea with you if you ever happen to visit Manchester).
“I am sorry for raising this at this juncture,” said Kadir Jasin. Normally, when someone says, “I am sorry yadah, yadah, yadah”, they are not really sorry. It is like when the Chinese say, “I feel sorry for the Malays who have been fooled by Umno for 60 years.” They are not really sorry for the Malays. They just want to tell the Malays that they think the Malays are fools. It is meant as an insult.
Kadir Jasin also said, “Muslims may also want to ask, if this is another ‘bala’ (calamity) or could this be the ‘pembalasan’ (retribution)?”
When Malays use ‘Muslim’, ‘Islam’, ‘bala’ and ‘pembalasan’ in the same sentence, they are, of course, referring to God’s punishment for the sins committed by Muslims. Hence Kadir Jasin is suggesting that the double-tragedy of MH370 and MH17 and the loss of 537 lives is God’s punishment.
But whom is God punishing? And why is God punishing whomsoever is being punished? Are these 537 lost souls from MH370 and MH17 the ones being punished by God? And if so why would God want to punish them? What sins have they committed?
Kadir Jasin is a very experienced and veteran journalist so he knows how to play the game of innuendos, insinuations and suggestions. And the part where he said, “Muslims may also want to ask, if this is another ‘bala’ (calamity) or could this be the ‘pembalasan’ (retribution)?” is the key to what he is suggesting. Malaysia is being punished because of Najib.
He needs not mention Najib’s name. That would be overkill. All he needs to do is say, “Muslims may also want to ask…” and leave it hanging. That would be good enough, because if Malays do ask they will come to the conclusion that Kadir Jasin wants them to come to.
Malays believe that God’s retribution (pembasalan) for our sins will result in calamities (bala). Floods, Tsumanis, earthquakes, landslides, accidents and crashes, sicknesses and diseases, early deaths, crop failures, drought, poverty, and so on, are all payback time from God. Hence MH370 and MH17 are God’s payback for sins we or someone have committed.
As I said, Kadir Jasin left it hanging. He did not quite say what sins have been committed and who had committed them. But any God-fearing Muslim and one who is learned in matters of religion would understand that God’s retribution by way of calamities befalls us when we sin, defy God, do not follow God’s commands, or appoint leaders whom God is displeased with.
Hence it is because of Najib that God punished us by taking 537 lives in two plane tragedies. So is Kadir Jasin saying that as long as Najib does not resign then we are going to see more MAS planes falling from the sky?
Well, Malays are quite simple-minded people who will believe this although you Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ may laugh at such stupidity. But Kadir Jasin is Malay and being Malay he knows how his race thinks. And many Malays will accept Kadir Jasin’s prognosis as to why MH370 and MH17 happened.
But don’t you think it is in bad taste that he used the plane tragedies and the loss of 537 lives as political ammunition for his ‘oust Najib’ campaign? And what is Anwar going to tell his party tonight — that the MH370 and MH17 tragedies are God’s retribution for the sin of not ousting Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim in favour of his wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail?
Sigh…am I glad I am not Malay but part Welsh, part Bugis and part Orang Asli (yes my great-grandmother, Hasnah binti Pelong, was Orang Asli).

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